TRL Raid?

Originally posted by kat2220
66,first you open the door, find the hamper, change the sheets, wash YOUR clothes (cold water cuz you are male), etc. Try a 12 step program..12 steps forward..clean around you..
I probably should wash my clothes, I wore the same pair of pants all week because I couldn't find a clean pair:)
The cat likes the unmade bed:)
OK kiddies, I just did an inspection and you did a darn good job cleaning up! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try this again:( at TRL's place. Paul is fair game tho, RIGHT PAUL??? hehehe
Hey, how did I miss all this free food!:( I want to know where all the forbidden stuff is hidden! I know she's got to have one driver in hidding, who could it be? Did anyone see anything and let me know in advance next time, please;)
Didn't find too much except for a lot of really good food. We'll try to get the word out sooner before we go raid somebody else's house. (maybe TN's?)
New house or old house? Oh I can just see the possiblities there! Just think of what we could find!
I think it would be alot funner in the new house. Going through all there boxes, leaving a huge mess.
mmmm, looks like the mice have been playing while the cat has been away. All my candy is missing, even the cheesecake! geez.

I'm missing a JR cap and T-shirt. Oh, well, I had the important ones with me in Atlanta. hehehe

Only found a few crumbs in the carpet, otherwise the place looks really nice.

*sure glad they didn't get upstairs to the storage closet where the really good stuff is-----hehehe*
TRL, I TRIED to monitor them and insisted on the cleanup. I even told them where to find the oxyclean and the vacuum. I hope the oxyclean got all that grape juice out of the carpet!

I TOTALLY protected the REAL secret stash and they never found it. :)
Nobody should have taken anything! I WARNED THEM!!! But at least this time they didn't get too out of hand. Maybe a 59+ year old mother and granny had a calming influence.

Sorry that QTpie broke that beautiful vase, and she better replace it:p

I think the next raid should be at Alaska's when he goes hunting moose:D (or are they meese:p)

Missed you big time and I wish you had called:eek:

kat, I owe you a huge apology for not calling. From the time I hit the area on Thursday afternoon, to the time I left Monday morning, I was on the go. I was supposed to call a couple other internet friends, and didn't call them either.

I was so tired Sunday night, all I could do was hit the bed. Monday morning, I just wanted to head for home.

I do apologize. :(
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady
kat, I owe you a huge apology for not calling.  From the time I hit the area on Thursday afternoon, to the time I left Monday morning, I was on the go.  I was supposed to call a couple other internet friends, and didn't call them either.

I was so tired Sunday night, all I could do was hit the bed.  Monday morning, I just wanted to head for home.

I do apologize. :(

No apology needed, and that rain sucked!! Thanks for trusting me enough to give me your #. I promise NOT to abuse your trust!
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