I do not not have any up-today info. But last i heard my aunt was at Vandy. She had to have emeragy surgry last week, because she has been coughing up blood. They had to remove part of her lung. But the bleading still did not stop. She was uncon. and they was trying to wake her up, and keep her alive in case she needed a lung transplant. But if they could not find one, they would remove 1/2 of the lung and she would have just a 30% chance of surving. Its been a few days since iv heard anything, so i guess she is doing better.
Now on to me. A few weeks ago, i was on the computer and started to get cold chills. I could not get warm, when i finaly did i was so hot i could not stand it. Well i was like that for a day. COld-hot-cold-hot. Stomoch hurt, bad headachs. Well i thought it was the one day flu, but i have it again. I started felling bad on Sunday. but Lastnight it got worse. My g/f thinks it could be my apendix. but i dont know. I just hate being sick.
Now on to me. A few weeks ago, i was on the computer and started to get cold chills. I could not get warm, when i finaly did i was so hot i could not stand it. Well i was like that for a day. COld-hot-cold-hot. Stomoch hurt, bad headachs. Well i thought it was the one day flu, but i have it again. I started felling bad on Sunday. but Lastnight it got worse. My g/f thinks it could be my apendix. but i dont know. I just hate being sick.