Rate The Cup Race: Darlington


Team Owner
Mar 21, 2012
Please put a rating number and how you felt about the race if you like. Please leave all discussions to the other threads so as to make it much easier on @ToyYoda to calculate the ratings. Thanks.


Finished it this morning. Damn good race.
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9, its the Southern 500.
10. Looked like Darlington no matter what they say about the package.
7.5....the 1.5 groove track both adds and detracts, but the aero dependence extrapolates the negative. The days are numbered and with the next Gen becoming more slot car oriented, my fear is that we will be watching something a surreal as a video game with no human content.
9. Tires, momentum, and dirty air were the words of the night. It’s the Southern 500, my favorite race I wasn’t disappointed.

Y'all talked about laying off the wall painter KB insured his employment :)
8.5... First time winner. I liked the race. Coverage was good on and off. The announcers of course pretty much sucked.
8.5 -- Great to see Jones Win. Throwback Weekend was a 9.5 imho

So pumped for Erik Jones. Good kid. Deserved a run like that.

Generally speaking I thought it was really good. Not one of the very VERY best races of the year but it's in the vicinity....

I still hated the excessive aero effects and the flaccid engines and the momentum racing. But even that couldn't completely suppress the badass Lady In Black character, so I hated those things a little less this week.

Congrats to Erik Jones for his hard fought and well deserved victory.

I am loathe to praise anything KDB does, but riding the wall for the final lap with a flat right rear tire was pretty badass, I gotta admit.
7...Maybe it's because I could only watch it on NASCAR Drive.. It seemed hard to pass on the straightaways.
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