Posting .mp4 vid's


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Is there any way that the posting of .mp4's be made available under the video link option? These are becoming so commonplace these days. It'd be great to be able to share these links.
One way this could be accomplished is through tweeter. I dont know if the board is capable of embbeding tweets but lots of videos are posted through tweeter these days. They're mostly in mp4 format.

One way this could be accomplished is through tweeter. I dont know if the board is capable of embbeding tweets but lots of videos are posted through tweeter these days. They're mostly in mp4 format.

Yep, those vid's are exactly what I'm talking about. A lot of good stuff there.
Those vids on Twitter, for some reason they won't play with my IE browser. I think I can get them to play with Chrome. I haven't tried to figure that out.
I will look for a chunk of time this week to do some maintenance on the forum, bring it up to date and do some tweaks to make it easier to embed media. Not sure about hosting videos in-house; those can get pretty big and we don't have a cost effective high-volume bandwidth plan. But if most or all of the videos you want to share already exist elsewhere like twitter then there's a way to do it. :beerbang:
Those vids on Twitter, for some reason they won't play with my IE browser. I think I can get them to play with Chrome. I haven't tried to figure that out.

Oh lordy. You are still using Internet Explorer?

Microsoft discontinued that browser starting in January of this year. Not sure if it still getting updates so that might be why you're not seeing some videos on it.

I feel your pain as I am using an outdated version of Firefox (26) and some pages and videos dont play without some trickery on my part.
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Oh lordy. You are still using Internet Explorer?

Microsoft discontinued that browser starting in January of this year. Not sure if it still getting updates so that might be why you're not seeing some videos on it.

I feel your pain as I am using an outdated version of Firefox (26) and some pages and videos dont play without some trickery on my part.

I'm sticking with my WIndows 7 and IE for as long as I can. I don't like the new browser. I can view those vids if I use Chrome. So if I'm dying to see it, I will load Chrome. :cheers:
I've upgraded the forum software and installed the very excellent s9e Media BBCodes pack addon which allows you to embed stuff from many, many sites. Here's a complete list:

The usage is pretty simple: paste the link to the page, and it will automatically catch it and embed it.

If there's stuff that we frequently share that isn't listed over there, let me know and I will try to integrate it.

I've also went ahead and done an initial first stab at embedding videos from If you copy and paste the link to the video page, it will automatically embed it into the post.

e.g. converts to this:

(You can also shortcut by typing [media=nascar]5218554988001[/media] if you know the video ID number)

If there are other links to videos that should work, but don't, let me know and I'll adjust the thingie to catch it.

One thing I tried is embedding a twitter post that has a video in it. Unfortunately, looks like Twitter's embed code doesn't let you play the video straight from the embedded window, so clicking on a video snapshot inside an embedded tweet will open a new page. Not sure if there's anything I can do about that. But things like YouTube and whatnot should embed directly and be playable right there. See my test post thread if you'd like to see a Twitter post, a YouTube post, and a couple more NASCAR video posts.
Alrighty, I broke the NASCAR embedding already, because their site is not secure, and I'm trying to move Racing Forums to be secure (so it can also take advantage of new faster technologies like HTTP/2).

Stand by while I ask NASCAR to fix their site :beerbang:

Looks like it's working like a charm @fury. You are undoubtely da man.

A quick question though..I am seeing on the reply box an elongated cross tab or however that is called. Do you see it as well or is it me?

I dont mind it if its the price to pay for the great addictions but I just noticed that when replying.

Looks like it's working like a charm @fury. You are undoubtely da man.

A quick question though..I am seeing on the reply box an elongated cross tab or however that is called. Do you see it as well or is it me?

I dont mind it if its the price to pay for the great addictions but I just noticed that when replying.

The upgrade brought some new features since it's been a couple years since our last XenForo upgrade (sorry!). I'd have to spot what you're talking about to narrow it down. One of the icons on the editing toolbar?
The upgrade brought some new features since it's been a couple years since our last XenForo upgrade (sorry!). I'd have to spot what you're talking about to narrow it down. One of the icons on the editing toolbar?


That seems like a bug. I don't see that here. What browser you using?
That seems like a bug. I don't see that here. What browser you using?


It wasn't there before. But I suspect its Noscript.

I installed that ad on a couple of days ago but I uninstalled it last night. I will try to delete the cookies and cashe of the browser to see if it fixes it.
I installed Noscript, doesn't seem to be it. Uninstalled it, too. What version and what other addons do you have? All I've got is Lastpass. Firefox 50 on Windows 10.
I installed Noscript, doesn't seem to be it. Uninstalled it, too. What version and what other addons do you have? All I've got is Lastpass. Firefox 50 on Windows 10.

Yeah it isn't it.

I am using an older version of Firefox. FF26.

I am on chrome right now and its not there. So it's probably the outdated Firefox that's the problem. It's nothing that I cant overlook though.
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