Some points to ponder ...........


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
1. There are two kinds of pedestrians ....... the quick and the dead.
2. Life is sexually transmitted.
3. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
4. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday; lying in the hospital dying of nothing.
5. Ever wonder who the person was to look at a cow and say, "think I'll pull on one of those dnagly things and see what comes out?" Or, how about eggs ...................
6. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, then why is there a song about him?
7. If corn oil is made from corn and vegatable oil is made from vegatables, what is baby oil made of?
8. Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which someone can die.
9. And lastly, if Superman could stop bullets, why did he always duck when the bad guy threw a gun at him?
7. If corn oil is made from corn and vegatable oil is made from vegatables, what is baby oil made of?

That reminds me of something Bill Engvall said. He said he saw a commercial that showed a nice breakfast and it said "the milk is from real cows, the bacon is from real pigs, and the sausage is from Jimmy Dean".
If "mice" is the plural of "mouse," then why isn't "hice" the plural of house?
While we are thinking of imponderables, and wondering why the plural of house isn't "hice", ever wonder why more than one bird is not pluralized but has to have a different adjective of description.
For example; there is a gaggle of geese, a herd of cows, a flock of ducks, a pride of lions, a covey of quail, a school of fish, a murder of crows, a pack of wolves, a bevy of deer, a trace of rabbits, a flight of doves, a troop of kangaroos, a litter of kittens, a muster of peacocks, you get the idea. ;)
Don't forget a Flock of Seagulls. :D

If it's transferred over water, it's cargo, but if it's transferred over land, it's a shipment. Hmmm
How about iced tea...heat water to make it, add ice to cool it, add sugar to sweeten it, add lemon to make it bitter.....thats why I'm a coffee guy, lol
Or for the purpose of redundancy; a hot water heater.

Why is wound (as in an injury) and wound (as in wrapping around) spelled the same? And if the plural of wound is wounds, why is the plural of wound, winds or winding? Which raises the question, does a winding road wrap around itself? But that is for another day .... And speaking of winds, as in plural of wound, meaning the wire is wound around the peg, how can winds, as in , the wire winds around the peg be the same as, the wind blows?
God I hope you guys smoke marihuana... Ridiculous.. Hot water heater..
Why, in movies and TV, are people closing their umberellas just as an apartment door is being answered? Did they leave it open through the lobby, in the elevator and down the hall?
I think that's what Jeffrey Dahmer called it.
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