Rate The Race

Originally posted by racerx11@Jun 15 2004, 01:15 PM
BTW.........Welcome to the boards. :cheers:
Thanks for the welcome :D From what I gather about the racing back to the caution flag rule, I think it makes more sense than the freeze the field rule. All these long cautions are just really :angry: .

Welcome to the boards and I love your screen name.

Racing back to the caution is dangerous, although nobody ever got hurt doing it.

I believe wop is right. Sometimes the simple answer is the best. It may not be perfect but it is conclussive.

My beef is not the caution for the tire rub, It is the amount of time it takes to get to racing again. I know you can not have it both ways.

I still do not think Mears blown rear seal looked like a tire rub just because DW said it did.
Thanks :D I heard it somewhere and I really liked it, and not to mention, Kasey's one of my favorites. I'm still trying to figure out a lot of stuff about how is used to be and how it is now, so I am a bit confused.
I agree with you on the whole how long it takes to get racing again thing.
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