The Feds are rounding up 'pipe makers.'

Old farmer's term. Pigs are pretty short. And they live in their own excrement. Therefore when pigs fight they make a lot of noise and throw lots of poop around. So basically when there's a lot of poop flying you could say it's a pig fight.
Originally posted by The_Mad_Hatter@Feb 27 2003, 10:30 AM
Old farmer's term. Pigs are pretty short. And they live in their own excrement. Therefore when pigs fight they make a lot of noise and throw lots of poop around. So basically when there's a lot of poop flying you could say it's a pig fight.
what the? :blink: :wacko:
I hope you all do not think I'm a pot head, sitting here looking at my monitor smoking a fatty. In truth, I can not remember the last time I smoked pot. I just can not see how it is any worse for your body than alcohal. I'm not saying you can not get hurt. I am just not convinced it is any worse than alcohal but I'm not in a position to see the negative effects that some of you are.

What is the ratio of accidents caused by pot as to caused by alcohal? Traffic accidents? At home accidents? Work accidents?
Pig fight. Like **** fight. Find an internet search engine (; Type in the words "pig fight."


Male behavior:  They will fight all other males for this right to breed and pigs tend to fight to the death, especially captive pigs as there is no place to run.  A pig fight is a terrible sight and both boars normally come away from it hurt and bleeding.  Some boars can get quite aggressive with handlers and we feel cannot be trusted around small children, especially when a female in heat is around. 

P.S. Another thing about a pig fight is there's never a real winner. Both pretty much end up covered in crap and severely injured.
I don't think it's any worse than alchohol either, and I can't remember the last time I smoked it either.

Lots of the older people grew up with movies like "Refer Madness"...depicting people that smoke weed as chronic masturbaters barely able to control their urge to rape and murder.
Originally posted by paul@Feb 27 2003, 11:58 AM
I don't think it's any worse than alchohol either, and I can't remember the last time I smoked it either.

Lots of the older people grew up with movies like "Refer Madness"...depicting people that smoke weed as chronic masturbaters barely able to control their urge to rape and murder.
Isn't that the point of smoking it though? You can't remember? :lol:

Also it's spelled Reefer, not Refer. And alcohol, one h.

Admit it dude....yer stoned right now. :puffin: :lol2:
Originally posted by racerx11@Feb 27 2003, 11:55 AM

What is the ratio of accidents caused by pot as to caused by alcohal? Traffic accidents? At home accidents? Work accidents?
The big problem here is that alcohol is easier to detect. Its hard to smell marijuana on the breath unless you're exhaling. There are a couple of field sobriety test that helps if a driver is suspected of DUID, but the only sure way to find out is a blood test. And I can vouch that officers aren't really getting taught what they need to anymore on what to look for as far as someone being DUID. there a test that an officer can do...moving a light in front of the perp's eyes and taking note of how they move? If UTI the eyes will move in bursts, as opposed to a smooth sweep.

Or is that an alcohol test and not a marijuana test?
Depends on which way the test is given......I use the tip of my pen and ask the individual to follow it with their eyes and not move their head. Side to side is for alcohol and up and down is for drugs.

You can have very little alcohol in your system and it will effect your eyes. And it happens to everyone, you can't get around it......
And what you're looking for is the "smoothness" of the eye's movement right?
Yep, smooth transaction of the eyeball from the left to the right and from the right to the left. The eye will "jerk" as it moves and when its all the way to one side, it will "bounce"

For drugs, its up and down. The eyeball will look like a basketball is there's drugs in the system.
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