PC in nascar?


Team Owner
Jun 1, 2009
Arlington, Tx.
Has nascar gone PC? Singing God Bless America instead of the Nation Anthem at the start of the all star races?
I'll bet that they will have the National Anthem before the All Star race. Just my guess.
Has nascar gone PC? Singing God Bless America instead of the Nation Anthem at the start of the all star races?

They've done that for at least the last three years. God Bless America for the first race, the National Anthem for the All Star race. Personally, I like it.
I thought the Anthem was butchered! Why can't some of these singers sing it like it was written?
I didn't really listen to the National Anthem. Too much cleavage that needed staring at.

One of my pet peeves. Ever notice how many of these so-called singers are "Nashville recording stars"? Most seem to add their little "artistic" touch to make it better.

The only singing professional that I have heard this racing season sing the National Anthem properly (upbeat tempo, and traditional arrangement) was Charlie Pride - almost brought tears to my eyes. He sang it perfectly - it wasn't about him, it was about national pride/reverence and was absolutely beautiful to hear.
I thought the Anthem was butchered! Why can't some of these singers sing it like it was written?

I sure would have liked to have heard the conversation that happened on Monday with the guy/gal who's job it was to select the National Anthem talent last weekend. :D

Surely it couldn't be all that hard to hold some sort of audition to weed out the 'shower stall' singer -vs- someone that has some talent. I think that when that song was written all of the necessary notes were included. Instead many of these performers seem to be taking advise from the American Idol judging panel and trying to make the song their own. That's not necessary or patriotic IMO.
The question is, who will have to accept the candidate? I remember way back when Jose Feliciano did it and I loved it. Not much was said, but what was talked about was negative. Then Marvin Gaye did his version during an NBA event and the press went wild. Personally, I love Jimi Hendrix version, but I know that many old folk thought it was treasonous. These days, what you hear depends on the genre of who is singing the song. If you like Hip Hop and what goes with that, you might not like something "countrynish". What is a producer to do?
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