Southern acceptance??? NOT RACING RELATED


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
QUOTE [A note to all Yankees settling in Dixie:
Just beacuse you have kids here don't mean we accept them as Southerners. After all, if the cat has kittens in the oven we don't call 'em biscuits.] END QUOTE of signature posted by TNWfan.

TNW, Not sure what you mean when you say "we don't accept them as Southerners". What is the criteria to have any one person designate someone else a "Southerer"?? What credentials are necessary for the "Southerner" designating another individual a "Southerner"?

As for the person being considered to become a "Southerner", is there a protocol or specific ettiquette one must adhere to? A series of questions similar to the one administered to immigrants seeking citizenship in this country?

What is a "Southerner" anyway? A redneck? A person who talks slow and drags out thier words with a specific accent? Someone who's great grandfather fought with the Confederacy? A relative who is a die-hard Democrat, learned the words to Dixie before learning the alphabet? And where does a "Southerner" begin and end? At the Mason-Dixon Line? Cuba? Or Key West? If any of the above, why begin or end there? Are American Indians considered "Southerners"?

And what makes anyone think being labeled a "Southerner" is a precious commodity?? Are there special priveledges associated with the term "Southerner"? Discounts at the Winn-Dixie? Is there a secret handshake? Special password? Better seats in church? Or parking spot at the drive-in?

Since I am ignorant of the logic in the quote you place as your signature I figure you to have the answers to the questions presented. I'm curious, but not losing sleep.

Please keep in mind this is all in fun but still a legitimate inquiry. :) :) :) :) :)
Well, well. Where do I begin?

I suppose I should point out that there is such a thing as humor allowed in this forum. Just in case.

The value placed on the designation is entirely up to the person pondering it. I happen to value it highly. Others may not.

I refuse to accept any of the (poorly placed) bait. Nice try though.

I guess I could say that, if you have to ask the questions you asked, you wouldn't get it anyway.

So make of it what you will. Like yourself, I won't be losing any sleep over it.
People in the south like being Southerners. It got a down home feeling about it. People Living in the North like being Northerners. Nothing wrong with that.My late wife was from St, Louis. But I am like TWF not gonna take the bait. Nuff said.
Being from the south,I was taught to be friendly,and hospitable to everyone,regardless of where they were from.People from the south take a lot of pride in family values,and culture.You will have many sayings that tend to offend some folks from the north,But for the most part a true southerner will welcome anyone,or anybody to visit his home.Just don't expect to use the same spittune that I do.Its just not fitten.:)

People in the north value their family too. We aren't all citizens of NYC. :p
Me being "yankee born and raised" have to say that I do not in the least bit feel as though I am not accepted in the South. Your right, pbunch, there are stronger family ties here and the welcome sign is always on the door and meant.
Everyone is born a sotherner. Its just some have to grow up in the north or west and it runes them.
I am sure that familys in the north have values too Paul.I should have not made it sound like that they didn't.You just have good,and bad eggs all over.:)
No, you didn't at all...I truly agree that the concept of Southern Hospitality is a living and real thing. I've experienced it first hand.
If you're a Southerner then you understand what it takes. If it has to be explained to you then we have to kill you. It's the Law.
Us Southerns know how to serve the best possum possible! Won't find any of that kinda of fine eating up in those Northern parts! Paul must have had a good plate of that possum while experiencing that Southern hospitility:p

Love being from the South. Wouldn't change it if I could. Can't believe I married one of those Northern boys, but love their family! I'm trying to convert them, but don't know if that's allowed:D Seems to be a lot of fishing going on here lately with the Southern worm on the hook. Glad to see they're having a bad day at the fishing hole
Hey Y'all, born and raised near Boston, MA, and proud of it!

PROUD to be here in the glorious state of GA, married to an AL man.

I guess I am a damn yankee, cuz I won't leave GA!
"And what makes anyone think being labeled a "Southerner" is a precious commodity?? "

I'm very proud to be a southerner and I wouldn't change it for the world. However, I'm currently living amongst yankees. The civil war was how long ago ?? Most of the John Q public is aware that the "fight" between southerners & yankees is beyond being over. It's not even an issue, except to very few people that somehow live in a past that they weren't even alive to live through. Reading your post started out making me laugh, but in the end all I could do is shake my head in disbelief. I also must say that I feel sorry for you. How difficult it must be going through life with such thin skin. I think I would be miserable if I spent everday of my life being offended by the smallest and most nonexistant issues of my small mind.

Ya'll cover yer eyes, I'm 'bout to do some offendin

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the SOUTHERN states of america, and to the rebel flag for which it stands, one group of southern states under god, with chitlins and fried okra for all!!

WEE DOGGIE I worked myself up an appetite, someone pass me the cornbread and sweet tea please.

Now that just makes me want to ask, why do people from the south feel the need to separate themselves from the rest of their fellow Americans?

I wonder what people would say if a group of Hispanics decided to reword the Pledge of Allegiance to reflect their heritage? I'm sure a lot of you would have a fit...just as many of us did when the 9th Circuit Court in California attempts to reword it legally.

Just some thoughts.
Originally posted by paul
Let's bring it down a notch. :)

Sorry Paul. It's just that this influx of "I'm offended because you made a joke about southerners" is ridiculous. I'd be willing to bet that half the members on this forum are southern and I've never noticed it being an issue before.

I'll behave. I'll just put the whiners on ignore. :)
I agree about the whining about the joke about Southerners...but I don't that's what Whizzer is talking about.
"I wonder what people would say if a group of Hispanics decided to reword the Pledge of Allegiance to reflect their heritage"

That was done completely tongue in cheek. If someone actually took that as serious then I apologize. I personally don't have an issue with the southern yankee thing. I just find it amazing that people do....
Originally posted by paul
I agree about the whining about the joke about Southerners...but I don't that's what Whizzer is talking about.

That's how I took whizzer to mean it. If I misinterpreted, then I apologize.
Whizzer was asking TWF what it would take for "Southerners" to accept other people as "Southerners" seeing that being born in the South isn't what it takes.

And, as far as I can tell my theory that all it took was an unhealthy worship of Dale Earnhardt is shot, look at TWF. :p
* carefully steering wayyyyyyyyyy clear of anything remotely resembling bait on this thread*
Let's just all be forum friends and forget abot where we live or were born or raised!

Just be PROUD to live in a country that allows us freedom of expression:)
You see, no one can even agree on what a "Southerner" really is.

TNW sez if he has to explain it I wouldn't understand it. Someone else sez it is the hospitality thing yet common courtesy and kindness are not indigenous to southern states. Another post indicates they are trying to convert thier family from the north, but convert them from what to what and with what end result?? And one other reply sez "knowing what it takes". Takes to do what?

I take no offense to TNW signature nor to any of the other comments. I take exception with someone telling me I wouldn't understand when no one has offered an explanation of what being "Southern" is.

So the question still remains what is a "Southerner"?? If I had to guess, my thought would be as follows:

Someone who is a family member of several generations still living in a southern state who cherish thier heritage, maintain a pride and continue long standing traditions. Someone who is respectful and respected, teaches integrity, practices the principles of fairness, and honors the duty they owe to God, thier country, neighbor and family. Money need not dictate a "Southerner", standard of life does.
So how did I do? Am I close? Or do I still not understand?

Please keep in mind this is a generic question and is intended for the sole purpose of debate and to help myself and others living in a southern state better understand what constitutes a "Southerner". It is not intended as a personal affront or to play with the feelings of those who so sincerely believe they have something few others can lay claim too. :) :) :) :)
I refer back to my original reply...the designation carries the weight that is placed upon it by the ponderer. Nothing more, nothing less. Define it as you will.
In my eyes the only way you are a southern is if you are born in the south and you stay out of the damn North I am southern and will always be a southern I like tn-ward-fans signiture It kicks butt
pettyfan...So if someone from the south goes into the nothern states...they are no longer allowed to be southern?

If that's true, then the opposite is true: all I have to do to become a southerner is go into a southern state.

I was born and currently reside in the SOUTHwest, so does this make me a southerner?:p
Originally posted by NM88fan
I was born and currently reside in the SOUTHwest, so does this make me a southerner?:p

No way NM88fan That makes you a Southwesterner,And that's a whole other group of people.:D
hey now, whats wrong with the southwest, other than getting roasted in the desert areas, but thats a different story.
What's wrong with it? You mean other than being filled with southwesterners?
Originally posted by NM88fan
hey now, whats wrong with the southwest, other than getting roasted in the desert areas, but thats a different story.

After 8 yrs in Tx I could find only two things wrong with southwesterners..... They eat "breakfast burritos", and they don't have sweet tea! There's nothing wrong with getting "roasted". The hotter the better!

Thats the only kind of tea that I drink...nearly all of the racetracks have sweet tea....:D

All that breakfast burritos are..... is your scrambeled eggs and sausage or bacon wrapped in tortilias with some fried taters...:D
The last time I looked at a map. There were no lines seperateing the North ,South East and West. If you want to move here and call yourself a Northerner I have no problem with it. If you want to call your self a Sourthern yankee. No problem. But please don't call yourself BUBBA. We have enought of them down here already. LOL
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