The Official WTF were you think JJ thread

Bucky Badger

Go Kyle Go
May 11, 2003
Madison WI
Edit...I screwed the title up......should read WTF were you thinking JJ thread:) proved you are as dumb as anyone else on the track. WTF were you think wrecking some one full speed under green. You my friend Are a dumb ****.
You could have KILLED someone. You are a ******* idiot.:owquitit:

If this was Kyle there would be a dozen threads by now.:rolleyes:
Well I'm trying to cut back on my stuff. If you saw in the race thread I was pretty much taking up for anyone and everyone and not calling anyone anything for anything they did. I mean yeah one can say I defened Vickers cause I picked him for the race and someone can say I defended Jr because he's my favorite and by this point I couldn't toss Johnson under the bus but hey I'm trying to be more nice.
Not really. Short track, low speed turn, and JJ put in the extra effort to turn him toward the infield so he could back into the wall. You also seem a little confused. Kurt did mess up and cause the contact. For the situation to be the same as Kyle and Sadler, for example, Kurt would have to come out and wreck JJ after running into HIM.

My problem is this. JJ wrecked Kurt 3 or 4 times, and he never retaliated. Why didn't JJ just accept it as a racing deal and leave it alone? He was way ahead of the game. JJ is still crying about Kurt smudging his car at Pocono, but blows off wrecking Kurt at Sonoma and Pocono, which took 2 hits by JJ.

My problem is this. JJ wrecked Kurt 3 or 4 times, and he never retaliated. Why didn't JJ just accept it as a racing deal and leave it alone? He was way ahead of the game. JJ is still crying about Kurt smudging his car at Pocono, but blows off wrecking Kurt at Sonoma and Pocono, which took 2 hits by JJ.

Because JJ proved he really is an AZZ hole
What I didn't like about the situation is there were other cars right there in the middle of it. He wanted to get Busch, but he could have taken out someone else instead.
Not really. Short track, low speed turn, and JJ put in the extra effort to turn him toward the infield so he could back into the wall. You also seem a little confused. Kurt did mess up and cause the contact. For the situation to be the same as Kyle and Sadler, for example, Kurt would have to come out and wreck JJ after running into HIM.

My problem is this. JJ wrecked Kurt 3 or 4 times, and he never retaliated. Why didn't JJ just accept it as a racing deal and leave it alone? He was way ahead of the game. JJ is still crying about Kurt smudging his car at Pocono, but blows off wrecking Kurt at Sonoma and Pocono, which took 2 hits by JJ.

JJ seems to have a beef with Kurt and Kurt only. Other guys get into JJ and he just lets it roll. I think Kurt may have insulted JJ's heritage, his wife, or both at some point. And Johnson won't let it go.
JJ seems to have a beef with Kurt and Kurt only. Other guys get into JJ and he just lets it roll. I think Kurt may have insulted JJ's heritage, his wife, or both at some point. And Johnson won't let it go.

The whole thing is strange. It really seemed to get going when Kurt started saying "anyone but the 48" and racing him hard.
The Kurt Busch vs. JJ stuff is like the Kyle Bashing used to be....there are like four threads about it! lol
The enemy of Kurt Busch is a friend.
J.J. was thinking " This race was meaningless to me because I'm already locked in the chase unless I Win it has No Effect on the Championship, now that kurt stuffed me I have No chance to Win this race soooo......PAYBACK TIME"

LOL :D I think he put alot more thought into it than people are giving him credit for. Now he's hoping that ended the conflict and they can race the chase clean.....or maybe he was thinking NASCAR might throw out the whole "You Boys are on Probation don't go near each other" ala Harvick and the other Busch?
Point is this was very dangerous and kyle haters would be calling to have nascar have Kyle sit out for a race. But since it's JJ I guess it's ok and there are a bunch of hypocryts (sp?) on this board.
Point is this was very dangerous and kyle haters would be calling to have nascar have Kyle sit out for a race. But since it's JJ I guess it's ok and there are a bunch of hypocryts (sp?) on this board.

If J.J. had a history of this kind of retaliation I would agree with you BUTT he dosent. I'm not sure butt did NASCAR even bother to cal them to the big red trailer?
If J.J. had a history of this kind of retaliation I would agree with you BUTT he dosent. I'm not sure butt did NASCAR even bother to cal them to the big red trailer?

History shouldn't should. It was green flag racing at over 100mph
I don't mind people getting even under caution or after the race, but under green is totally uncalled for...

Under caution?!? Yeah lets bunch the cars up even more and then starting banging around on each other...that is totallysafe! LOL

Better yet, do it on pit road like Harvick and Kyle! :rolleyes:
Under caution?!? Yeah lets bunch the cars up even more and then starting banging around on each other...that is totallysafe! LOL

Better yet, do it on pit road like Harvick and Kyle! :rolleyes:

Also, there are times where a driver may need to loosen his belts under yellow. It's rare, but I have seen drivers do that and then tighten up before going green.
I'd rather see drivers handle it after the race, without racecars.

Of course you would. You're a reporter, and that would be a great story. ;)

These driver fight so pathetic, I would rather see them handle it the way JJ did or Kyle did to Brad. Both those guys took care in not causing a dangerous wreck. Carl, on the other hand, is text book 'What not to do'.
Also, there are times where a driver may need to loosen his belts under yellow. It's rare, but I have seen drivers do that and then tighten up before going green.

Yeah it's hard to "refill" your drink bottle with the belts tight :eek:
I'd rather see drivers handle it after the race, without racecars.

Why not both? Hell, just look at the Daytona 500 in 79. You know, the one that put it on the map. Beating the crap out of each others car all the way down the back stretch, only to resume the fray in trun for by trying to beat the crap out of each other.

And that was loooong way from cars being the little safety pod they are today.
I don't mind people getting even under caution or after the race, but under green is totally uncalled for...

Well, ain't this the pot calling the Kettle

The difference is, these are 2 guys with a problem with each other.
They don't go around all 3 series, dishing out random acts of disrespect to whomever may race them a bit too hard. Kurt, and Jimmy are both good hard racers, neither is a punk.

Richmond is a short track, which is where this type of racing is condoned, incase you've missed the past 62 years of nascar racing....
Whats up with JJ. is he so spoiled with being a championship leader that he does something stupid . Nascar needs to come up with some kind of point reductions for drivers that act like idiots, regardless of who they are or where they are in the standings, we all like the excitement but things like this move of JJ is getting dangerous.
Whats up with JJ. is he so spoiled with being a championship leader that he does something stupid . Nascar needs to come up with some kind of point reductions for drivers that act like idiots, regardless of who they are or where they are in the standings, we all like the excitement but things like this move of JJ is getting dangerous.

But on the other hand, look at the interest it has generated around the water cooler. LOL
Edit...I screwed the title up......should read WTF were you thinking JJ thread:) proved you are as dumb as anyone else on the track. WTF were you think wrecking some one full speed under green. You my friend Are a dumb ****.
You could have KILLED someone. You are a ******* idiot.:owquitit:

If this was Kyle there would be a dozen threads by now.:rolleyes:

Kurt Busch started it when he dumped Johnson. Johnson paid him back. I don't see any problem.
History shouldn't should. It was green flag racing at over 100mph

Please. If it was ANYONE else BUT JJ, you'd be saying that it was a racing deal, or that the guy was just paying the driver back. But since it's JJ, Oh NOW it's about safety.

Right F'ing on man.

I think Kurt decided to finally retaliate for Sonoma...or Pocono..or one of the other times JJ wrecked Kurt. JJ cried "all those were accidents, and Kurt knows it". Really? But this wasn't? I guess JJ decides what's an accident and what's intentional.

JJ should have just let it go, like Kurt did so many times before.
I think Kurt decided to finally retaliate for Sonoma...or Pocono..or one of the other times JJ wrecked Kurt. JJ cried "all those were accidents, and Kurt knows it". Really?

JJ should have just let it go, like Kurt did so many times before.

So, how many more times can Kurt retaliate for past wrecks against Johnson, also, is there a statue of limitation on retaliation for past wrecks?
So, how many more times can Kurt retaliate for past wrecks against Johnson, also, is there a statue of limitation on retaliation for past wrecks?

I was making a point. JJ should have realized that he messed up plenty of times and Kurt never came back at him. Watch the tape of Sonoma. That was no accident. At Pocono, JJ caused a dangerous wreck, then giggled about it. "I bumped him, and he got loose. Then I bumped him again and he did a slow roll (laughing) to the right".

Bumped him again? WTF?
I was making a point. JJ should have realized that he messed up plenty of times and Kurt never came back at him. Watch the tape of Sonoma. That was no accident. At Pocono, JJ caused a dangerous wreck, then giggled about it. "I bumped him, and he got loose. Then I bumped him again and he did a slow roll (laughing) to the right".

Bumped him again? WTF?

I don't know man, Johnson isn't the kind to just intentionally wreck people. He isn't Kyle Busch. It just doesn't fit his racing style or personality. I'm much more incline to believe that those two incidents were just racing deals.
I don't know man, Johnson isn't the kind to just intentionally wreck people. He isn't Kyle Busch. It just doesn't fit his racing style or personality. I'm much more incline to believe that those two incidents were just racing deals.

I guess you didn't see the race last night.

Didn't JJ accidently wreck Kurt in one of his first races, and Kurt acted like a total arse about it? Maybe the hate started there.

JJ's way too talented to do what he did at Sonoma by accident. JJ is way too talented to bump a guy right after getting him loose. He wanted Kurt out of the way, so he moved him.
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