Do you think that for one minute, I would trust any of you people in here? Do any of you remember the old Grand American series? Start there. You can also check out the old Grand National West series. I'm not going to give you poeple the time of day, much less anything else. It is fools like yourself who would give away your actual identity. I do that, then some clown misuses the information. This causes all sorts of crap that I do not need. You guys think you are good, but you are nothing more than a bunch of amateurs who think they know what they are talking about. If any of you people have enough cajones to prove yourself on a race track, let me know and we will set something up. Just make sure you have plenty of money to lay on the line because I do not waste my time with nonsense like this for free. A fool and his money are soon parted. Remember that. I now make my living by separating people from their cash as fast as possible and putting that cash in my pockets.
Bd, I'm going to say this without saying exactly what I'd like too because I like this place and don't wish to be banned. But you are the biggest azzhat I have ever met on any of the internet forums I frequent now or have frequented in the past. You like to think you are an expert in everything, believe me you are not.
As Col Potter once said to Charles Emerson Winchester III "You're just not that good".
If we're that much of a strain on you why do you stick around? Don't go away mad, just go away.
Now I'll await a pm from you similar to what you sent to Mopar but I will first warn you, I will turn it over to the authortities if you make even a veiled threat.
Balls in your court bucko.