Starlink Quantum Internet (Project Odin)

It is amazing how so many hate success.

Contracts and Subsidies are two way different things.

The article @Greg linked included several subsidies, grants and loans. Including PPP, the program businesses, big and small, collected from while railing against handouts. These businesses got their loans forgiven while railing against student loan forgiveness.
lol sure Bud.
By January, Guinness World Records reported that Musk had secured the world record for the largest loss of personal fortune in history, after losing about $182 billion between November 2021 and January 2023.
^^^Yeah, he is a real looser^^^ LMFAO small minded folks just can not stand success at any level.

All Billionaires have one thing in common, they hire and retain the smartest in a given field and surround themselves with positive minded people.
Yep, just 12.5 Billion left. :lol2: For those of you that don't know what a BILLION is: Answer a BILLION is 1000 Million Dollars.

Also, he lost a lot by standing on his beliefs and not cowering to woke ideology. He has integrity.

It is a shame he has to look through garbage just to eat. :XXROFL:
Welp, he does hold one record.

Elon Musk has lost a bigger fortune than anyone in history​

Part of it is his winning personality.
His constant tweeting and increasingly erratic behavior, particularly after taking over as CEO at Twitter, has angered Tesla investors who want Musk to pay more attention to his significantly larger and more valuable company.
I'm going to get one of their kits for our RV. I've been waiting on one of their starlink internet kits to go on sale. They are currently selling the 3rd generation in the US. Once they start selling that kit in Canada, I'll pick one up there. $599 in both countries but with the current conversion rate, it'll drop the price down to about $433 US.
They lost their jobs because they could not produce value for stakeholders. Now they want a handout. Must be humiliating to have your operation producing a loss of (-$2B per year, sell the company, and make millions in severance. Dorsey should be the one paying them not Musk. New owner doesn't have to abide by previous owners promises, (golden parachutes). Dorsey got his money and left the rest hanging.
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They lost their jobs because they could not produce value for stakeholders. Now they want a handout. Must be humiliating to have your operation producing a loss of (-$2B per year, sell the company, and make millions in severance. Dorsey should be the one paying them not Musk. New owner doesn't have to abide by previous owners promises, (golden parachutes). Dorsey got his money and left the rest hanging.
You inherit a business, you inherit the debts too.

Unfortunately, too often, the courts rule in favor of the business owners.

I refused to join a class action lawsuit over unpaid wages against a former employer because I knew how the courts would rule. In the end, the courts said the new owner did not have to pay the debts incurred by the old owner, and also ruled that the old owner was not able because he sold the business.

The United States protects the wealthy and makes the working class hold the bag.
I hope it does go to court then, because there's a thing called discovery, then Musk can show the receipts for the things that took place at Twitter for the last several years and who instructed to do them. Who knows where it will go. Be careful what you wish for.
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Purchased a Starlink Internet Kit the other day. Just opened it. Going to try this out today on my RV.

Installed the ladder mount and pole mount adapter for the Starlink antenna. Pointed the antenna to the north sky. Plugged in the router and power supply. Went though the routers WiFi setup. Created my account and got right online. Not hard at all. Streamed 3 televisions simultaneously along with Spotify on my phone. No buffering at all. Will be awesome for our trips to the beach where even cellphone service is spotty.

Got in a few days of use with the Starlink setup. No issues whatsoever. No buffering on streams and no service disruptions. We hope to someday to be traveling around this country of ours in our RV. This setup will provide us service anywhere in the US provided we have an unobstructed view of the northern sky.
Heading to Assateaque Island tomorrow in the am for two weeks camping at the beach. This will be our first time trying out the Starlink setup for an extended time. Cell coverage is spotty at best on the island for both Verizon & AT&T. Data is non existent during the daytime hours.

We've been using the system a couple weekends over the past month. No issues to date. Talked to a few other couples that have been using the Starlink setup for a while now and everyone seems to be satisfied with their connections. Their only issues are trying to find an unobstructed view of the northern sky. That's not going to be a problem at the beach.
Six days into our use of the Starlink Internet Service. Less than 10 minutes to set up the service and get online. Zero issues. No buffering of streaming from any of our devices. We've utilized three different televisions, two Samsung tablets, one iPad and one HP laptop. Also, numerous calls from two iPhones along with texting. Expensive? Yes. Reliable? Yes. In an area that otherwise would have zero service, worth every penny.
^^^^You can make phone calls and text off the Star Link?^^^^
Using the Wi-Fi signal. Just like we have to off of our home internet. No cell coverage there either.

However, Starlink is going to be launching a phone service in the near future. Already been in beta. Is to work anywhere.
Just finished two weeks of use of the Starlink System. Two thumbs up and that’s only because I only have two.

My setup was in a completely unobstructed area. No interruptions in service throughout the two week time period. My setup includes two 4’ poles that fit together to produce an 8’ mast. The dish connects directly to the pole. The pole then attaches to the rear ladder on my RV. A wire runs from the dish down to my router. The router plugs into the power supply. S simple as that. Takes about two minutes to mount the dish and for everything up. Online in another five minutes.

Bottom line….. The service is fast and dependable. Speeds consistently around 460 Mbps at our beach location. Streamed multiple devices simultaneously without a single interruption. That’s the good. The bad….. It’s expensive. Certainly compared to the price of my service at home.

I do see that they are about to release a much smaller version. Slower speeds but still more than adequate. It will also be half the price. I kinda wish I had waited. Anyway, here’s a link to some news on their newest version. To be available in the July-August range…..

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