Penalties For Blocking??

Do you think that for one minute, I would trust any of you people in here? Do any of you remember the old Grand American series? Start there. You can also check out the old Grand National West series. I'm not going to give you poeple the time of day, much less anything else. It is fools like yourself who would give away your actual identity. I do that, then some clown misuses the information. This causes all sorts of crap that I do not need. You guys think you are good, but you are nothing more than a bunch of amateurs who think they know what they are talking about. If any of you people have enough cajones to prove yourself on a race track, let me know and we will set something up. Just make sure you have plenty of money to lay on the line because I do not waste my time with nonsense like this for free. A fool and his money are soon parted. Remember that. I now make my living by separating people from their cash as fast as possible and putting that cash in my pockets.

Bd, I'm going to say this without saying exactly what I'd like too because I like this place and don't wish to be banned. But you are the biggest azzhat I have ever met on any of the internet forums I frequent now or have frequented in the past. You like to think you are an expert in everything, believe me you are not.
As Col Potter once said to Charles Emerson Winchester III "You're just not that good".

If we're that much of a strain on you why do you stick around? Don't go away mad, just go away.

Now I'll await a pm from you similar to what you sent to Mopar but I will first warn you, I will turn it over to the authortities if you make even a veiled threat.

Balls in your court bucko.
I listen to Dave Moody on NASCAR-Sirius/XM every week and he had some good points:

How do they enforce penalties for blocking?

What constitutes a block?

Are they going to measure the movement to determine the block?

I can drive a car plenty fast and I've got the court papers to prove it. :)

I aint scared. How's this?

Every Friday Night, you can find me down at Potomac Speedway in Budd's Creek, MD. I'll be in the Jacksonville Jaguars hat.

Every Saturday Night, you can find me at Old Dominion Speedway in Manassas, VA. Again, I'll be wearing my trademark Jacksonville Jaguars hat... only I'll also have a Rockingham Speedway lanyerd on carrying my credentials.

Bring your racecar out. :growl:
Do you think that for one minute, I would trust any of you people in here?
you're new here. there are actually few here i wouldn't trust (mostly) even with strong philosophical differences. take some time getting to know the people you apparently have so little opinion of.
you're new here. there are actually few here i wouldn't trust (mostly) even with strong philosophical differences. take some time getting to know the people you apparently have so little opinion of.

The only way you can get to know someone is if you meet them in person. Trusting someone on the internet is not the brightest moe you can make. This is how people get ripped off, kidnapped, or worse. Now I am not saying that anyone in here would do anything like that. I am just saying that it does happen. So if I can't meet you in person, I'm sure as hell not going to trust you in here. As far as you East Coast people go, been there, done that. Beautiful part of the country. You can keep it. I have no interest in seeing that part of the country again.
The only way you can get to know someone is if you meet them in person. Trusting someone on the internet is not the brightest moe you can make. This is how people get ripped off, kidnapped, or worse. Now I am not saying that anyone in here would do anything like that. I am just saying that it does happen. So if I can't meet you in person, I'm sure as hell not going to trust you in here. As far as you East Coast people go, been there, done that. Beautiful part of the country. You can keep it. I have no interest in seeing that part of the country again.

I've been reading your posts and must admit, you do come on a bit strong. I can tell you one thing for sure though, there are good people here. If you are looking for trouble, this ain't the place. If you want to be reasonable and respectful, you might find you like it here. Most of us have been around awhile and although we get into some serious discussions, for the most part those discussions remain respectful. When you upset other posters on this forum, you pretty much upset everyone. Perhaps you've noticed that?

So, if you are genuinely interested in engaging in discussion and disagreement, in a respectful manner, this could be the place for you. If you want to tell the world how tough you are and how much experience you have, be prepared to back it up. It is all about trust.

However, I can pretty much guarantee you, there are people here that do not need to present their racing credentials. They do not engage in verbalizing those experiences: The knowledge and experience eventually come out to newbies to this forum.
As for trusting other people or even categorizing them, those who have over the years become a part of this family, have learned to trust one another. And trust is a good thing. You should try it. Without the attitude. Trust me, it works.

Who knows, maybe with a little trust by you and a little bit of, sit back and listen, enter into discussions act respectably to others, you might find yourself a part of the family as well. You'll know whether this place is for you and when it happens, it will be just like putting on an old pair of comfortable old shoes. :)
Do you think that for one minute, I would trust any of you people in here? Do any of you remember the old Grand American series? Start there. You can also check out the old Grand National West series. I'm not going to give you poeple the time of day, much less anything else. It is fools like yourself who would give away your actual identity. I do that, then some clown misuses the information. This causes all sorts of crap that I do not need. You guys think you are good, but you are nothing more than a bunch of amateurs who think they know what they are talking about. If any of you people have enough cajones to prove yourself on a race track, let me know and we will set something up. Just make sure you have plenty of money to lay on the line because I do not waste my time with nonsense like this for free. A fool and his money are soon parted. Remember that. I now make my living by separating people from their cash as fast as possible and putting that cash in my pockets.

Actually a person that makes statements like the above is the real fool.:rolleyes:
I've been reading your posts and must admit, you do come on a bit strong. I can tell you one thing for sure though, there are good people here. If you are looking for trouble, this ain't the place. If you want to be reasonable and respectful, you might find you like it here. Most of us have been around awhile and although we get into some serious discussions, for the most part those discussions remain respectful. When you upset other posters on this forum, you pretty much upset everyone. Perhaps you've noticed that?

So, if you are genuinely interested in engaging in discussion and disagreement, in a respectful manner, this could be the place for you. If you want to tell the world how tough you are and how much experience you have, be prepared to back it up. It is all about trust.

However, I can pretty much guarantee you, there are people here that do not need to present their racing credentials. They do not engage in verbalizing those experiences: The knowledge and experience eventually come out to newbies to this forum.
As for trusting other people or even categorizing them, those who have over the years become a part of this family, have learned to trust one another. And trust is a good thing. You should try it. Without the attitude. Trust me, it works.

Who knows, maybe with a little trust by you and a little bit of, sit back and listen, enter into discussions act respectably to others, you might find yourself a part of the family as well. You'll know whether this place is for you and when it happens, it will be just like putting on an old pair of comfortable old shoes. :)

Hey Whizz long time no see....welcome back:beerbang:
The only way you can get to know someone is if you meet them in person. Trusting someone on the internet is not the brightest moe you can make. This is how people get ripped off, kidnapped, or worse. Now I am not saying that anyone in here would do anything like that. I am just saying that it does happen. So if I can't meet you in person, I'm sure as hell not going to trust you in here. As far as you East Coast people go, been there, done that. Beautiful part of the country. You can keep it. I have no interest in seeing that part of the country again.

ROFL. Sunshine, I'm easily one of the more net savvy and paranoid people you'd ever meet. I don't trust anyone 100%. but I've found good people on the web, and most particularly, on this place's sister site .... people I not only know and trust, but travelled over a thousand miles to hang with ... twice. And took my family with me. And if I had a car reliable enough to tackle it ... I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I've sent money blind to people I've never met, trusting them and them trusting me. Indeed, just this week, I bought something on Ebay that the guy wouldn't ship across the border. Within minutes, I had permission from a friend to have it sent to his US address. He was incredulous that I though I had to ask. I know of at least three others who'd be just as generous.

Are there crooks, liars and scum on the web? Certainly, just like there are in your local neighbourhood, at your work, on the bus with you .... everywhere. But my Dad always maintained ... to be a good liar, you need to have a good memory. I've got a fantastic memory, and an even faster search function. It doesn't take long to spot a BS artist when you pay attention. Indeed, any good parent should already have the necessary skills just from bringing up their kids.

If you can't find people worth trusting on the web ... you have my pity.
As far as I'm concerned, I think this is a very silly idea. If you want to keep your spot, you have to block the person behind you. If you allow them to get past, you loose said spot. It's very silly.
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