Saudi Utility Vehicles

I drive a Ford Explorer. And I think that that's the biggest crock of you-know-what I have ever heard of!:mad:

BTW, it took me a few seconds to get what you were asking. lol
Guess I's a full sized pick up.:) I kind of use it in my line of work though.
DE, that is not considered an SUV. They are referring to the big ones, i.e. Suburban, Expedition, Escalade, etc.
i dont like them people get them and are scared to drive them dont want to mess them up i hate the trucks that can change into the suv too they are ugly as can be no offense to anyone who has them just my veiw of them
Originally posted by majestyx
DE, that is not considered an SUV.  They are referring to the big ones, i.e. Suburban, Expedition, Escalade, etc.

Then why is my F-250 shown on most news reports when discussing SUV's? And it's as big as an Expedition, and Escalade......probably not as big as the older Suburbans but larger than the new ones.
I think more people buy F-250s that need them.

Soccermoms and bankers buy SUV's and they don't have a drop of dirt on them.

Driving up oil demand, therefore driving up oil prices, therefore keeping us locked into the Saudis.
I couldn't agree with you more Paul. Been saying that for years......the yuppy generation just had to have the four wheel drives. Now it's the thing to have.......only they can't take them off road (or even or rough roads) simply because those 21 inch wheels with short fat tires would snap at the first pot hole.
and then the majority of them drive with too much air or not enough and wonder why the blow
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Then why is my F-250 shown on most news reports when discussing SUV's?  And it's as big as an Expedition, and Escalade......probably not as big as the older Suburbans but larger than the new ones.

That is a good question. And like Paul said, the folks that buy the F-250 trucks are buying them because they need that type of vehicle. When I had my suburban, I needed it because we were a family of 5 (3 kids: two girls, one boy) and a car just wasn't enough. The other point of the suburban was, it was a diesel and not gasoline. But, now I only have the boy left at home to have to drive here and there so I got the Explorer. But some of these folks have them just because they think they are "cool" and really have no justified "need" for them.
I seem to remember that HardScrabble made some very good points on this subject a while back. I just can't find it.

I hate that soccer mom driving her SUV 1/4 mile (alone) for some milk.
OR driving the dog to the park 1/2 mile away to do it's business when she has a yard and is too lazy to clean it up:mad:
lol i cant stand them and them ytakkin on the cell and not paying attention at driving
I've got two and if I had the money, I'd have more. You got one of them little piddly solar battery powered cars? BTW, here's some news. I've had cars that were small cars with 4 cylinder motors that got worse gas millage than either of my SUV's. As a matter of fact, I've had three of said vehicles that got real crappy millage, but I guess since they were small, nobody cared. Here's a thought, I bet that if I converted both my SUV's to run on alcohol, that I could make, there would still be plenty of people who would hate my SUV. It's not the millage they don't like, it's the size and are only using the oil excuse to try and make people feel quilty. This isn't a new tactic.
There's nothing wrong with owning an SUV........though I think most are owned as a status symbol. That's nothing and vehicles have always been a statement of sorts for lots of people. If I wanted a Ford Exposition and decided to shell out the dollars for it, I wouldn't hesitate at all.:) The problem is (and this is going possibly upset a few): Owning an SUV is not the politically correct thing to to think about global warming and the ozone hole.:(
Hell DEW, there's a lot of things that aren't PC. Smoking, living in the south, driving SUV's, being conservative, talking on a cell phone. Next will be eating at McDonalds, wearing fur again. However, in about five or six years, outdoor grilling will become politically incorrect. Mowing your lawn with a gas engine. And, in the distant future, any livestock will be completely out of the picture. We just can't have all that gas (methane type) going into the atmosphere. We are all doomed. The sky is falling!
Yep, that's about it in a nutshell Buck.:D People are pretty easily duped into things because of the pretty sounding words.:(
DEW, I really have but one question. What does it matter to anyone what someone else is driving? I mean, the price of gas? Let's get real here. There are other things in life that change quicker than the price of gas and nobody seems to care. I mean who's paying for that gas? Someone is always going to have more than someone else and that other person is going to covet. We've got people on Capital Hill that want people to covet so they can split the country. These people have something and those people don't. These people get a break and those people don't. The rich, the poor, the minorities, the men, the woman. If someone doesn't like the price of gas, they can genuninely do something about it. The can convert their vehicles to run on alcohol and make it themselves. Oh, but that would be work and you have to get a license to make the alcohol. I am just getting sick and tired of people looking down at their neighbors because they have something they don't like. Tough you know what. We do live in a somewhat free country, but if things keep going like they are, it won't be free any more and those who have been the most vocal will be the first to be shut up.
It is possible that Sunoco does not import, I am not sure.

But sadly our gasoline purchasing desicions will not have a dramatic effect on
things (though it at least will show people care). The oil market is a world
oil market and Middle Eastern oil is the cheapest oil on the market, which means
we will keep getting it form there due to limited nature of US oil resources and
the higher expenses associated with getting it out of the ground (we consume 25%
of the world's oil and only have 3% of the world oil reserves). If everyone
bought gas from a company that currently does not import, they would soon have
to import to make up the difference.

The key to addressing the problem is reducing oil consumption. And that means
putting better technology into cars and trucks. Personally, the best things we
can do is tell our congress members we want higher fuel economy standards. In
addition, we need to purchase the highest fuel economy vehicle we can find that
meets our needs. The sad thing is that the choices on the market are limited
because most automakers do not really offer good options. (plus keep yer tires
properly inflated and keep up with regular maintenance).
Originally posted by kat2220
Personally, the best things we can do is tell our congress members we want higher fuel economy standards.  In  
addition, we need to purchase the highest fuel economy vehicle we can find that meets our needs.  The sad thing is that the choices on the market are limited because most automakers do not really offer good options.  (plus keep yer tires properly inflated and keep up with regular maintenance).

Here's what I have to say about long as people continue to pay at the pump, all the bitchin in the world is not going to make a difference. They have thought that by hiking the price of a pack of fags would make people quit smoking. That might have made a few people make that choice, but for the most part, it hasn't worked. And here's another secret, when the price of gasoline goes high enough that it's cheaper to burn alcohol, things will change in a hurry. Oil companies know that or we would be paying $5.00 a gallon right now. We are basically satisfied with the price of gas as it is now, even with the hikes we see now and then. We may even one day see the extreme prices for gas, but it won't last long because people will finally do something about it. But until then, things will continue on the same path as they have been since the enternal combustion engine was put into a horseless carriage.
I proudly own a Ford Explorer, with 4 wheel drive, but without the damn cell phone. You couldn't get a cell signal where we live if you wanted one.

Most people here do own at least one 4 wheel drive vehicle. At least, most people who arrive at their destination in the winter own one. Since there are more than 2 of us in the house, we needed another vehicle with 4 wheel drive. 2 can fit in my pick-up just fine, but 3 is a squeeze. Hence, we purchased an Explorer. If that makes me some sort of terrorist supporter in the eyes of a few misinformed people, that's their problem. Meanwhile, I get where I am going in the winter.

I think the real problem is all these yuppie uptight stick-in-their-azz PC racing board owners drinking imported beer all the time. :p I mean, American grain farmers are going hungry because SOME people "prefer a few pints of an imported draught ale" over a damn bottle of Budweiser! My congressman has been alerted, and hopefully legislation outlawing this insidious practice is in the offing.


Hope you have a good day, Paul. It's all good.
Well, I guess I was beatin to the punch. We, as TWF stated own an SUV. NO I do not fit the profile of the "soccer mom". Although with a 9 year old who plays softball I have to say having the Explorer was so much easier. My Explorer has seen the offroads. As a matter of fact 2 hours after it was purchased up the mountain side it went and back it came full of mud. That is what is was designed for and I intend on getting my full use of it. And as stated very well by TWF if that makes me and our family, who all own an SUV, a terrorist supporter then so be it. I can look in the mirror every morning and be pleased with what I see and I know what I stand for. I will not save face to make myself look good to others.
Talk about selective reading.

If you need one, fine. If you live in a city without a tree or dirt road in sight and you're driving an SUV to your office job everyday....then you don't need one.

But, I guess I'm just PC. :rolleyes:
Since when should we make purchasing decisions based on whether or not YOU think we need one??

Talk about PC. You're outta your mind.
Well, apparently oil prices or fuel mileage don't matter to some.

Talk about not caring about the environment. You're outta your mind.
For the record, my venom was reserved for whatever bonehead coalition it was that is running those ads about it. My venom for Paul is on other topics. :p
I think the real problem is all these yuppie uptight stick-in-their-azz PC racing board owners drinking imported beer all the time.

How silly of me to think that was directed towards me. :eek: :eek:
We have an F350. Family of only three with no farmland or livestock, traveling on mostly paved roads.

But we do have a camper we plop onto that truck in the summer. We drive a few thousand miles every year for PLEASURE only. So sue us.

The politically correct bimbos who live in 9000 squre foot urban mansions [Huffington] and pay for tv attack ads are the epitome of hypocrisy.
But you have to remember who is always being shown driving the Escalades with gold trim and Denali's...Sports stars and recording artist. If some of those guys started wearing their hat crooked, you'd see 1000's of people doing that...

Oh, wait a minute.......:eek:

Its just a trend, and like all trend, it will die out one day. Soon I hope....
Alaska...again...I'll type extra slowly this time.

There is nothing wrong with suiting your vehicle to your needs. There is no need, however, for some single guy living in the urban jungle to drive an Expedition to his office job.

People like me that live in a city feel the effects of rampant unnecessary SUVs, and I think have a right to complain to our fellow city dwellers. Try going to a store and you can't park because some assface parks his Expedition crooked taking up 3 parking spaces.

People that live where these vehicles are a necessity don't see the negative effects. I don't see how people that have to live in cramped quarters with these people are hypocrites.

Not sure what the size of someone's house has to do with their feelings on the environment. But if they are driving economical cars, how are they hypocrites.

And the comment about you not caring about the environment was sarcastic, I know you care about it...I've seen your photographs. Saying that you don't care about the environment is as silly as calling me PC. People need to look up the definition of the term "politically correct". I'm pretty sure I've made it abundantly clear that I'm not.
Not sure what the size of someone's house has to do with their feelings on the environment. But if they are driving economical cars, how are they hypocrites.

It has everything to do with their feelings on the environment. How much energy does it take to heat/cool Huffingtons palace? How much plastic, wood, gypsum, copper, asphalt, steel, and other natural resources did it take to construct that monument to excess? I would guess in the neighborhood of 10 times what would be needed for a normal family to keep warm and dry.

My oversized pickup truck and my neighbors SUV for transporting kids to soccer games create a pittance of ill effects on the environment compared to Ms. Huffington's [and other elite activists'] lavish lifestyles.
Yours alone, sure. The strawman arguement doen't work here. Do you know what she uses to heat her home?

Come to a city and see the effects of widepread use of these things, you'll change your tune.
I use to own a Ford Exploder, hated the gas mileage. Now I own 2 Saturns, love the gas mileage. Here in Colorado I see all kinds of people in SUV's, its kinda fun to watch them in a snowstorm, there usually the first ones to hit the curbs or fall off the road, people seem to get a sense of invincibility in icy conditions.
lol trhat is how it is down here in nc when it snows The northerns that move down here think they can drive in our snows and are normally the ones i end up pulling out of my yard or ditch or turing their cars back over
Originally posted by paul
I think more people buy F-250s that need them.

Soccermoms and bankers buy SUV's and they don't have a drop of dirt on them.

Driving up oil demand, therefore driving up oil prices, therefore keeping us locked into the Saudis.

The above is your strawman argument that started this discussion.

"The strawman arguement [sic] won't work here"

There you are again, Paul, calling the kettle black.
One thought here Paul, if you are so against vehicles that burn so much gas, why in the hell are you such a fan of auto racing? I mean come on. I remember when there were people who wanted to ban auto racing for the reason that they used too much gas. Oh, no one is making you live in the city are they? No one is making you drive what car you have are they? You have automony in this country as to what you drive, where you live, and who you least so far. How long on any of these things is anyones guess. :mad:
I keep reading on this thread about people owning or driving vehicles (more specifically SUV's) that they "don't need". Well, I guess I don't need to drive my F-250 to drive to and from work (even to and from the grocery store)......I could get by with an S-10 or even a Kia. My problem is that I drive an SUV (why a full sized, two wheel drive truck is classified as an SUV is totally beyond me) and some look upon me as wasteful of our oil resources, uncaring for the environment, disrespectful of others because my vehicle is "too large" and any number of other things. I bought that truck because I wanted it, I could use it for my work, and because the price was right........not because I "needed" it. Soccer moms, yuppies, and rock stars most likely buy theirs for the same reasons. I smile at some of the Expositions and Escalades I see on the roads and highways simply because I know that that vehicle will never get off pavement for the life of the vehicle.......I see it as a waste. But, hey, it's that person's money.........they can have it for whatever reason they want it. And as far as it being "PC", I think it is mostly "PC" to knock or complain about SUV's........if it wasn't why isn't there a thread about all the BMW's, Dodge Vipers, Corvettes, and Lexus's I see on the highways? They aren't exactly economy cars.:)

I forgot to add...........I live in a HUGE city.:D
You folks are making some good points...however you all seem to throw around the term PC a little too much lately.

What's different from you isn't PC.

And DEW, weren't you agreeing with me 2 pages ago? And I think it's been explained two or three times so far that your F250 is not an SUV.
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