The Trucks @ Texas race thread.


Farm Truck
Feb 26, 2013
Kez and Kyle back in the pack, young Burton on the pole, and Ty Dillon in the top five should be a good race.
Come on, Bubba! Let's see if you can do it on a mile and a half.
Burton and Ty have a pretty close race going on for third, only seven points difference, this should be good to watch what happens there.
what channell??? edit: nevermind I found it. Oh god, I have to listen to mikey.
Why is FS1 showing so many FX commercials? Do they own that station or something?
As annoying as Mikey is Rick Allen might be even worse. At least Mikey doesn't scream like a raving madman every 5 seconds.
As annoying as Mikey is Rick Allen might be even worse. At least Mikey doesn't scream like a raving madman every 5 seconds.

Rick Allen is kind of ridiculous. He annoys me ALMOST as much as Adam Alexander and his painfully slow, normally incorrect deliveries...

Add that to Mikey and his 'in awe' act all the time.. This probably pisses me off a lot more than it should.
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