The 53rd Daytona 500; the Great American Race!

I take it he's not a full time Sprint Cup driver?

The new rules say the drivers can only take points from one of the three tiers. Trevor declared NNS so that is the only class he can take points in.
Ok I'm surprise the crowd isn't thinning out, if I was there, I'd tear up my ticket and already be on the Interstate going home.
Only race I remember that was worse than this was at Indy a few years back when they had to throw a caution every 10 laps.
Looked like smith either just about stopped, or Busch got shot out of a rocket. Dammit, I wanted Smith to pull it off.
Kurt Busch fell off of Smith, then Stewart pushed Kurt right in to Regan. That was all Tony Stewart.

Looked like smith, when he lost Busch, dragged the brakes a bit too much. Can't blame Stewart, when everyone in front of you slows down...
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