
mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
Most men have enough common sense to know they shouldn't stick their member in the toaster. But apparently one man in London didn't and that prompted a warning from the city's fire department.

According to an article from the Mirror Online, the London Fire Brigade encouraged residents to stop acting like they were characters in the novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" and start thinking about the consequences of their actions.

In addition to the man with his ***** caught in the toaster, the article said over the past three years firefighters have had to rescue a man whose ***** was caught in a vacuum cleaner, nine men with rings stuck on their penises, 79 people stuck in handcuffs, four people who put their hands in a blender and five people who got their hands stuck in a shredder.

That's not including the large number of calls they get each year for children who get their head and hands stuck in things like toys, the toilet or candy vending machines.

They're just asking for people to use a little more common sense, for everyone's sake.

Read more: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/23639078/man-with-*****-stuck-in-toaster-rescued#ixzz2hAB5QO5t

I wont lie. I may.....................may have tried that vacuum cleaner idea way back in my younger days. :D
If you talk to EMT's or ER doc's you get quite an education as to what a guy will place his johnson in. Woman aren't exempt from inserting strange things into places they shouldn't.
What is the world coming too?
Sense is not common.....just a little tidbit to remember!
My dad told me at a young age that common sense is the least common of all the senses. Hahaha
The irony of this is that I was listening to the song Pain by Three Days Grace when I read this thread. I usually agree with the song's lyrics, but this thread gives it a whole different slant. The chorus says

"Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all"

Like I said, I usually agree with the song's lyrics, but not in the case of what these whack jobs are doing. :eek2:
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