Stay cool everyone!!


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but here in North Carolina we're in the middle of a nasty heat wave. I hope everyone stays cool and don't get heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
97 degrees with 91% humidity here.
The humidity is a pisser. We normally don't get much at all but the last month has been very uncomfortable. I don't mind 100 degrees if it's dryish.
Its been hot here since like April, nice to see the rest of you slow pokes catching up.

We are smack dab in the middle of Monsoon season here, so its a little more miserable right now.
It's 81* with 62% humidity and it's only 9:30 am. Forecast is for the same as yesterday which ended up 93* and 74% humidity.It was basically the same two days ago. Prior to that it was in the mid 80's but again with > 60% humidity for the preceding week.
The heats bad enough but it's the humidity that's the killer
It is 75 and 81% humidity today and it will be 85 and 90% humidity tomorrow. But over the last two summers, I've had my windows open more often than I have in a decade (Minnesota).
We've been at a 100* or more for a while. Today we were at 106. Yeah it is really hot, but every time I start to complain I remind myself of those 0* days and 20+ wind and relax.
66° at 6 am which the guesser says will be the high for today. It's now 61° and raining. Heavy rain called for later, 1-2 inches per hour. :eek:
Might have to put on my long big boy pants today,,,if I put pants on at all......:moon::)
I went to Langley Speedway Saturday, and it was brutal. And the race teams were there the entire day, and Friday, practicing, etc. I tip my hat to the drivers at the meet and greet on Saturday that were in their firesuits to meet with fans.
59° Wife is screaming ''for Christ sake put on some pants!"

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