The amount of Aero advantage rear steer gives on shorter tracks is minor compared to the mechanical steering effect it gives thru the center of the corner, it allows you to free the car up thru the center without haveing to do things that hurt your entry or exit.
Now on the Superspeedways with large amounts of rear steer your putting the whole right side panel of the car into the wind which seems like the wrong way to go because it increases drag so much and you want to Hide the spoiler behind the greenhouse as much as possible instead of sticking it out in the wind.
On our short track cars we use different lengths and angles side to side on the 4-link bars so when the car loads going in and thru the corner it pushes the right rear back and gives true rearsteer just in the corners, you can't Legally do that with truck arms in a Cup car.
There's a little more going on here than you think.
Now on the Superspeedways with large amounts of rear steer your putting the whole right side panel of the car into the wind which seems like the wrong way to go because it increases drag so much and you want to Hide the spoiler behind the greenhouse as much as possible instead of sticking it out in the wind.
On our short track cars we use different lengths and angles side to side on the 4-link bars so when the car loads going in and thru the corner it pushes the right rear back and gives true rearsteer just in the corners, you can't Legally do that with truck arms in a Cup car.
There's a little more going on here than you think.