Questions only

I am in agreement with Nascarwoman and esorxlaw, Do we care? I'd much rather talk about Football or Nascar
Hy everyone.... I totally goofed on the game here...Sorry about that, I guess I got a little distracted at the office. As I hang my head in embarrassment I'll post what needs to be posted next.

Who likes rugby here?
If I were missing a leg, an arm and a head, would you all still be friends with me?
Type C:// into the Automated Message Board prompt, it should tell you, shouldnt it?
Then I wouldnt be able to help you in helping to become a better robot then, wouldnt I?
Have you ever watched one of those soap operas on the Spanish channel?
Have you ever gone to get a pork sausage and found that it's got hairs growing all over it?
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