Questions only

Wouldn't Bill Davis, Ward Burton, Kenny Wallace, Phillipe Lopez, and me be the only ones who knew?
Didn't you use to be Jeff Burton's Crew Chief and didn't you get fired? :p
He didnt get fired, he quit voluntarily I think, are you hiding something from us Frank ?
Of course I'm Robbie Loomis, ask me anything, but you're not going to ask about the tire pressures we use arent you ?
I guess I could prove that I am Frank Stoddard first then, couldn't I?
Of course I can prove I'm Robbie Loomis, we went for a four tire stop that cost us the race at Loudon, is my job in jeopardy yet ?
I can prove is a picture of me and Ward, or is it?


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I was Ward's crew chief the end of last year, but yes I was Jeff Burton's crew chief....Is that a problem?


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If I give you the keys to jeff gordon's house, do you promise not to touch anything?
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