The philosophy of Norm



Norm Peterson that is. Noted beer afficianado of the "Cheers" television series speaks on the ways of the world.

· WOODY: How's it going, Mr. Peterson?
NORM: It's a dog eat dog world, Sammy, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear!

· SAM: Hey, how's life treating you there, Norm?
NORM: Beats me. ... Then it kicks me and leaves me for DEAD!

COACH: How's the world treating you, Norm?
NORM: Like I just ran over its dog.

· WOODY: How's life, Mr. Peterson?
NORM: The plots all right, Woody, but it kind of falls apart at the end.

· COACH: How's life, Norm?
NORM: Not for the squeamish, Coach.

· WOODY: How's life, Mr. Peterson?
NORM: Oh, I'm waiting for the movie.

· How's life treating you, Norm?
NORM: Like it caught me sleeping with its wife.

SAM: How's life treating you?
NORM: It's not, Sammy, but you can!

· SAM: How's life in the fast lane, Normie?
NORM: Beats me. I can't find the on-ramp.

· CARLA: What are you all sitting around here like a bunch of wimps for?
NORM: It's what wimps do.

· WOODY: How are you today, Mr. Peterson?
NORM: Never been better, Woody. ... Just once I'd like to be better.

· WOODY: What's happening, Mr. Peterson?
NORM: The question is, Woody, why is it happening to me?

· Hey norm. What you doing? What do ya' know?
NORM: Not enough.

· Hey Norm, how's the world been treating you?
NORM: Like a baby treats a diaper.

· How are you today, Norm?
NORM: I'm on top of the world...It's a dismal spot in Greenland.

· How's life Norm?
NORM: Ask a man whose got one.

· What's up Norm?
NORM: God's in His Heaven, [pause] something, something, something.

NORM: Sir, I will have you know that I cannot be bought, and I cannot be threatened, but you put the two together and I'm your man.
My personal fave:

"Beer, Norm?"
"It's a little early for that, don't you think?"
(gasps) "Too early for a beer?"
"No, too early for stupid questions."
Dang Scrabble,Don't let Lap3 get hold of that list.The way he talks he been living Norms life lately.:D Just messing with you Lap3,I hope your getting along real good my friend.:)
i like this one

NORM: Sir, I will have you know that I cannot be bought, and I cannot be threatened, but you put the two together and I'm your man.
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