The world as you know it is over

Tennessee Racing

Formerly Stewart Fan
Sep 16, 2009
I'm gonna try and say this without breaking up. Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson and it looks like they may be breaking up. I just, I don't know what to do. I mean I can't eat, I can't sleep and all I can think about is how this beautiful not at all staged relationship between these two amazingly talented actors is over. If these two can't make it work what hope do the rest of us have???????

Why did this have to happen?????????????

I told myself I wouldn't cry......*runs away*
A better love story than Twilight.

I'm gonna try and say this without breaking up. Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson and it looks like they may be breaking up. I just, I don't know what to do. I mean I can't eat, I can't sleep and all I can think about is how this beautiful not at all staged relationship between these two amazingly talented actors is over. If these two can't make it work what hope do the rest of us have???????

Why did this have to happen?????????????

I told myself I wouldn't cry......*runs away*

You're not the only one.....

While this is hysterically funny, it is also pretty tragic that this woman has so little life of her own that she invests this much of herself in the lives of people she really doesn't know at all.

Ain't the truth. Then you have people like me, I still don't have a clue as to who these people are:)
Will Ferrell called her a "trampire". That pretty funny and I very rarely find him funny at all.
Who's Robert Pattinson?
I know who Kristen Stewart is, she totally butchered the role of Melinda Sordino in the film adaption of Laurie Halse Anderson's "Speak".
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