War with Iraq

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Yea Judas who cares how he got there as long as he got the job, just beleive everything he says and follow him empty minded. Im sorry thats a bit rude I just get sick of hearing about good old bush.
Originally posted by judas1
well, i do know one thing. even gores assistants agree. we are very thankful that bush got the job. his leadership is on top and i believe his morals are high. clinton had great leadership too, but his morals were very low as well as his standards. i still say we should start with iraq

Won't disagree about Clinton's low morals, however Bush has high morals? What did I miss? He is part of the Big Business scandal and received money unethically. I just had a whole semester of ethics. Believe me, you can't be unethical and moral :)
i am still missing this scandal thing. would you please refer me to the article or news piece. i appreciate it.
You're sick of hearing about good old Bush, people are sick of you digging out crazy articles from god-knows-what kind of whacked out conspiracy websites. WTH are those sites? Great news sources? Please.
paul I didnt see you post any media news articles about clinton being prooved gilty of most of the things you posted.
Smack, you're the one that starts all these threads about the big evil President. Not us.
No I posted a thread about going to war with iraq if you read other people bring up clinton and bush. Again with lott I post a thread asking about what people think about lotts comments and it brings up the same thing.
You didn't hear about Bush's insider trading? It was news for about a month straight! One of the guys who made millions on insider trading is now policing the business world, I find that very ironic.
Originally posted by smack500
paul I didnt see you post any media news articles about clinton being prooved gilty of most of the things you posted.

Since when is the press responsible to prove any one or thing guilty of anything? That's what courts are for........the press is supposed to report the facts. Note the words: "supposed" and "facts"!:) Something I just don't understand is how people present "facts" from "news sources" as something that "proves" someone is guilty of something. It's all opinions here...........sure go ahead and present your sources and let us hear why you think the way you do. But, sources that no one's ever heard of are sort of hard to believe.........guess Globe and National Inquirer can be presented as supporting evidence, but don't expect too many people to accept your "facts".
Originally posted by mngopherguy
You didn't hear about Bush's insider trading? It was news for about a month straight! One of the guys who made millions on insider trading is now policing the business world, I find that very ironic.

Read my post from just a minute ago.............the press proves nothing.:(
Originally posted by mngopherguy
You didn't hear about Bush's insider trading? It was news for about a month straight! One of the guys who made millions on insider trading is now policing the business world, I find that very ironic.

hey its just like NASCAR, hes the best man for the job. dont they use people who were the best cheaters in NASCAR to inspect the cars. doesnt this make sense?

he was wrong in doing that. i admit it.:(
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Since when is the press responsible to prove any one or thing guilty of anything? That's what courts are for........the press is supposed to report the facts. Note the words: "supposed" and "facts"!:) Something I just don't understand is how people present "facts" from "news sources" as something that "proves" someone is guilty of something. It's all opinions here...........sure go ahead and present your sources and let us hear why you think the way you do. But, sources that no one's ever heard of are sort of hard to believe.........guess Globe and National Inquirer can be presented as supporting evidence, but don't expect too many people to accept your "facts".

Its alot better then just posting text and everyone beleiveing it. As for courts if he was provin guilty in courts it would have been on the media. I love how you accept conspricacys from clinton but NOOO OH NOO bush how dare I accuse him of doing something bad how dare me.
Originally posted by smack500
Its alot better then just posting text and everyone beleiveing it. As for courts if he was provin guilty in courts it would have been on the media. I love how you accept conspricacys from clinton but NOOO OH NOO bush how dare I accuse him of doing something bad how dare me.

Smack.........it's the sheer volume of "conspiracies"............not just one or two that are never investigated. I've been aware of Clinton's "scandals" since 1974 when he first got into politics. It's the same things...........28 years of people from every walk of life saying basically the same thing, makes you think that with so much smoke, there surely is a fire somewhere.
Originally posted by judas1
hey its just like NASCAR, hes the best man for the job. dont they use people who were the best cheaters in NASCAR to inspect the cars. doesnt this make sense?

he was wrong in doing that. i admit it.:(

Well thats what I was getting at. :) I do like the NASCAR reference though:D
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Since when is the press responsible to prove any one or thing guilty of anything? That's what courts are for........the press is supposed to report the facts. Note the words: "supposed" and "facts"!:) Something I just don't understand is how people present "facts" from "news sources" as something that "proves" someone is guilty of something. It's all opinions here...........sure go ahead and present your sources and let us hear why you think the way you do. But, sources that no one's ever heard of are sort of hard to believe.........guess Globe and National Inquirer can be presented as supporting evidence, but don't expect too many people to accept your "facts".

But if its reported, it doesn't mean its not true either. I understand what your saying about the press though. You have to come up with your own conclusions sometimes. I still think if your trying to get your point across on a forum its a good thing.
The point is bush and his father and many republicans have done there bad deeds too just covered it up better probally. ( can someone say election fraud) Its all about the tags. How dare a male white southerner not be racist. How dare a new york black person not be a gangster. How dare a fat person not be lazy, it goes on in on. Keep seperating yourself folks. I love how in the election threads earlier this year alot of you said vote for the person who best shares your views yet heres all that has been done by most is defend the republican and talk bad about demecrats. Oh and the independents OMG how could you vote for them thats throwing your vote away. Gore being ahead in the poles in florida the first 2 recounts, and jeb being the governer oh just a coinsidence. Jeb being rumored in other election frauds oh just a coinsidence. Clinton doing something good gotta be a conspriracy.

I do not support democrats Im just sick of the one sided minds around here.
Originally posted by smack500
I do not support democrats Im just sick of the one sinded minds around here.

Sounds like you are sick of yourself. All I see is one sided mind in your posts. Sorry, but that's the way politics are. Get used to it because you are in for a long haul. It's been this way since the beginning of our country.
Where are people "seperating" themselves? You lost me there smack.:) You're right if you think I'm a Republican..........but how is that "seperating" myself from anyone or anything? Do I believe election fraud? No. Do I believe partisan politics played a role in the recount in Florida two years ago? Yes. But, remember who asked for the recount...........and would not go for a full state recount. Only selected counties...........that sounds a little like election tampering to me.
Im talking about the tags it doesnt matter what the person stands for if they have that R or D beside there name most people vote for them, most people that vote anyway

people talk like all democrats are the same and all the republicans are the same. THey all coulnt each have a individual mind. Its the same way with the people in this country. Black white southern notherner. I can't go a week without hearing someone say a remark about a whole race or region of people doing or beleiveing in one thing. Its a bunch of bs
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Where are people "seperating" themselves? You lost me there smack.:) You're right if you think I'm a Republican..........but how is that "seperating" myself from anyone or anything? Do I believe election fraud? No. Do I believe partisan politics played a role in the recount in Florida two years ago? Yes. But, remember who asked for the recount...........and would not go for a full state recount. Only selected counties...........that sounds a little like election tampering to me.

That whole deal turned me off to both parties more than ever. It almost seemed to me like: The Republicans cheated, so the Democrats said, hey how can we one up them and get a better cheat? The whole thing completely disgusted me.
Originally posted by smack500
Im talking about the tags it doesnt matter what the person stands for if they have that R or D beside there name most people vote for them, most people that vote anyway

people talk like all democrats are the same and all the republicans are the same. THey all coulnt each have a individual mind. Its the same way with the people in this country. Black white southern notherner. I can't go a week without hearing someone say a remark about a whole race or region of people doing or beleiveing in one thing. Its a bunch of bs

That may be true of some...........but for the thirty some odd years I've been voting I know a bunch of people (myself encluded) who have and do "cross party lines". Not sure your statement that most people that vote, vote that way is true. And, actually, I see very little (if any) people making blanket statements like "all Republicans" or "all Democrates" do this or do that...........I see statements that might say "most" or the "party, in general" but not "all". Political parties are that way..........as individuals we identify with a certain party because most of what the party advocates agrees with most of what we believe..........most, not all!:) Because I'm a registered Republican, by your standards I'm separating myself.........sorry, I don't by that. Since you are expounding views and ideas that are mostly endorsed by the Democratic party, I make the assumption that, when you get of voting age, you will register Democrate. I will probably get "No, I'm and Independant" because you are not in a group.......but you are doing what everyone is doing. Identifying with a group that endorses more closely how you believe. Wish you wouldn't lecture us on being "open and honest".
Actually If I would have had to choose between R and D last year I would have voted for bush. but I didn't like neither and would have voted for a Independant. about the most if you look at some of the post on this board some people have said republicans / democrats not some not most just rebuplicans or democrats. Have you ever voted for someone that wasn't republican??
I just told you...............YES. And more than once. But I admit that when it's the "lesser of two evils" (which is what you just said about Bush), almost always go Republican..........but that's because the party in general is more closely to how I believe.
I was'nt just refering to the board when I said going for a week without hearing a blank statement like that I was refering to people offline as well. I don't know the people who you talk to or confront everyday. But most everyone around here I have talked to use the most to pre judge the all. I do agree with you that (most on here) havent done that.
Originally posted by smack500
Black white southern notherner. I can't go a week without hearing someone say a remark about a whole race or region of people doing or beleiveing in one thing. Its a bunch of bs

Smack, we all sit on here and bark at each other because we're a buncha rowdy racin' fans, and feel comfortable enough with each other to lay ourselves out there.

Personally, I would be honored to throw back a few 12 packs with each and every one of you.
I admited in another post to generally voting against republicans and voting either independent or democrat. Because thats who I trust. And I did vote Independent for the pesidentcy. But if it were only Democrats or Republicans, I was totally undecided. Never liked Bush or his especially his father. But I never want to see Tipper in the White House. Her anti music campaigns disgust me. So I'm like DE, just generally an independent :)
Originally posted by paul
Personally, I would be honored to throw back a few 12 packs with each and every one of you.

Can we make that a few 18 packs?:D
Heck lets go for some 24's or a few Margarita's.

Besides as good of friends as anybody is, politics will bring alittle fire out in ya :) My father is a democrat, his best friend is a very conservative republican. And I'm Independent and bark at both of them :) See we can all get along :D
With all this politics, I REALLY can't wait for Daytonna :) Well unless Gordo wins :D
I'd rather see Gordon win than have to watch another Earnhardt Memorial Race.
I'm tired of Earnhardt memorials too...........but I still want to see Jr win!!:D
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