What happened to booze?



Good ol' American beer. Bud, Miller, Schiltz, Coors and the list goes on and on. Now there's pumpkin, apple, chocolate, CHOCOLATE flavored beer. If I want chocolate I'll eat a HERSEY bar and wash it down with a Bud,Miller etc. My brothers resturant has over 70 beers on the list. That's just on tap, there's almost as many in bottles.

Cherry flavored bourbon! That's blasphemy! Sacrilege!
Vodka,,don't get me started. Name a fruit or veggie and they've stuffed it in a bottle. But BACON flavored vodka? What sick person drinks that?

Oh, who made the decision to market a beer that tastes like bull nuts?

And "Lite' beer,,shesh. If your gonna drink, drink like ya mean it.
I'd rather drink American IPA, spiced rum or some good ole' fashioned backroads shine. The pumpkin beers are horrible except for the Dogfish Head Pumpkin IPA. I've never had a chocolate beer before but Heavy Seas makes one. Barleywine Ale is good too.

Samuel Adams has several seasonal beers and they all taste the same to me (and make me vomit, without getting drunk, to boot).
I normally don't drink beer but I recently had Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin ale and it wasn't bad. I don't like the taste of American beers.
I prefer Ketel One or Johnnie Walker Black.
I had a chocolate porter over Christmas. Mmmmmm, tasty. I'd also give the RMO beer a try, but let's say I like beer. (and no, Bud and those others don't count as beer IMO)
Bourbon please, preferably Wild Turkey 101. Never cared much for scotch,,,but if that's all ya got I'll drink it...;)
btw, I got "whiskey stones' from my brother at Christmas. granite cut into squares like ice cubes. Half hour in the freezer and they'll keep a drink chilled just enough for about a hour without watering it down. But if you "swirl" your drink those *&%#@^#& stones scratch the hell out of your wifes best glasses bringing on the wrath.....
btw, I got "whiskey stones' from my brother at Christmas. granite cut into squares like ice cubes. Half hour in the freezer and they'll keep a drink chilled just enough for about a hour without watering it down. But if you "swirl" your drink those *&%#@^#& stones scratch the hell out of your wifes best glasses bringing on the wrath.....
I never heard of the whiskey stones. That's pretty funny about scratching the glasses, though.
My dad drank JD and Gentleman Jack. I never liked it. I prefer single malt scotch, no water, room temp.
Bud Light for me in this house. I always find it amusing how many beer aficionados there are on the internet. Everyone's a beer connoisseur and only drinks the expensive brands and the like yet when I leave a large event, race, concert, or any sporting event it's extremely obvious the overwhelming majority enjoys my tastes for Bud. :cool:
Bud Light for me in this house. I always find it amusing how many beer aficionados there are on the internet. Everyone's a beer connoisseur and only drinks the expensive brands and the like yet when I leave a large event, race, concert, or any sporting event it's extremely obvious the overwhelming majority enjoys my tastes for Bud. :cool:
Price and availability. Simple. Beer snobs (like me) prefer a stronger flavored beer than that, but a) they don't come in cans (usually) and b) at large events the cheap ones are usually the only sold (and even there they are two expensive). And yes, the majority is led to believe (via the Bud onslaught of advertising and the like) that Bud is the best thing there is.
And all this time, I thought beers only came in 3 flavors...Lager, Pilsner, and ale.
Bud Light for me in this house. I always find it amusing how many beer aficionados there are on the internet. Everyone's a beer connoisseur and only drinks the expensive brands and the like yet when I leave a large event, race, concert, or any sporting event it's extremely obvious the overwhelming majority enjoys my tastes for Bud. :cool:
If everybody drinks snobbish specialty beer, I guess thats why Bud Light is the best selling beer by far and its also my drink of choice in the bottle along with Black Jack Daniels occasionaly.
If everybody drinks snobbish specialty beer, I guess thats why Bud Light is the best selling beer by far and its also my drink of choice in the bottle along with Black Jack Daniels occasionaly.
Anheuser-Busch mass produces cheap beer and markets it world wide. An 18 pack of Bud-Light at the local market is $15.99, about 88 cents per beer.
Anheuser-Busch mass produces cheap beer and markets it world wide. An 18 pack of Bud-Light at the local market is $15.99, about 88 cents per beer.
I don't drink hard liquor, but I like just about any brand of beer, and I like it even more if it's in a nice ice cold glass bottle on a really hot day.:)
I don't drink hard liquor, but I like just about any brand of beer, and I like it even more if it's in a nice ice cold glass bottle on a really hot day.:)
I got, from "secret santa" a mug that you keep in the freezer that keeps beer really, really cold. So cold in fact that you end up with ice crystals. I poured a second beer in my mug the other night (Sierra Nevada was the beer of choice) and this is what happened.
frozen beer.jpg
Anheuser-Busch mass produces cheap beer and markets it world wide. An 18 pack of Bud-Light at the local market is $15.99, about 88 cents per beer.
My point is it tastes good or it would not be number one. I along with millions of other Bud Light drinkers can afford to drink whatever the hell we want. Mass produced or made in a thimble doesnt matter, 50 cents or $1,000 a bottle doesnt make the taste better just more money for the brewer, to me its all about taste so to each his own.


At the Brickyard there were four eighteen packs in the bunk of the RV in the picture I posted, since hunting is more brain taxing than racing there are four cases at the hunting camp. :cheers:
My point is it tastes good or it would not be number one. I along with millions of other Bud Light drinkers can afford to drink whatever the hell we want. Mass produced or made in a thimble doesnt matter, 50 cents or $1,000 a bottle doesnt make the taste better just more money for the brewer, to me its all about taste so to each his own.
At the Brickyard there were four eighteen packs in the bunk of the RV in the picture I posted, since hunting is more brain taxing than racing there are four cases at the hunting camp. :cheers:

That was my point; to each his own. Bud, to me tastes like watered-down crap and gives me instant heartburn.
No comparison betrween hunting down south and up north. First you're shooting deer the size of a dog up here. You have feral hogs, we have pissed off bears. And mooses aren't the freindliest either.
Ok, you have snakes, so do we. The dreaded snow snake, evil, mean, wicked and nasty cretures. That's why we fortify ourselves with blue berry brandy every night. That way should we get bit our buddies can follow the blue trail in the snow and kill it.
Didn't you just say "to each his own" but are somehow upset that we don't like Bud?
Not upset at all, just making a point. And this is not the podium, no pissing contests.
Anheuser-Busch spends more money on advertising than any other beer manufacturer and they spend the largest percentage of that advertising on sporting events.
Budweiser has got to continue spending more money on advertising in order to sell more beer so they can buy more horses. There is the watery by-product from horses that give Budweiser its flavor.
Anheuser-Busch spends more money on advertising than any other beer manufacturer and they spend the largest percentage of that advertising on sporting events.
Budweiser has got to continue spending more money on advertising in order to sell more beer so they can buy more horses. There is the watery by-product from horses that give Budweiser its flavor.
Not really. AB or the European company that owns the name now controls not only who distributes beer, but where it goes in the stores. AND, there is a "triad" in the beer business...brewery, distributor, and seller. They are all separate, but when one company buys all the competition, well there isn't any competition. For me, I'm Irish and just pass the Guiness and I'll watch all the other beer drinkers.
I got, from "secret santa" a mug that you keep in the freezer that keeps beer really, really cold. So cold in fact that you end up with ice crystals. I poured a second beer in my mug the other night (Sierra Nevada was the beer of choice) and this is what happened.
View attachment 4986

Sierra Nevada IPA is pretty tasty.
My dad alternated between this and Dos Equis.
I tried both of those and a lot of other so called designer beers and so help me they all taste like what I imagine horse piss tastes like. They are too strong with no body or real flavor, just their PR people saying that to be super cool you have to drink their beer, lager, pilsner etc. So called beer snobs bore the hell outa me.
If you wanna taste horse piss drink anything from Anheuser-Busch.
Too strong; seriously? It's ale man, not moonshine.
I hope I'm never considered "super cool" based solely on my beverage preference.
Get some sleep.
If you wanna taste horse piss drink anything from Anheuser-Busch.
Too strong; seriously? It's ale man, not moonshine.
I hope I'm never considered "super cool" based solely on my beverage preference.
Get some sleep.
No chance of that.
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