Weed smokin' at Indy?



Fans attending a major NASCAR race this weekend will see a most unlikely video posted on a giant video screen shortly before entering the track: a pro-marijuana legalization ad.

Outside the NASCAR Brickyard 400 in Indianapolis, the same track that hosts the famed Indianapolis 500, Marijuana Policy Project, the nation's largest pro-marijuana legalization advocacy group, has purchased space to air – dozens of times over the weekend – a video that pushes the theme that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

It marks the first time a pro-marijuana legalization ad will appear so close to an entrance gate of a major sporting event. The Brickyard 400, in its 20th year, is regarded as one of NASCAR's biggest races.

But the video ad isn't just pro-marijuana. While it's made to look like a beer ad, its tone sounds anti-alcohol. Unlike beer, a narrator in the video says, marijuana has "no calories," "no hangovers" and, the ad says, "it's not linked to violence or reckless behavior."

I have said for years, if we could start all over and legalize a drug, it wouldn't be alcohol. that stuff is tough on your brain and body. first drink you loose you higher reasoning ability, and it progresses or digresses from there until you stop breathing. Don't think pot has a chance of getting legalized, too hard for uncle sugar to tax it among other things.
I have said for years, if we could start all over and legalize a drug, it wouldn't be alcohol. that stuff is tough on your brain and body. first drink you loose you higher reasoning ability, and it progresses or digresses from there until you stop breathing. Don't think pot has a chance of getting legalized, too hard for uncle sugar to tax it among other things.

The Prison Industrial Complex and Big Pharma make too much money for us to legalize Marijuana.
If marijuana is ever legalized, within 50 years, the industry will be completely dominated by Big Tobacco (since they have the plantations, infrastructure and distribution to sell cigarettes) and I will laugh at all these stoners buying their pre-packaged doubies from Phillip Morris.
Dream on Herbie. If it ever was legalized, you can grow a years worth in a postage stamped sized yard.
Dream on Herbie. If it ever was legalized, you can grow a years worth in a postage stamped sized yard.

Oh yeah? Alcohol has been legal for 80 years. When you want a drink, do you distill the 'shine yourself or go down to the grocery store and get a pack of Bud Light?

Tobacco companies will sell it in little prepackaged cigarettes and sell it at gas stations. Potheads will go in and get their cheetos and weed at one stop.
Oh yeah? Alcohol has been legal for 80 years. When you want a drink, do you distill the 'shine yourself or go down to the grocery store and get a pack of Bud Light?

Tobacco companies will sell it in little prepackaged cigarettes and sell it at gas stations. Potheads will go in and get their cheetos and weed at one stop.

oh YEAH:) I came from a long line of beer brewers..isn't much money in it and it is illegal as hell to sell it, if you don't know. growing Pot is easy, but guess what again. you can lose your house, land, vehicles, bank account if you get caught growing it. Our man Regan made that so. Until that time I made a pretty good living on the side at it.
oh YEAH:) I came from a long line of beer brewers..isn't much money in it and it is illegal as hell to sell it, if you don't know. growing Pot is easy, but guess what again. you can lose your house, land, vehicles, bank account if you get caught growing it. Our man Regan made that so. Until that time I made a pretty good living on the side at it.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this. Americans are lazy, nobody wants to grow things in their yard. Especially when Philip Morris starts packing those shiny little cartons at the gas station and running commercials showing hot men and women smoking their corporate brand weed and having a good time.
The only way that is going to happen is if they do the same that they did to protect big business Distillers. And I agree it could happen that way. Pot is a weed and it is super easy to grow, doesn't have any pests to attack it that I know of. My growing buddy bought an old Porsche 911 with his money...I on the other hand had to pay back back my dad for the boat of his we sunk.o_O oh well, some years were better then others. One year the water went down on the river and a farmer drove over to the island and bailed it into hay for his cows. Alcohol wine/beer is much tougher to make good stuff. Temperature, ingredients, fermenting on and on. Oh hell as long as I am rambling, when I was about 4 or 5 I was sleeping in the basement of my Grampa's house down by the coal fired furnace all by myself, house was creaking and popping, it was the warmest place to sleep, pitch dark too. all of a sudden ka bang, ka bang and all this wet stuff hit me, I got up and started running upstairs screaming..right into a pole. granpa's beer he had bottled got hot and was going off, beer everywhere.
Oh yeah? Alcohol has been legal for 80 years. When you want a drink, do you distill the 'shine yourself or go down to the grocery store and get a pack of Bud Light?

Tobacco companies will sell it in little prepackaged cigarettes and sell it at gas stations. Potheads will go in and get their cheetos and weed at one stop.

Please tell me you aren't comparing brewing beer to growing pot? Two different animals. It takes a lot of effort to brew a good beer. It takes very little effort to grow weed.

If tobacco for cigarettes were as easy as pot, the tobacco industry would be nothing like it is today. At $5+ a pack, plenty of people would be making their own instead of paying that.
It takes very little effort to grow weed.

But it still takes effort. Making a hamburger at home with ground beef and a bun is way cheaper than going to McDonalds but how many people do it? We live in a consumerist society.
But it still takes effort. Making a hamburger at home with ground beef and a bun is way cheaper than going to McDonalds but how many people do it? We live in a consumerist society.

It costs $0.89 for a McDonalds hamburger. If it costs $5+, I'm sure more would make it at home.
Im just gonna go ahead and stay out of this one..... By stating that Im going to stay out of it, apparently.
Wow, what McDonalds do you go to?

More importantly, which one are you going to? I don't eat at McDonalds. A double cheeseburger is a whopping $1. What would make you think a plain ol' hamburger was more than that??? Thats completely irrevelant to the thread though...
More importantly, which one are you going to? I don't eat at McDonalds. A double cheeseburger is a whopping $1. What would make you think a plain ol' hamburger was more than that??? Thats completely irrevelant to the thread though...
Not necessarily. Maybe somebody is going to toke it up at the Brickyard and after the race is going to look for a place to score some cheap burgers. I know where the White Castle is in Indianapolis, off of I-74 in Brownsburg. We went there on a Sunday night on Labor Day weekend during the NHRA US Nationals. NOT in a good part of town, unfortunately. Or at least there were some characters in there. And White Castle sucks. I don't care how high you are, steamed burgers give me a break.
Licensed to grow and posess here in Canada. 4 plants per year for medicinal use. Hate the stuff personally, but it works better than any pharmacy pills out there with less side effects.
If marijuana is ever legalized, within 50 years, the industry will be completely dominated by Big Tobacco (since they have the plantations, infrastructure and distribution to sell cigarettes) and I will laugh at all these stoners buying their pre-packaged doubies from Phillip Morris.
Never happen, the black market is way too huge for pot. Even if the Cig companies were to do that, which could be a possibility, remote but possible, every person that had any knowledge about growing good pot would be doing it to circumvent the high prices the Cig companies would be charging!
Legalize it and put the wasted DEA money back into education for those who want to go to college.
You look at kinda sorta what they have done with the medical stuff. Super Gov't control. Grower, middleman, retail outlet. All regulated(taxed) to death. That looks like the future of it here in the U.S. If I had some debilitating pain problem that wouldn't go away, to hell with taking the pain pills they have on the market to take. That oxy and hydro stuff, synthetic morphine, will kill ya dead. You have to take higher doses. I would grow some pot first and try that, screw the Gov't B.S. I grew that stuff and smoked it almost daily for 20 years and I quit..now for over 20 years, no withdrawal symptoms, no cravings, no problems. I had to take pain pills for a month when I almost cut off my heel. different story. I had withdrawal symptoms after only a month. I had a CDL for years, just fine to drive with prescription morphine in my system, but pot, I would have been fired and blacklisted
Licensed to grow and posess here in Canada. 4 plants per year for medicinal use. Hate the stuff personally, but it works better than any pharmacy pills out there with less side effects.

Not for long.

As of March 31, 2014 the right to grow your own pot or be a designated grower is being revoked. The price for commercial pot is projected to increase from $4.00/gr to $8.80/gr. for medicinal users.
The government can leave my ganja alone. Thanks.
If marijuana is ever legalized, within 50 years, the industry will be completely dominated by Big Tobacco (since they have the plantations, infrastructure and distribution to sell cigarettes) and I will laugh at all these stoners buying their pre-packaged doubies from Phillip Morris.

no, the hardcore smokers would still grow their own like they do now.
I had to go look up some of the code words. LOL

I get drug tested about every other month so nothing but Coors Light here.
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