Richmond Cup Thread

I set the cable box to 1080p (it will downconvert to 720p output automatically) and the video quality has improved dramatically.
Any bets on Kyle Busch putting the bumper to Edwards before this one ends?
But I'm a positive, look at the bright side kind of person. I'm not paying $8 for my beers and I don't have to worry about getting a hotel because I don't want to drive drunk.

None of the top 4 right now are afraid to push a car or two out of the way ;)
The 24 has driven from the rear of the field and is ready to pass the 11th and 12 th place cars. The 2 laps down fix will only come via a series of cautions.
Time for the useless graphic to show us who is on pit road.

Why doesn't FOX just put a commercial in one corner of the screen and a bunch of useless idiotic graphics everywhere else -- along with a picture of DW and Mikey somewhere?
"While We Were Away"

So, I have missed this racing because of "VISA Race Break", "AT&T Mid Race Report", "On Pit Road" and commercials.

Bring on ESPN!
KB gains four spots on pit road, Haveawreck loses four...perfect! :cheers:

I hope it's because Harvick's team was working on the damage the idiot in the 36 caused, because Blaney's going to come back to win the race from four laps down because of that "racing".
Has there ever been a driver who has as much trouble on pit road as Earnhardt jr. ?
So are you gonna be giving folk free tix to meet you in Richmond from now on?...:):lol2:
Crap, I'd be there if I could. I'd drag everyone there if I could. I'm all for everyone having a good time. Come to Cali, I'll make sure you have a great time.
Wow, that "RICHMOND UNDER THE LIGHTS" graphic wasted three laps of racing we could have otherwise seen. Time for ANOTHER "Race Break".
Crap, I'd be there if I could. I'd drag everyone there if I could. I'm all for everyone having a good time. Come to Cali, I'll make sure you have a great time.
I agree ...Richmond is maybe one of the best tracks to go freakin' far away tho.
I'm in So. Cal a few times a year...just got back start of Feb......but my cuz askin me to come up may 12 for my aunts 80th in Long Beach...actually Marie Calendars have a grill in Seal Beach.....I don't know if I can do it...maybe
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