Texas bill would boost possible bids for All-Star Race, season-ending championship

What's wrong with Atlanta? It's put on a couple of great races since NASCAR started reducing the downforce. It won't be any colder than Texas.

Close 'em out at Darlington. If you're going to open the season with a 'crown jewel', close with one too.

What good would moving the finale back to Atlanta do, other than appease the fans who are stuck in the 1990s?

Let's be real. The racing alone doesn't sell tickets anymore. Something has to be done to generate buzz, and Eddie Gossage is the best there is at doing that. I'd love to see that man have his fun with the final.
I'd be surprised if NASCAR moves the final race away from Homestead. It's an ISC track and they have Ford sponsoring all 3 weekend races. As long as Homestead and Ford have that partnership, I don't see anything changing, unless it would go to another ISC track
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