Soap Box Time



Every so often one of us old timers will deride some youngsters opinion because , well because they are a youngster, And some youngster will deride us washed up old has beens (or wannabes) because...well because we're old.

Not years of age, but years of following the sport of NASCAR.

Just ain't necessarily true either way folks. Each and every person is naive in some way. And no amount of years or tears will wear it away. It is from young uns that sometimes we find the insights that old eyes can no longer fathom. And it is from experience that old eyes see through the smoke of the present.

Nothing in the world precludes some new fan from having opinions and viewpoints which are every bit as valid as any who watch. And nothing precludes that same new fan from being led down a primrose path by the hype and furor of todays racing. Innovation and growth have often from those too inexperienced to know it won't work. And always remember, the youth may lose many a battle, but they will always win the war.

Nothing in the world dictates or ordains that the way it used to be is most definitely the way it should be. Nor are any of us granted the crystal ball which makes us know beyond all doubt that path best left untrod soley because we walked many miles on the known path. But there is much wisdom and knowledge in the past. Mistakes have been made and the same mistakes may be prevented by having lived in their origin. The old timers have seen the flash in the pan, the rising star fall and glory bound go down flames. We've fallen into the traps, we know where the demon lurks.

Open the mind and learn from both sides. In most issues, there are no absolutes of right and wrong. The sport has long ceased to be so black and white, if indeed it ever was.

Every man is my master, in that from him there is much to learn.

Back to the races!!;)
Oh whadda you know, yer just an old fogie. :p

The sooner you all accept the fact that I am always right, the better off we'll all be. :ROFLMFAO: :ROFLMFAO: :ROFLMFAO:
Always try to think "outside the box". I'm an old fogie, but I try to stay open to new ideas, and new thinking.

Yes, I've seen just about everything happen in racing that can happen, but, there's always something new just down the road. If you don't keep pushing forward, you get passed.
Does this mean I gotta shut up now about the team orders thing?

I had enough bann shoot already.:(
No, you are ok aren't banned....






Oh, dear. Looks like the one cigarette he had over the weekend affected his brain.

Have no fear, folks, it will soon pass. ROTFL

And Paul, I'm always right. So there. ;)
Or should I say Sensei, you have said volumes. And now I turn to the east.....


Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all.
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