The Blind Side movie

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
I finally saw the movie The Blind Side the other day and it was really good. I knew a very little bit about the true story it was based on. The movie's dialogue was a little predictable in parts, but overall it was very well done.

They did a pretty good job in choosing actors who looked an awful lot like the actual people. The daughter (Collins Tuohy) is absolutely beautiful and the actress (Lily Collins) who portrays her in the movie is gorgeous too and looks an awful lot like her. The real Leigh Anne Tuohy looks a little like Sandra Bullock, but not a whole lot. Of course, Bullock is a big reason why they even got the budget to make the movie and why it sold so many tickets. Tim McGraw plays Sean Tuohy (the dad) and while he doesn't look too much like the real guy he is a good actor who played the part very well. The kid doesn't look much like the really SJ, but he does a great job in the movie anyway.
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