The Most Interesting thing to Ever Happen At The Oscars

Put it this way.

Your relationship with your wife has been joked up and down the internet, marriage already isn't the greatest. Now a topic, which Jada is known to be sensitive about her alopecia because Lupus runs in her family...

Yeah, it seems like emotions boiled over. However, the distasteful joke and I love Chris Rock, but Jada hated the joke and Will reacted. A lot more is going on because there were many that consoled Will afterwards, I do hope he apologizes to Chris though.
Put it this way.

Your relationship with your wife has been joked up and down the internet, marriage already isn't the greatest. Now a topic, which Jada is known to be sensitive about her alopecia because Lupus runs in her family...

Yeah, it seems like emotions boiled over. However, the distasteful joke and I love Chris Rock, but Jada hated the joke and Will reacted. A lot more is going on because there were many that consoled Will afterwards, I do hope he apologizes to Chris though.
Yeah you can tell from his speech he has some stuff going on...

I don't follow this type of stuff at all I just happened to see it.
Will Smith seems like an emotional wreck, and what the night was supposed to be for his image, it won't be.

I think the show and all of the self-important megastars in the room are going to end up looking really dopey for failing to react in any meaningful way.
Wow. Will Smith is a thin skinned bitch. Chris Rock took it like a champ though. I'm impressed by how professional he handled that
Thin skinned?

Look, I'm not the type to be in all of celebrities business, but just because a comedian says something and Chris says himself he can keep going. It's not always "Haha" funny to some and that was just the case.

They have been slandered on the internet for their open relationship for a while, sometimes people no matter where they stand in life don't want to be the butt of all jokes.

No amount of money or noterity can make difference. I feel as if it could have been handled differently without the emotional outburst. I hope they do make amends though and talked about it after the fact, off-camera.
I don’t know. Joking about someone’s serious medical condition is pretty ****** up…

I don't expect Will to laugh at the joke, but that's not the way to handle it.

Thin skinned?

Look, I'm not the type to be in all of celebrities business, but just because a comedian says something and Chris says himself he can keep going. It's not always "Haha" funny to some and that was just the case.

They have been slandered on the internet for their open relationship for a while, sometimes people no matter where they stand in life don't want to be the butt of all jokes.

No amount of money or noterity can make difference. I feel as if it could have been handled differently without the emotional outburst. I hope they do make amends though and talked about it after the fact, off-camera.

Chris was just doing his job. If Will was unhappy about the joke, keep it together and say something to him off camera instead of making yourself look like a clown and assaulting someone in front of millions of people. It was an extreme overreaction.
The jokes about last night are already rolling in…

“How do you know that Chris Rock was slapped and not punched? He had fresh prints on his face.”

“What do paper and Will Smith have in common? They both beat Rock.”

“If the Fresh Prince gets in one little fight in Bel-Air, does Aunt Viv send him back to Philadelphia?”

“On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Ted Cruz and 10 being Will Smith, how far will you go to defend your wife?”

“What kind of comedy is Chris Rock best known for? Slapstick.”
I don't expect Will to laugh at the joke, but that's not the way to handle it.

Chris was just doing his job. If Will was unhappy about the joke, keep it together and say something to him off camera instead of making yourself look like a clown and assaulting someone in front of millions of people. It was an extreme overreaction.
See I can agree he didn’t handle it right, sure. But to call him thin skinned because of it I don’t agree with. Because honestly I’m sure every single one of us here would be upset or pissed off if someone made a joke about our S/O that clearly is a little distasteful. So he overreacted but that’s about it.
Another interesting point I read was from Kathy Griffith. She said whenever a comedian is working, will we have some Will Smith alike attacking us on stage?
Damn I hope not. lets not lose our sense of humor. It's nut's enough lately as it is.
If you're an average Joe hanging out at a bar and some dickhead stranger starts running his mouth about wanting to bang your girl, sure, he deserves whatever he has coming his way. Let's not pretend like this scenario is even close to that. It's a legendary comedian telling a mild joke at the Grammys. If you can't handle that, you shouldn't be there. Thin skinned, emotionally unstable, whatever you wanna call it. He made himself look like a crybaby bitch.

Everyone is so sensitive nowadays.
If you're an average Joe hanging out at a bar and some dickhead stranger starts running his mouth about wanting to bang your girl, sure, he deserves whatever he has coming his way. Let's not pretend like this scenario is even close to that. It's a legendary comedian telling a mild joke at the Grammys. If you can't handle that, you shouldn't be there. Thin skinned, emotionally unstable, whatever you wanna call it. He made himself look like a crybaby bitch.

Everyone is so sensitive nowadays.
Everyone deserves to feel the same way, famous or not. That’s just silly. Oh because someone’s ****** famous they can’t be upset over a stupid joke anymore? That’s dumb as ****. Like I said he surely overreacted and shouldn’t have went up to slap him. But he has every damn right to be upset over it. Shame on you or anyone else for saying other wise.
If you're an average Joe hanging out at a bar and some dickhead stranger starts running his mouth about wanting to bang your girl, sure, he deserves whatever he has coming his way. Let's not pretend like this scenario is even close to that. It's a legendary comedian telling a mild joke at the Grammys. If you can't handle that, you shouldn't be there. Thin skinned, emotionally unstable, whatever you wanna call it. He made himself look like a crybaby bitch.

Everyone is so sensitive nowadays.
eh you missed my point. Is this supposed to be funny? Making fun of somebody that can't help if they have a skin condition and are bald or otherwise disabled, is that funny? Where is the line drawn. I think Smith overreacted, but the first bad actor was Rock, he started the ball rolling. Neither are innocent.

Everyone deserves to feel the same way, famous or not. That’s just silly. Oh because someone’s ****** famous they can’t be upset over a stupid joke anymore? That’s dumb as ****. Like I said he surely overreacted and shouldn’t have went up to slap him. But he has every damn right to be upset over it. Shame on you or anyone else for saying other wise.

Of course he can be upset, but have some restraint. Did you even read what I wrote? My point is that the context of the situation is different than you or me getting in a bar fight.
Of course he can be upset, but have some restraint. Did you even read what I wrote? My point is that the context of the situation is different than you or me getting in a bar fight.
Then if he has every right to be upset, he can’t be thin skinned lol. That’s all I’m saying here. Plus I already said he overreacted, so of course have restraint.

Maybe because I’m someone who gets upset pretty easy(tho mine is because of depression) I just hate people being put down and **** because of their emotional reactions. It is what it is.
Then if he has every right to be upset, he can’t be thin skinned lol. That’s all I’m saying here. Plus I already said he overreacted, so of course have restraint.

Maybe because I’m someone who gets upset pretty easy(tho mine is because of depression) I just hate people being put down and **** because of their emotional reactions. It is what it is.

Fair enough. We may not have the exact same definition of "thin skinned" but I think we're in agreement here.
My take is that the Fresh Prince should've been escorted out immediately after that happened. The people in charge are a real joke for allowing him to remain front row in the crowd and then take the stage for an extended speech.

You attack and then cuss out an emcee and get to remain? Ridiculous.
The Academy Awards show is a dying broadcast ...
People were no longer watching it ...

When developing a show ..
You always need a heightened plot line a "Hook"
To keep the audience interested ..
A quote from the entertainment editor of a local rag here.....
"I think there will be a lot of people that understand how Will Smith was feeling but imagine how powerful it would've been if he had made a stand without violence and without screaming like that from the crowd and maybe he went up and stood up for Jada at the microphone without any of that. That kind of moment was the kind of powerful moment I would've been there for."
As a great man once said, at the end of the day, each person's gotta look at themselves in the mirror and make the move that they're comfortable with, and if you're okay with it, you're okay with it. Each person's different, so...


The Academy Awards show is a dying broadcast ...
People were no longer watching it ...

When developing a show ..
You always need a heightened plot line a "Hook"
To keep the audience interested ..

Eh ya might want to rethink that

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