Rate the race

I think an 8 is a good choice! But I will go with a 7 just becasue JB ran otu of gas and Kyle spun like 5 times!
I thought it was a pretty good race even if Robby won. ;) I always enjoy the Road Courses for a change of pace.
I'll give it a 10 no one hurt, Kurt Busch wrecked car still running a top ten and where else do you see a triple car spin with no damage to any car?

I'll bet Kyle Petty and Chirstian Fittipaldi would rate it a 1, did they even know the track was paved? :lol:
Originally posted by redrock@Jun 23 2003, 01:34 PM
I'll give it a 10 no one hurt, Kurt Busch wrecked car still running a top ten and where else do you see a triple car spin with no damage to any car?

I'll bet Kyle Petty and Chirstian Fittipaldi would rate it a 1, did they even know the track was paved? :lol:
A ten at least.
Love these road courses. They do bring the best to the front.
This is one of the few races where Kurt Busch showed massive aggression and poor judgement. BUT, he wasn't the only one. There was a lot of that in the race by different ones. His ability came through when he finished in the top ten.Just shows, every driver has thier day for screwing up.
Kudo's to Ryan Newman, another great job. As for Kyle Petty, well, the dark angel bit his A$$ more than once and he bit a few butts himself but it was a pleasant surprise to see him doing well. Almost makes me wonder where he would have finished if the slammin' and bammin' had been behind him. As for Fitipaldi, he seems to be just another pretty face on the scene. No excuse for his excursions. Not just yesterday but last week as well.
When oh when will Petty Enterprises get thier act together and put a GOOD driver in a STRONG car??? One can only hope a revival of the glory days with the 43 might be in the wings.
One thing for sure, as much as I dislike the shoving routine, if Fellows were in front and a championship contender such as Kenseth (or any other driver in contention) the last lap might prove disasterous for the leader. These "ringers" are in there for one of two races a year and the rest of the contenders are fighting for every point they can get in the highly competitive series. A win without leading a lap before the checkered flag means ten more points.
As Fellows himself commented, Winston Cup drivers are the best in the world. That is a pretty broad statement. :D
I will give it a 8 or 9. If Fellows and Boris had not got caught up in the "caution yellow' it would have been even better. That would have been some race with Robby, Fellows, and Boris duking it out at the end.
I give it a 9. Alot of action, I really loved the the syncronized spin out. Three in a corner just doesn't work :p
Originally posted by Bucky Badger@Jun 24 2003, 08:40 PM
I give it a 9. Alot of action, I really loved the the syncronized spin out. Three in a corner just doesn't work :p
9, there was room for one more car on the outside....
I give it a 10 great racing all day long and the end was awesome between jeff and robby.
If it's a scale of 1 to 10, I'll give this a 15. kept my interest all day. great pit stop strategy.
I have to say I didn't nap during this one. went there Friday and got my summer wardrobe and watched it at home sunday.
In the past I have heard alot of people saying " I hate road courses " and " I hate restrictor plate races " and " I hate cookie cutters ". well what the hell is left? It is all winston cup racing and it is all good, this one was better than most with lots of excitement.
Just my opinion
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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