Giving credit where credit is due. NASCAR, thank you for accepting responsibility for the screwups. It shows changes are being made and the organization is serious about getting it right.
On to a more serious matter. NASCAR !!! What is wrong with these people ??? They have electronic scoring devices placed in eight to twelve locations around the track to record positions, and they still tried to rely on hand scoring.
Didn't take but a week to change that scenario and now they find the need to re-instruct the pit road flagman and the pace car driver. Is there something wrong here ??
Waving the yellow for a tire rub or a spinning car that hit nothing ??? Twenty-five percent of any race being run under caution is unacceptable.
NASCAR, for all the motions, high profile contracts with television, sponsors and other visible endeavors, has reduced the actual race operation to something below bush league status.
There are Saturday night bullrings running races with more professionalism than the entertainment extravaganzas put on by NASCAR in recent weeks.
What's an old man to do. I've endured the days of Beauchamp, Turner, Scott, Roberts, Zervakis and Pardue, technical difficulties, changes, tirades, rough drivnig, unequitable calls, manufacturer departures and return, deaths, births, and retirements, along with tragic accidents and realignment of schedules. But the crap of past weeks is more screwed up than a Chinese fire drill.
Come on NASCAR!!! Get your head out of your azz !!!!! This in unacceptable and the series will survive due to the shear size and non-competition. But not for long if these weekly fiascos continue.
NASCAR, you are frustrating me and many others. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. This is not the first time you have run a show. We know you can do better.
Rate the race. Give it a four.