What Driver Would You Most Like To See Their A$$ Kicked?

I never changed anything. I still cheer when a Ford driver wrecks. Somehow you took that as me having disrespect for the drivers which isn't true. I simply just don't like Ford so I won't root for one. The easy to hate thing is just those two drivers. I have no problem with Kevin Harvick, Clint Boywer, Ryan Blaney, Kurt Busch, or other Ford drivers but you won't ever see me root for one of them because they drive a Ford.

It is a good thing Dale wasn't driving a Ford in his last wreck as you would have been cheering.
A question for all who like NASCAR cussin, spittin and fisticuffs. Would your opinions of fights involving drivers and crews change any if people were injured? I know that people probably have not thought about that scenario which is why I ask.
Like I said Denny's wife would jump in on her but her being Kurts teammate she might get some help from the Monter girls.

Hambone isn't married. He knocked up his girlfriend, they have a kid now and they live in SIN!!!!!!
Hmm, I'll have to cheer for Ford now every race just so you get pissed off

How would that piss me off? I watch races with die-hard Ford fans. You can like Ford all you want, won't piss me off any, hell you could spill all kinds of Kyle Busch hate and I still wouldn't get pissed off. I know he hated it part of the reason I like him. Kind of odd you taking that much interest in pissing me off that you'd change your cheering habits but ok.

It is a good thing Dale wasn't driving a Ford in his last wreck as you would have been cheering.
I view NASCAR as a deadly sport anyway. Those drivers know they could die any time they strap in the car. It's sad when someone does but they know the risk involved with racing. I'm sure there is someone out there that did cheer at first when Sr. wrecked.

If feel the same with Football. I'll cheer a big hit every time even it is someone on my team taking the hit. I hate all the concussion talk and players sueing the league because of them. Should be in their contracts that they know the risk involved and can't use the league.

A question for all who like NASCAR cussin, spittin and fisticuffs. Would your opinions of fights involving drivers and crews change any if people were injured? I know that people probably have not thought about that scenario which is why I ask.

So you are asking if fans of fights care if someone gets hurt? I'd say not considering the point of fighting is to injure the guy you are fighting. People were pretty happy to see Kyle bleeding.
How would that piss me off? I watch races with die-hard Ford fans. You can like Ford all you want, won't piss me off any, hell you could spill all kinds of Kyle Busch hate and I still wouldn't get pissed off. I know he hated it part of the reason I like him. Kind of odd you taking that much interest in pissing me off that you'd change your cheering habits but ok.
Not changing my habits at all, I was and still am a diehard Bill Elliot fan....so do the math.
Not changing my habits at all, I was and still am a diehard Bill Elliot fan....so do the math.

That's fine by me, you just made it seem like you usually don't cheer for Ford and were going to start just to piss me off which I found odd.
Multiple instances of dirty driving gets you on my list of I'd like to see you get your a$$ kicked.
1. Kyle Busch.
2. Kevin Harvick.
3. A former driver who sadly passed away.

Honorable mention to Denny Hamlin for extreme hypocrisy and diva behavior. There are a few others on my list, but not from Nascar.
Don't forget about this guy as at minimum he should be on the podium.

BKez Horse.jpg
Smack talk can be a lot of fun, and sometimes the casual thought of a driver getting a needed adjustment is fun, been there done that.

But when I think of a genuine ass kicking, I think of something brutal and very ugly. How many people have seen how brutal a good puncher can be?

Then add on the mental after effects of the victims moment. One that could cause a person to doubt themselves for the rest of their life . And some have even been beaten enough to even blame themselves for the pain inflicted, inspite of being blameless.

I dont wish that kind of physical pain and anguish upon anyone. I am thinkful that I have never been able to do that to anyone, I dont think I could ever forgive myself. I just dont want anyone broken that way. It is just wrong on all counts.

time to reflect a little.... feel the love.
even humming Amazing Grace peacefully in my soul.... nothing like that joy and peacefulness

But I have to say that I would enjoy seeing Brian France getting his sorry trust fund Ass kicked. Plus all the DJs in the late 1970's that played Disco when my radio was all I had. Damn the BeeGees too.
Dave Moody too that's the only time I would enjoy his screeming , and all of the loud used car salesman on the radio.

And I still feel at peace.... That would be the greater joy.
A question for all who like NASCAR cussin, spittin and fisticuffs. Would your opinions of fights involving drivers and crews change any if people were injured? I know that people probably have not thought about that scenario which is why I ask.
Yes. That is the point of a good fight. Someone wins, and someone loses. The loser should be the person who committed the original offense. Maybe a good butt kicking will fix their inability to drive with respect.
Since Kyle sort of got a piling on to, there really isnt any drivers that I want to see sparring right this moment, but what I do want to see, is the next time some drivers decide to dance, is I dont want the crew members getting in the middle of it, I want them to be left alone to do their thing , no more inference, just out of curiosity to see what would happen, in the name of science of course.
Nobody really deserves to have their butt handed to em at this point. Some of Carl's moves in 2010 were absolutely ridiculous though IMO.
I would like to see kenseth get beat up. Just a fair fight where he can't sneak up behind you.
Smack talk can be a lot of fun, and sometimes the casual thought of a driver getting a needed adjustment is fun, been there done that.

But when I think of a genuine ass kicking, I think of something brutal and very ugly. How many people have seen how brutal a good puncher can be?

Then add on the mental after effects of the victims moment. One that could cause a person to doubt themselves for the rest of their life . And some have even been beaten enough to even blame themselves for the pain inflicted, inspite of being blameless.

I dont wish that kind of physical pain and anguish upon anyone. I am thinkful that I have never been able to do that to anyone, I dont think I could ever forgive myself. I just dont want anyone broken that way. It is just wrong on all counts.

time to reflect a little.... feel the love.
even humming Amazing Grace peacefully in my soul.... nothing like that joy and peacefulness

But I have to say that I would enjoy seeing Brian France getting his sorry trust fund Ass kicked. Plus all the DJs in the late 1970's that played Disco when my radio was all I had. Damn the BeeGees too.
Dave Moody too that's the only time I would enjoy his screeming , and all of the loud used car salesman on the radio.

And I still feel at peace.... That would be the greater joy.

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Yes. That is the point of a good fight. Someone wins, and someone loses. The loser should be the person who committed the original offense. Maybe a good butt kicking will fix their inability to drive with respect.
What does it prove? That someone is a better fighter or a better driver? The loser should be doesn't mean much in a fight. What if the one doing the offense was the one in the wrong but did the butt kicking? Maybe they should wait to watch the replay before going postal. Besides it never is a good idea to go looking for a fight by yourself in someone else's den.
IMO this thread has no place here.. Just saying.

"Hey guys.. Who do you wish physical harm on?"


Most people don't stop and think about the suffering you can impose on a person by giving them a good beat down. A buddy of mine had his jaw broken over 45 years ago and still lives with pain and has had to have multiple surgeries. Another guy suffers from blurred vision in one eye and another from headaches from having his head slammed into a steel pole.

I think that the great majority of fights have no lasting consequences and in some cases may actually teach someone a lesson but if folks took a long term view of fist fights and particularly brawls they would be against them.
Most people don't stop and think about the suffering you can impose on a person by giving them a good beat down. A buddy of mine had his jaw broken over 45 years ago and still lives with pain and has had to have multiple surgeries. Another guy suffers from blurred vision in one eye and another from headaches from having his head slammed into a steel pole.

I think that the great majority of fights have no lasting consequences and in some cases may actually teach someone a lesson but if folks took a long term view of fist fights and particularly brawls they would be against them.
Yup.. Hell, even winning fights hurts lol my hand gets sore all the time from swollen knuckles from over ten years ago.
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