The official tin foil hat thread


Team Owner
Feb 24, 2015
Bowman spins with no help after being in the top 5 all day including being in traffic at times
KK spins by himself (which may just be because its KK)

A strong Truex blowing an engine essentially letting Hamlin in the round of 8
Gibbs cars sandbagging all day
Maybe Gibbs or whoever runs the engine stuff for Martin maybe gave him a crap engine to make sure all 4 Gibbs actual cars get into the chase without truex being a nuisance to their championship run?

I think the only legit things that happened today was Kez blowing up and the 3 car wall party. Just a shiesty race in general.

What say you?
What say I?

I say this thread is the most appropriately named one that's been started this season. Get yours on aisle three; Sunday's paper has a coupon.
Nothing said here that isn't in every other thread. Ok the title is a bit more honest.
Bowman spins with no help after being in the top 5 all day including being in traffic at times
KK spins by himself (which may just be because its KK)

A strong Truex blowing an engine essentially letting Hamlin in the round of 8
Gibbs cars sandbagging all day
Maybe Gibbs or whoever runs the engine stuff for Martin maybe gave him a crap engine to make sure all 4 Gibbs actual cars get into the chase without truex being a nuisance to their championship run?

I think the only legit things that happened today was Kez blowing up and the 3 car wall party. Just a shiesty race in general.

What say you?
Not to mention a race sponsored by mayonnaise was won by Sliced Bread.. Queue the black helicopters

JR actually wanted to quit mid year but Brian France wouldn't let him. France blackmailed him by threatening to release a video of JR doing line of coke off a Vegas strippers button.

JR then faked the concussions and will use them as a reason to quit the sport.

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Throw away those tinfoil hats! They're actually being used against you now.

Back in the 1950s or so (when this tinfoil hat stuff started) the tinfoil could act as a shield to reflect thought control waves sent by the government - IF you covered your entire head. Leaving any of your forehead bare was a big mistake, as was leaving any part of the back of your head bare above your neck. But today the government has much improved technology, and can use your tinfoil hat as an antenna to amplify their thought control waves beamed at you. You're better off with no tinfoil hat, so their waves just pass through you (making them weaker and less effective).

Space aliens have always had superior technology, so your tinfoil hat has always been useless against them. Sometimes they beam microwaves at tinfoil hat wearers so their heads heat up, causing people to sweat and tear off their hats - which gets the aliens laughing...
That's okay, you can use it for Thanksgiving and Christmas cooking.
Dammit ... I bought 3 rolls yesterday.
I hope you got the non-stick brand. It makes for easy on/off application of one of those hats without fear of pulling ones hair or sticking to a sweaty bald dome. Kinda one style fits all.

One second it can be worn while complaining about faux caution flags and then BAM, it can be off and rational discussion can take place about the complexities of the sport.

Not sure if we are allowed to push brands but Reynolds Wrap - Non Stick is my foil of choice.
I hope you got the non-stick brand. It makes for easy on/off application of one of those hats without fear of pulling ones hair or sticking to a sweaty bald dome. Kinda one style fits all.

One second it can be worn while complaining about faux caution flags and then BAM, it can be off and rational discussion can take place about the complexities of the sport.

Not sure if we are allowed to push brands but Reynolds Wrap - Non Stick is my foil of choice.
I always use Reynolds.

The generic brands use the exact same grade and gauge of aluminum. So how come they cost less than the name brand? Because the government subsidizes them. In exchange for those government dollars, the generics put microscopic pinholes in their foil. You can't see them, but they're big enough to let the radiation waves in and alter your thought processes.

Always use the expensive brands. There's a good reason they cost more.

Pre-tinfoil ...

I'll give you another hint...
Your tinfoil needs a good ground wire to shield you from anything at all (although that only works for lower frequencies... the aliens and now the government is using much higher frequencies...).
For a ground wire you need a solid connection to both your hat and to a metal stake that's driven at least three feet into the ground*.
*That's if your soil has a fair amount of water in it. If you live in the desert then you're out of luck.

'Course, now that wire / stake acts like a dog chain. Which keeps you contained... which is satisfactory to both the aliens and the government...
The truth? Haha, clever guy, making a smoke screen thread to shield us from the truth..

Which is that all drivers are simply classically trained actors and the cars run off of an advanced artificial intelligence network. The sport isn't fixed by NASCAR... It's controlled by HAL/VICKY/ULTRON
The truth? Haha, clever guy, making a smoke screen thread to shield us from the truth..

Which is that all drivers are simply classically trained actors and the cars run off of an advanced artificial intelligence network. The sport isn't fixed by NASCAR... It's controlled by HAL/VICKY/ULTRON
That reminds me, I haven't seen 'Capricorn One' in several years. Love the helicopters.
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