What a week


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
I do not not have any up-today info. But last i heard my aunt was at Vandy. She had to have emeragy surgry last week, because she has been coughing up blood. They had to remove part of her lung. But the bleading still did not stop. She was uncon. and they was trying to wake her up, and keep her alive in case she needed a lung transplant. But if they could not find one, they would remove 1/2 of the lung and she would have just a 30% chance of surving. Its been a few days since iv heard anything, so i guess she is doing better.

Now on to me. A few weeks ago, i was on the computer and started to get cold chills. I could not get warm, when i finaly did i was so hot i could not stand it. Well i was like that for a day. COld-hot-cold-hot. Stomoch hurt, bad headachs. Well i thought it was the one day flu, but i have it again. I started felling bad on Sunday. but Lastnight it got worse. My g/f thinks it could be my apendix. but i dont know. I just hate being sick.
Sorry that you and your aunt are sick. Hope you get good news soon.
Now, you need to go to the Dr yesterday, Nick.
Go and get back to us.
Went to the dr today. They gave me 5 meds. 118 bucks worth! (3 kinds of pills, a mouth wash and cough med.) my Mono and Strept Throught test came back neg. But my throught is in pretty bad shape.

Iv having good and bad days. Today i am just weak and tired, but i cant sleep because of the cold and hot sweats. I also want to be able to get a full nights sleep again.
After 24 hours of getting meds in you, hopefully you will feel better.
and a
12 pills today alone!! ugh

I think that number will go down by 1-2 aday over the next 6 days. But still 12 pills today, and they all are Rx!

Also not only does what i have keep me awake the meds dont help me sleep. They also make me dizzy. Sometimes i think the sideeffects are worse then what the drug to is cure.
My aunt is at John Hopkins in MD. (i think thats were it is)

I am sick again, just now in another way and we wont go in to details because ya'll dont want to know. My back and knee have been keeping me up at night, it was almost 4am before i went to sleep lastnight.
My aunt is at John Hopkins in MD. (i think thats were it is)

I am sick again, just now in another way and we wont go in to details because ya'll dont want to know. My back and knee have been keeping me up at night, it was almost 4am before i went to sleep lastnight.

Come on out and visit her. I'll take you to see some real racin' while at it. :cool: Old Dominion Speedway. :cool:
Has your aunt improved any?
Hope you feel better soon. :)

Iv not really heard too much. But she is still bleeding pretty bad. They had the choice to send her to MD or CO. So they chose MD, they took her up in a motor home. (RV).

Thanks K-log. Im doing ok now. My belly just hurts. :(

Andy, I would come up their if i could. But with school coming to an end. I had 3 Test, and 2 case studys i have to do over the next 3 weeks. Plus i am running really short on funds right now.
Hang in there Lappy! I'll be sending you positive thoughts for a quick recovery. I'll also keep your aunt in my thoughts and prayers. Feel better soon!!
Have you talked to the doc about your Gall Bladder?? I get attacks once in awhile and at first you feel so unbelieveably crappy like your right upper rib-cage area will hurt alot then after that pain goes away, you will feel sore and nausious (or how ever you spell it :eek: ).

I would go see another hospital if possible cuz that many meds isn't healthy for anyone!

Good luck and wish you well!
One was an aintbiotoac(sp)
One was another pill
One was a mouth wash
one was somelike like day-quil
and last one was a over the counter now behind the counter med

Iv been having problems with my back for over 10 years. They know whats wrong with it, but im not even going to try to spell it. I should of sued someone for a slip an fall. They left the back door open and it was raining, i came around the corner and i hit the ground. It was an fast-food place. Before that i never had back problems. Iv not had to have any x-rays or MRI's for it in a while. But the past week or longer at night my back and right knee have been hurting and keeping me up. Its the back side of my left rib-cage but more so my back then my ribs. This past week my back has been hurting all day. I have insureance now, so i can get this stuff looked at. I fell better from what was wrong a few weeks ago. Im coughing again, but iv been doing that for 2 years or so.

I got some more news on my aunt, and its not really good. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts for her and the rest of my family. It means alot.

Paducah has some good hospital's but orther then there and Murray i am pretty much out of luck on a good one. Mom went to one in TN and she told me if i am dying i need to just drive past it and try to make it somewhere else.
Lappy, your belly could be hurting from the meds, esp. the antibiotic. If you can tolerate eating yogurt, get yourself some with active cultures in it. I think almost all of them have them in them. I always take a few heaping table spoons with each dose, if not more. If you absolutely can't stand yogurt, go to the pharmacy and get yourself some lactobacillus acidophilus capsules. Most have their own store brands and they're not too expensive. The bad thing about antibiotics is, they kill off the "good bacteria" along with the bad. I always have to be sure to eat or take the caps whenever I have to take antibiotics since they really do a number on my digestic track.

Sorry to hear things aren't good with your aunt. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I also hope things go well with your knee and back. Nothing worse than getting slammed with what seems like "everything" all at once when you're already feeling bad. Hang in there, buddy!
Milk that's been cultured, containing sweet Acidophilus, may work as well. It promotes healthy bacteria in the intestine.
I'v had stomoch problems for a while also. I'v got Fish oil, Echinacea,

I'll remember WNY and BP said when i'm able to go to the store. Thanks.

All in all i fell pretty good. But with whats going on latly i just have to go day to day. You'r right WHY, once you start felling better something else slams you, its always something. and right now i am working on about 8 somethings.

What is a good cough med? I just have this cough, Im not hacking up anything. I guess you would call it a "Dry" cough.
Sometimes a dry cough can be Asthma. (bronchial or allergy related)
Do you have Asthma?

Maybe you should call the Doctor. Some coughs are not supposed to be suppressed.
While we on the subject....

Any Home remedies or info on high blood pressure..

i know the typcial stuff ...watch weight...reduce salt intake...take the lbs off

any thing else...just curious....

The only thing I can think of to add is exercise & some people need prescription medication. I don't know of home remedies. I would be afraid to try any HR's pertaining to BP. (not barelypure):D
The only thing I can think of to add is exercise & some people need prescription medication. I don't know of home remedies. I would be afraid to try any HR's pertaining to BP. (not barelypure):D

Yeah, I gots the medicine you need... :growl:

As to high blood pressure, try a couple of bananas. They're also good for acid reflux.
Milk that's been cultured, containing sweet Acidophilus, may work as well. It promotes healthy bacteria in the intestine.

Yep, one of those would be buttermilk, which I could never manage to swallow! LOL They also make milk with it added to it. There's a specific brand, but I can't think of it at the moment. I just found the yogurt or the capsules to be easier and more cost-effective.

Seems like for cough, often NOTHING really seems to work, including prescription cough meds, but that's my family! What I did with one of my kids who always got bad coughs and still does as an adult, was keep a cool mist vaporizer in the bedroom or whatever room they were in during the day and when it got bad, we'd go in the bathroom and turn on the shower and just let the it get all steamy w/the door closed and we would repeated it a few times after going back to the cool mist in between. It always seemed to make it possible to get to sleep for at least a while.

As far as home remedies for blood pressure? There may be some, but since that's a serious issue for anyone, I think I'd stick w/something my doctor prescribed. The problem with home remedies/herbal remedies is, you can't be sure of the quality control and how the product may be different from batch to batch, manufacturer to manufacturer, etc. That's why for some heart medications, the generics aren't usually recommended simply because pharmacies may get their supplies from different sources and the consistency of the medication can't be assured. (OK, health class over.) LOL :)
High blood pressure is nothing to play with. You need to get it under control sooner rather than later. See your doctor.
High blood pressure is nothing to play with. You need to get it under control sooner rather than later. See your doctor.

Thanks for all the replys....yah..im on meds....

i drop some lbs...even..but didnt effect it...that much to pull off of them.......

Heritary thing.....

They say celery is good for it...but...I HATE CELERY :D
It's never a bad thing to lose some weight is you need to, but there's lots of "skinny" people with high blood pressure, esp. if it's hereditary. Hmmm.... put some low fat peanut butter on your celery? LOL ;)
Nick, I am sorry to hear about all of your trouble lately. It's the first time I am reading this thread. I hope and pray everything works out for you and your aunt.

I have had some breathing problems in the past. I get bronchitis, and or pneumonia every year for the past several years. The best medicine I have found is "Guaifenesin". That is not a name brand, but the main ingredient. They make it in a prescription, but the over the counter stuff works just as well. Most pharmacies carry it in a generic form of over the counter. It really helps when I take it for allergy or cold/flu type coughs. It thins out the mucus and makes coughs more productive. The other thing I have found is to drink lots of fluids. That helps break up the crap in there too.

Good luck.
It's never a bad thing to lose some weight is you need to, but there's lots of "skinny" people with high blood pressure, esp. if it's hereditary. Hmmm.... put some low fat peanut butter on your celery? LOL ;)

I rather have choc on peanut butter....Reeses......

Thanks for the encouragement..... :D
Went to the Dr today, but still dont know anything. I had xrays done but have to go back Th or Fr and see what they look like.

My back is poping. I am tired of all this crap.

Whats something good that i can get at wal-mart or rite aid for back pain?
I rather have choc on peanut butter....Reeses......

Thanks for the encouragement..... :D

I hear ya! Just trying to think of anything that might make that celery go down better. It really is no replacement for choclate & peanut butter, but sometimes you just have to try "something!" :)
Still not heard anything on my x-rays.

Good News, I have an Interview in Paducah at 8:30am Tuesday in Paducah for AFLAC.
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