The Power of the RTA ... How It's Changed the Payout

It makes sense with the Chase format because the entire season is now essentially a lottery, but I still don't like "spreading the wealth". All that does is reward mediocrity and hinder innovation. But I suppose this aligns with the current "everyone gets a trophy" mentality in today's society. I won't elaborate any further or else this topic will end up in The Podium.
It makes sense with the Chase format because the entire season is now essentially a lottery, but I still don't like "spreading the wealth". All that does is reward mediocrity and hinder innovation. But I suppose this aligns with the current "everyone gets a trophy" mentality in today's society. I won't elaborate any further or else this topic will end up in The Podium.

Makes sense from the series with a welfare points system, yes?
30 Charters but the money goes to the top 25 teams. And there you have the reason TBR is closing his doors and leasing his charter. Which he can do for 2 more years and then lose it.
Leasing or selling. I thought TBR sold its Charter to Leavine Family Racing.
You may be right. Either way I think the changes affects a teams ability to survive for long outside the top 25.
I also believe that drivers won't be brokenhearted should they lose the championship.
Carl lost 5 million in his tie breaker. Now he has a chance to win 2 million? This could hasten the retirement of Kenseth, Carl, Kurt, Junior and especially JJ.
30 Charters but the money goes to the top 25 teams. And there you have the reason TBR is closing his doors and leasing his charter. Which he can do for 2 more years and then lose it.
36 charters.

The championship pays back 25 spots. Last year it was 16. Week to week, everybody gets a check, including non-chartered teams.
Why don't they just divvy up the championship money like they do the purse? I know it's complicated with the split between guaranteed money for charters and performance, but that seems like the most stable yet fair way to do it.
36 charters.

The championship pays back 25 spots. Last year it was 16. Week to week, everybody gets a check, including non-chartered teams.
My bad. Pay out has always been top 25 teams as far back as I can remember.
The weekly pay check hardly pays the tire bills.
For reference, the tire bill this week is approx $32,000 if all 17 sets are used.

Last year Homestead paid about $60K to finish last. It costs a lot of money to run one of these cars, there's no doubt about that.
Worked out well for the owners, I guess. The drivers, well, not so much.
It's not like the previous point fund amounts accrued all to the drivers. The drivers got the share of it specified in their contract, just as they did from the race purses. And the revised payout structure from points fund and race purses was known by all parties when they re-worked their contracts last February. You seem to imply someone got screwed by this, and that is not correct.
It's not like the previous point fund amounts accrued all to the drivers. The drivers got the share of it specified in their contract, just as they did from the race purses. And the revised payout structure from points fund and race purses was known by all parties when they re-worked their contracts last February. You seem to imply someone got screwed by this, and that is not correct.
Did you read the article that included Kyle Bush's comments? Looks like he feels he's getting screwed. Here were some of his comments.....

"The champion should get his level of money and then [Nos.] 2 through 4 should get his level of money and then each Chase [elimination] bracket should get their level of money," said Busch, who indicated he did not favor the new formula. "What they tried to do is they tried to even it out from first all the way back to last in order to make the sport more sustainable for everybody.

"When you're the driver and not the owner and you're taking home a percentage of that, that hurts you really bad. It was done through the RTA. It wasn't done through the driver council. So we had absolutely no say in it so that's why it's the way that it is."

and Jimmie Johnson.....

"I think it is a million-and-a-half to win a Cup," six-time Cup champion Jimmie Johnson said. "The last time I stood on stage, it was 7-and-a-half [million]. It's a huge change."
You're funny.

NASHCASH agreed to this. They weren't given a choice.

I think you misread the intent of my post.
It's clear that RTA petitioned Nascar for this new redistribution of prize money giving the charters more cash. That was where my sarcasm was directed.
Did you read the article that included Kyle Bush's comments? Looks like he feels he's getting screwed. Here were some of his comments.....
BREAKING NEWS: Kyle Busch is whining (gasp).

The fact is Kyle Busch and all other leading drivers re-worked their contracts after the revised money distribution structure was set, and they had all the before-and-after data (which was not made public). And they all said at the time "No Big Deal".

If Kyle's percentage share of the old payout was required to be his share of the new, they he would be getting screwed by the late change. But that is not what happened.
BREAKING NEWS: Kyle Busch is whining (gasp).

The fact is Kyle Busch and all other leading drivers re-worked their contracts after the revised money distribution structure was set, and they had all the before-and-after data (which was not made public). And they all said at the time "No Big Deal".

If Kyle's percentage share of the old payout was required to be his share of the new, they he would be getting screwed by the late change. But that is not what happened.
I guess we can look at it differently then. Not a big deal.
I think you misread the intent of my post.
It's clear that RTA petitioned Nascar for this new redistribution of prize money giving the charters more cash. That was where my sarcasm was directed.
A little more week to week. Non-charters earn less even if they finish higher than one or more charter teams.

The redistribution of the point fund is a separate issue. It better funds lower finishers and that money comes off higher finishes relative to percentages of the point fund earned in the past. I imagine it won't be too much longer before there are 36 entries only.
I guess we can look at it differently then. Not a big deal.

I should say "I guess we can look at it differently then" more often even when the other person is wrong......... :D

In know way did I mean you were wrong as I read the article as you did.
I don't feel sorry for any of them that are whining..... they ALL make more a year than most of us make in 20........
20 x a few and then some, Jr has made in race earnings for just his Cup career , something like 95mil, according to Racing Reference.
20 x a few and then some, Jr has made in race earnings for just his Cup career , something like 95mil, according to Racing Reference.
20 x a few and then some, Jr has made in race earnings for just his Cup career , something like 95mil, according to Racing Reference.
You are correct........ much more than a lifetime for us average Joes..........
20 x a few and then some, Jr has made in race earnings for just his Cup career , something like 95mil, according to Racing Reference.
I don't think any of us can imagine that much money........ and yet drivers negotiate.... I'd just be happy to have reached that level and be able to maintain
I don't care how you change the payout during the year. The champion is still going to hurt dropping from 6 million to less than 2.
I don't care how you change the payout during the year. The champion is still going to hurt dropping from 6 million to less than 2.
He is.

The 25th place guy's smile will be a little broader.
That's the way things are today, every kid gets a trophy and the winner gets one an inch bigger.
I have no problem with the payout structure, probably prefer it. A big Dolly Parton top heavy pay out structure justs helps to widen the gap from the best teams down to the smallest teams.
And I believe the drivers will race just as hard regardless of the difference.
This elimination also exposes the teams that performed the best throughout the season to the current Russian Roulette aka the chase elimination. This structure at least provides for some financial stability.

And a champion will cash in on a lot of extra curricular promotions as well. They will be alright, while the weaker teams get more help.
If a top driver is still worried about the cost of living, making ends meet etc.. they can always demand more money and contingency bonuses when they redo their contracts, for whatever the market allows.
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