Rate The Race: Dover II

6.5 Just another gibbs toyota win. I really wanted a 10-16th place chase car to win. It was an entertaining race though.
Just finished watching on the DVR, not as good as the May race but stil pretty solid. I'll go an 8.
My overall rating = 5.5. It was boring because most of them drove like pantywaisted points racers, because that is exactly what they were doing. Blame it on the championship format, because most had little incentive to go for it, and every incentive to "cruise and collect." And fate robbed us of a battle between the 1, 3, and 42, which might have redeemed it some.

Dover is a great venue, and the cars with current aero rules are well matched to the track. It is fast, difficult, grueling, and unforgiving. The cars are able to race close, and a quicker car is able to pass. And the long green runs and lack of race manipulation is a big plus too. So the drivers get a 3.0 and the rest of it bumps it up to 5.5.
27 trillion. TRD win. Toyota sets new best for the brand with 15 wins. +35 points in the Manufacturer Standings. Oh hell yes.... 375th win for Toyota in three major series as well. Double oh hell yes!
Tuned in for the last 80 or so laps, didn't see one pass. F1 race was more competitive.
I thought the top 10 chase drivers did a great job of keeping their points by not racing each other. Dillon did a great job of surviving while Gannasi cars took themselves out of the race.
More green flag racing, that seems to be a new trend. I thought Hamlin made an interesting observation, they have to run more conservative than the regular season races. Mistakes are more costly in the playoffs (e.g. 48).
More green flag racing, that seems to be a new trend. I thought Hamlin made an interesting observation, they have to run more conservative than the regular season races. Mistakes are more costly in the playoffs (e.g. 48).

Who would have thought that 'win or go home ' would produce exactly the same racing as before ? :confused: Maybe it wasn't all that bad , way back before the 'chase' ?
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