Talladega RACE thread

Kurt causes wreck and makes it through fine
I like Kurt, but no idea what he was doing there.

Bacon is Life
I dont either , and that one was all on him, it looked liked from the over head shot that Kurt had a little bit more momentum going down the front stretch then Jimmie had
Hendrick with the right turns again really?
Haven't drivers learned that pushing at restrictor plate tracks is no longer a good thing? Apparently Kurt hasn't.
Oh come on, while I agree that Kurt caused that one, he is not the only one pushing out there today.
Hendrick with the right turns again really?
Can you blame him, Jr and Kahne wrecking after repairing their cars, just parking it is the best move at this point
I like Brad, but I want the 6 to win this one.

Would be cool to see Roush get back to VL.
The rain is a few minutes away. Get ready for typical Anticlimactic plate race finish
At least with the long caution half of those cars will stay on the lead lap and be able to get wrecked again!!
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