War with Iraq

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  • Iraq

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  • North Korea

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  • Other / Don't care

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Mad man in charge of north korea, everyone knows he has nukes, they even admit to it. Yet we keep focusing on iraq.
Both are insane, but since we are focusing on Iraq, get things settled and move on, war or no war. As for North Korea, they hint at anything, like the little scud problem today, think we are going to watch them with both eyes a little more. And whats with south korea wanting us out? Whatever south korea, fend foryour selves then.
We shoulda killed Saddam when Bush's daddy was in office..... but no, ...now look what we are into. Where's Clinton when ya need him?
I voted Iraq. Mainly for a practical standpoint. N. Korea is a problem that we must deal with......and probably sooner than we want. But, when you are confronted with multiple problems at the same time common sense says take care of one that can be dealt with most quickly first. Iraq falls into that catagory........they are weaker, more hated by more in the world. Deal with them then focus on the more complicated or complex problems.......you have more time to do it with a nagging smaller problem that needs your attention at the same time. Both leaders of those two nations are madmen.........however, Saddam Hussein is the most vocal and menacing at the moment. Also, once N. Korea sees we mean business, they may back off a little.....not a guarintee by any means, but at least there's a chance.
north korea has also had backing by china in the past although I doubt that will have much to do with this.
I think China will huff and puff, but will for the most part stay clear of any N. Korean conflict.........China wants trade with the world. They have seen what happened to the USSR by resisting world trade......they may be Communists, but they aren't stupid.

Just another thought.........How wise was the radical reduction in our own nuclear arsenal and the all but scuddling of our missile defense system? The "Evil Empire" wasn't our only enemy in this world.:(
I would vote for China, because they are the closetest to us. They control the Panama Canal now. They could be in our backyard before anyone knew it.
But between N.K. and Iraq, I have to go with Iraq. That is where are soldiers are. We can't pull them out and head to Korea, and then turn around go back for the sand man.
WAR, no...not with anyone. We have enough domestic worries.
My '60s peacenik is still alive and well.

Get Osama and Al Queda, yes.

I don't believe we (the USA) should try to babysit the planet.
Where did Republicans and Democrates enter into this poll?:(

Guess I missed something somewhere.:confused:
Originally posted by smack500
dont say anything bad about republicans on this board :rolleyes:

No Political affiliation here, Independant thinker and vote for the person only. I would have voted for Pat Paulson or Micky Mouse if they were on the ballot, almost every year since JFK.
Originally posted by kat2220
I would have voted for Pat Paulson or Micky Mouse if they were on the ballot, almost every year since JFK.

Why waste your time going to polls then?
I'm not putting down anybody... I respect Bush and all, but just the way he is doing things really isn't going over to well...
Originally posted by kat2220
DE, I will always believe that MY vote counts. PURRRRR

Voting for Pat Paulson or Mickey Mouse is a serious vote? I heard that crap way back when you were a "peacenik" and it irked me then.........still irks me now!:) If voting is some kind of a joke for you........then save gas and stay home election day. Sorry, flippant remarks like that really get under my skin.
I couldn't stand PAT PAULSON...........what a jerk...........or what a joke he was..........:) made my generation look like a bunch of idiots...........:(
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Voting for Pat Paulson or Mickey Mouse is a serious vote?  I heard that crap way back when you were a "peacenik" and it irked me then.........still irks me now!:)   If voting is some kind of a joke for you........then save gas and stay home election day.  Sorry, flippant remarks like that really get under my skin.

Yes, DE, it was a flippant remark but it was intended to be.

My political thoughts are my own, and I vote in every election.

I do seriously believe MY VOTE COUNTS, no matter the outcome. And issues are important as well.

Like I said, I am an independant thinker, but just me.
Every one of those votes for Mickey Mouse and Pat Paulson counted.......I see.:rolleyes: Well at least neither of them have been envolved in campaign finance scandals.:)
DE, you notice I said "would have"?

I DO vote my choice on the ballot.

As I said, I am an independant thinker as well as an Independant voter.

I am also opionionated, but try not to throw that on the forum.

PEACE, and purrrrrrrrrrrr
Peace would be nice, but as of right now a pipe dream. I wish it could happen.

I think right now we need to focus on both Iraq and North Korea along with many other countries who could or already have developed nuclear weapons. We don't know enough or anything at all in some cases and that is very scary. I think more resources need to be put into watching these countries and others.

Out of those two, Iraq more right now than North Korea, but N.K. does not need to be neglected. Iraq has been a long-time problem and will continue to be a problem, unless we do something about it. Since we are around there right now, we need to do something. Then tackle the N.K. problem.
All I ask is we finish the job this time. I'm sick of this half hearted attempts where we pull out before we finish the darn job :(
We did what we could at the time. The task was to get them out of Kawatt. Our Allies would not have backed us if we tried to take Iraq. Research the Gulf War, not many wanted to stop where we did, but if we hadn't then we may have been fighting more than just Iraq. And in reality we don't have a problem with the country of Iraq just it's leaders.
Originally posted by bud_stud
We shoulda killed Saddam when Bush's daddy was in office..... but no, ...now look what we are into.  Where's Clinton when ya need him?

Who ever said we needed him? This mess wouldn't be what it is if he had zipped up and taken care of foreign relations instead of selling the Chinese our military secrets for campaign money.
Thats a fact ?? Again I would like to see documentation on that being provin.

no offence.
Surely, SURELY, you don't expect us to believe that you, who is sooooo fond of posting newscasts in their entirity, do not remember him selling that stuff. Come on now. If the truth hurts, sometimes ya just gotta grin and bear it. The man is a farce, a sexual predator, a liar, a closet communist, a cheat, a vandal, a thief, and an extortionist. Defend all you want, this is one argument you have ZERO chance of winning. Unfortunately, I have to leave for the day in a minute, and my home computer is out of commission, or I would REALLY have some fun today. Even the notion of Bill Clinton in charge of this country after 9/11/01 scares me to death. The thought of Gore in charge is infinitely worse.

Maybe your solution to all this is a group hug and we all sing Kumbaya around a bonfire of weapons being destroyed, but it ain't mine. Blow them all up until they stop killing innocent people. If some of their innocents happen to get killed in the process, I'll mourn them and them alone. But to those in charge of terrorist activities, no mercy, no relenting, and no chance of letting you go. Die. All of you. Die twice if possible. Anyone involved in the spreading of terror, dies. Is that plain and simple enough? And if we kill enough of them, the rest will think twice before flying another plane into one of our buildings.

As to Clinton, and your request for proof, kid, don't EVEN get me started with that. You'll lose.
All I ask for is proof, it was never provin that he sold military secrets to anyone.

I didn't like clinton as a president either really I just get sick of hearing about all republicans are right and democrats are wrong. IF I did vote in a presidential race it would probally be for the independent if anyone.

I like to get proof of what people say. Just like busch's constant acusations that iraq has this and that and has no proof Im no ones puppet sir and I will always ask for that proof. As for sadam I think hes a madman and should have been takein out of being in charge a long time ago.

And you speek of my solutions atleasts its alot better then yours, if you had your way WWIII would have happened long ago and most of the world would be destroyed.
I think we should go after Bin Laden ( alive or not ) and the Al cadia. I think they are a bigger threat than Saddam.
Smack this is quite a bit later than your post........but I just got home from work. You want proof of what Bush (busch, by your spelling), but think a minute.........the proof just may be related to national security. The events and happenings of an ongoing, very volatile situation such and activities in Iraq could very well involve assets that are very sensitive to the security of this country.........such as intelligence gathering, secretes (or any number of other things). And that is not something that should be released.........even for "proof". You and I don't need to know that right at this moment......it will come out and then you can judge. But right now, demanding "proof" before actions is futile. There comes a time that you just have to trust your leaders.........that is why that whole thing about character over the last 10 years was such a hot subject. Also, this country should never consider or go to war strickly by popular opinion...........or how someone perceives "proof".

Now for Clinton and proof of his misdeeds in campaign finance. Some people are liars...........and very good at it too. Clinton is the epitome of the sterotypical corrupt politian. He's very careful to cover all his tracks........extremely hard to come up with any "proof" when there are layer after layer of obtructions for any investigation to obtain possitive proof of anything. He is a master at it. Only proof I need is the fact that since his beginnings in politics in the state of Arkansas (yes, I lived there back then) he has surrounded himself with corrupt, dishonest people........people that because of their corruption are pretty easy to toss aside with blame. There are almost countless associates, partners and aquaintances that have gone to jail, prison or reduced to shame. Comes a point that the the old cliche "Birds of a feather flock together" is the only sensible answer.
All I ask for is proof, it was never provin that he sold military secrets to anyone.

come on Smack, you're just tryin to get a fire started up or somethin , arent you?
you cant possibly believe ole bill (i'll sell uranium and nuclear plant plans to north korea and make them promise not to use the nuclear biproduct from it all to build nuclear missiles because we will do inspections to make sure you dont one of these years) Clinton is your Hero:p :ROFLMFAO: :cookoo: :takethat: :ROFLMFAO: :cookoo: :xxrotf:

i know your just joking:p
oh, sorry i got sidetracked there folks,
i voted iraq, for the simple reason that; n. korea has these weapons already and everybody knows it. with iraq, we can still prevent them from having them. this would keep extra stupidity out of the equation and n. korea is probably being kept in check anyway. The only thing that does bother me a bit, if anyone remembers, chime in, japan cannot have an arsenal of weapons to defend themselves. only men basically. so we are there for their defense.:eek:
No I didn't like Clinton and I dont like bush. Theres alot of little things here there pointing to bush doing some illegal activities to get to be president in the first place. Useing some of his friends and family members, I dont have hard proof of this so I normally wouldn't bring it up. Like I said If I vote for anyone it will be the independent. As for starting fires judas if you have ever noticed I always add another side of the story If I added comments everyone else did I would have nothing to post but repititous (I agree with yous). Alot of things I don't agree with on here but alot of times I also set my personal opinion to the side to add something else to the conversation.
I find it sickening that these Presidents who are in charge of our Military, were to big of cowards to fight themselves. As a Military man, my father that it was ridculous to have to take orders from Clinton or Bush. One is ready to run to Canada, the other has daddy make sure he stays out of the war. I could be alittle off here, but I see people agreeing with the assesment of Clinton but finding some way to defend Bush!

Smack- Don't ya know you shouldn't say anything remotely Democratic or anti Republican on these boards? I think its you and I against the world :D And I'm not giving into peer pressure ;) :) :D
well, i do know one thing. even gores assistants agree. we are very thankful that bush got the job. his leadership is on top and i believe his morals are high. clinton had great leadership too, but his morals were very low as well as his standards. i still say we should start with iraq
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