


Hello first race of the season in Homestead, FL!!! The airplane tickets are bought, the hotel is reserved, the rental car is reserved, and the race tickets have been acquired!!! GimmeDirt4Life, and myself will be thinking about everyone up north when we're basking in the heat (with the way our luck usually goes, it'll prolly freeze while we're there) I'm going to have my camera if anyone has any requests.....

:leap: :beerchug: :calpping: :hyper: :victory: :headbang:
Take a good picture of Fisher.. I mean her car...........:D
Have fun!! Will be really intersting to see all the new cars and engines, I hope I am able to go to Indu this year for practice or quals that race would be great as well, only if its good seats in turn 1 or 4
Originally posted by PenskeGirl@Jan 28 2003, 04:11 AM
GimmeDirt4Life, and myself will be thinking about everyone up north when we're basking in the heat (with the way our luck usually goes, it'll prolly freeze while we're there)
Well.... The weather was OUTSTANDING the whole time we were there and my guys finished a respective 2nd & 3rd place. However, it was the trip from hell. That of course is because of the bad luck factor that myself and gimmedirt4life have. The weather and race were about the only things that went right besides the awesome airboart ride through the everglades. I won't go over all the gory details but to give ya'll an idea... We flew out late due to snow and missed our connecting flight in OH. Ended up taking a more direct route (you'd think that would be a good thing) but we beat our luggage there. It was 89 degrees and we were in sweats. I bought a t-shirt to wear til our luggage arrived 2 hrs later. We got to the hotel, opened the door to find the a/c on full blast (again, this should be a good thing) it was hot as hell because the a/c didn't work. That my friends was just the flight & check in to the hotel. That was fri afternoon. We didn't leave until Mon afternoon. The rest of the trip pretty much followed suit.
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