The Left begins to crumble


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
A power struggle is underway in the top levels of DNC leadership.

The few remaining moderates in the Democrat party are making a move todepose Terry McAuliffe.

Terry, in the vein of Saddam Hussein, is threatening retaliation to any Democrat who openly opposes his rule.

The DNC base is crumbling as assorted leftists attempt to distance themselves from the wreckage, as Democrats realize that their bet on Saddam did not pay off.

As goes Saddam, so goes the Democrat party....
It couldn't happen to a nicer group of self-serving idiots
Yep the Dems wrote their own ticket, they screwed up way too much , put this country at risk and it has showed. They will re-group though or at least try before the next election, but who will run on the ticket...they really don't have any one that is a credible candidate.
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