The Dallas Cowboys really suck...

Carolina will give them a good race for that first pick.

Carolina wasn't hyped up as the best team in the NFL. That's what makes it so funny. Hyped to go to the Super Bowl and you're 1-6. Funny. I just can't believe the Jaguars mauled them like they did.

**** Dallas :beerbang::beerbang::beerbang:
Seriously Andy, grow the **** up.

Is it Dallas' fault they were "hyped up as the best team in the NFL"? No, it was the media. I don't think Dallas was running around telling everyone that.

Its the same with why Dale, Jr is hated....his image is on everything NASCAR related but yet people can't stand him because of it. I bet that he would rather not be on the front page of every magazine and on every preview show at the begining of the season.
I can't begin to describe my total dislike for Americas Team. Love it. And who decided Dallas was Americas team anyways?
Seriously Andy, grow the **** up.

Is it Dallas' fault they were "hyped up as the best team in the NFL"? No, it was the media. I don't think Dallas was running around telling everyone that.

Its the same with why Dale, Jr is hated....his image is on everything NASCAR related but yet people can't stand him because of it. I bet that he would rather not be on the front page of every magazine and on every preview show at the begining of the season.

Ahhem...Patriots quietly 6-1, all the talk radio guys in Ma. were saying at the begining of the season that the Pats would 9-7, 10-6 at best. I called into one station,WEEI, and said I thought the Pats had a good chance to go 12-4 , even 13-3......I got , of course laughed at....hmmm looks like they might have a chance. Hope they continue to grow as a team and the defense gets more mature, I think they have a great chance fo going deep in the playoffs.
I can't begin to describe my total dislike for Americas Team. Love it. And who decided Dallas was Americas team anyways?

The media gave it to them.

Bob Ryan with NFL Films came up with it in the late 70's. Coach Tom Landry didn't like it at all, but the media stuck with it and they were always introduced as "America's Team".
Ahhem...Patriots quietly 6-1, all the talk radio guys in Ma. were saying at the begining of the season that the Pats would 9-7, 10-6 at best. I called into one station,WEEI, and said I thought the Pats had a good chance to go 12-4 , even 13-3......I got , of course laughed at....hmmm looks like they might have a chance. Hope they continue to grow as a team and the defense gets more mature, I think they have a great chance fo going deep in the playoffs.

My question is, why does Belechek have to dress like a guy that lives in a van down by the river? Cut off sweatshirt sleeves, really? C'mon Bill:rolleyes:
My question is, why does Belechek have to dress like a guy that lives in a van down by the river? Cut off sweatshirt sleeves, really? C'mon Bill:rolleyes:

Whats wrong with letting someone dress how they want?
I believe in displaying a professional image. And that is far from a professional image.

I assume your infavor of the NBA's ludicris suit and tie rule? Also when you have as many rings as he does it gets expensive to have to get gatorade washed out of a suit.;)
I assume your infavor of the NBA's ludicris suit and tie rule? Also when you have as many rings as he does it gets expensive to have to get gatorade washed out of a suit.;)

Don't even know about it, because I couldn't care less about a NBA and it's band of thugs...

However, I stand by my beleif that if you are in a leadership postition of a mulit-million dollar organization, one present ones self in a professional manner. Never said it had to be a suit and tie, or any other specific manner of clothing, just that the cutoff baggy sweathshirt dosn't look at all the image that I believe falls in that realm.
Well I personally disagree and believe people should be able to wear what they want as long as it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job for example a coal miner shouldn't wear a speedo. But if it doesn't I think its his choice and no one should judge him on it.
Well I personally disagree and believe people should be able to wear what they want as long as it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job for example a coal miner shouldn't wear a speedo. But if it doesn't I think its his choice and no one should judge him on it.
Your thoughts don't surprise me in the least. Image is everything whether you think so or not. Bill does not have a problem paying to clean his suits. He make s plenty. When you make lots of money, you tend to dress, talk and act as though you are entitled to do as you want. Bill can do what he wants as long as his boss is okay with it. If his boss said "Bill, at least wear something casual instead of looking like you just left the gym", you would see him in a pair of slacks and a nice shirt.

One thing you are going to learn when you leave school is that you might have the right to do as you please, dress as you like and act like an idiot, but if you go into an interview looking like Bill, unless it is a factory job, forget about it.

When I was your age, long hair was the thing, the free love of the sixties, and dope. If you have never watched it, check out the movie "Woodstock" and see what kids of your age look like and did. BTW, those people are now running the country, but you don't see them wearing bell bottoms, tie dyed shirts, and smoking dope...well maybe that hasn't changed. (BTW, I was a part of that generation and would have given my eye teeth to be at that concert) My point is that youngsters, such as yourself, are rebellious and want to do as they please, thinking that it doesn't hurt anyone. But just think of this scenario for just a moment. You are just out of college and are going to look for a job. I am the interviewer for the company that you want dearly to work for. You come into the interview with holes in your jeans and a cut off sweatshirt. Right off the bat I'm going to base my thoughts on you just from my first impression, which wouldn't be good. You might be the best qualified, but your attitude and appearance would weigh much more on my decision. Think as you will, but until your peers are in my place, and by that time, their thinking might have changed, you are a slave to society. And, if you think that running your own company will make a difference, remember, a business has to cater to it's customers.
yeah, i wore a tie to my first job interview, no suit though. <g> even cut my hair some.

belechek does look more like a bum than a head coach but i think his job is secure, for now.
Your thoughts don't surprise me in the least. Image is everything whether you think so or not. Bill does not have a problem paying to clean his suits. He make s plenty. When you make lots of money, you tend to dress, talk and act as though you are entitled to do as you want. Bill can do what he wants as long as his boss is okay with it. If his boss said "Bill, at least wear something casual instead of looking like you just left the gym", you would see him in a pair of slacks and a nice shirt.

One thing you are going to learn when you leave school is that you might have the right to do as you please, dress as you like and act like an idiot, but if you go into an interview looking like Bill, unless it is a factory job, forget about it.

When I was your age, long hair was the thing, the free love of the sixties, and dope. If you have never watched it, check out the movie "Woodstock" and see what kids of your age look like and did. BTW, those people are now running the country, but you don't see them wearing bell bottoms, tie dyed shirts, and smoking dope...well maybe that hasn't changed. (BTW, I was a part of that generation and would have given my eye teeth to be at that concert) My point is that youngsters, such as yourself, are rebellious and want to do as they please, thinking that it doesn't hurt anyone. But just think of this scenario for just a moment. You are just out of college and are going to look for a job. I am the interviewer for the company that you want dearly to work for. You come into the interview with holes in your jeans and a cut off sweatshirt. Right off the bat I'm going to base my thoughts on you just from my first impression, which wouldn't be good. You might be the best qualified, but your attitude and appearance would weigh much more on my decision. Think as you will, but until your peers are in my place, and by that time, their thinking might have changed, you are a slave to society. And, if you think that running your own company will make a difference, remember, a business has to cater to it's customers.

Eh your right I know that. However me and society don't agree on many points.
Eh your right I know that. However me and society don't agree on many points.
Grasshopper, you are still in the learning stage. Right now you believe that you know everything since you have finished high school and are now in an institute of higher learning. You are no different that about 90% of the people who have been there before. Many of us speak of your age because we have witnessed what you are going through many times. You are cutting strings with your parents and cutting loose. It's all a part of growing up and it takes about 25 years on the whole before you realize that you don't know everything and then you start to listen and really begin to learn. Most of us here will respect your opinions once you have a little experience under your belt. But you are just a rookie in life now, acting like the head c-o-c-k in the hen pen. One day you will understand that you are society and when that happens, you will have learned how to deal with the rest of society. If not, you'll stay an outcast and will have to deal with that. If you have the cash, it'll be easy. If not, you'll have the proverbial long row to hoe.

Lastly, if you really want to get into politics, go head long into it. It'll bite you, but if you are strong enough, you'll come out of it okay and might make a difference in society.
The Cowboys need to fire the head coach and the assistant. Head coach Jones and assistant Wade Phillips. I live in the Dallas area and more here are starting to hate Jones more and more every year. The reason the Cowboys won the 2 Superbowls in his 2nd and 3rd year of the team was because he was still busy running his other businesses and didn't interfere with Jimmy Johnson's running of the team, then his ego took over.
Buffalo is gonna win 1st pick in the draft they havent won 1 yet
Haha no I think the Bills beat the boys

Did you see the Bills/Ravens game? The Ravens defense (one of the best D's in the league) underestimated the Bills, and the Bills ran up the score. That was a game the Ravens should've lost.

That game never should've gone in to overtime.
Did you see the Bills/Ravens game? The Ravens defense (one of the best D's in the league) underestimated the Bills, and the Bills ran up the score. That was a game the Ravens should've lost.

That game never should've gone in to overtime.

I don't watch as much football at school as at home because I can't always get the Eagles. I also don't start watching for another few weeks anyway to me football season starts the day after Homestead.
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