When you think Winston?



When you say or think Winston Cup, do you really think about the brand of cigarette? From my point of view, it has been the winston cup series for so long that I don't really relate it to cigarettes. If I were to smoke, I would not say "hey I watch winston cup, I should smoke winston cigarettes." I have the same perspective about the Busch series. I don't relate it necessarily to the beer (and I have been known to have a few busch lights).
i am with you. winston cup....just think of racing and not the smokes.

same with the trucks.....hmm since i watch them on tv i need to get crafsman tools......nan
Originally posted by Dinoforthe3@Jun 17 2003, 11:34 AM
When you say or think Winston Cup, do you really think about the brand of cigarette? From my point of view, it has been the winston cup series for so long that I don't really relate it to cigarettes. If I were to smoke, I would not say "hey I watch winston cup, I should smoke winston cigarettes." I have the same perspective about the Busch series. I don't relate it necessarily to the beer (and I have been known to have a few busch lights).
I agree. It's not like they have 30' boxes of smokes spread around the track, or do they?
I think of Churchill....

What ever happen to the term Grand National Cars?
I dont ever hardly think of cigarettes when I here the " Winston Cup Series"
I use to smoke and did so for 20 years. Winston and Camel was the brands I smoke so that is the first thing I think of when I say Winston. But that's just me. :D
Originally posted by Gollum@Jun 18 2003, 01:10 AM
I use to smoke and did so for 20 years. Winston and Camel was the brands I smoke so that is the first thing I think of when I say Winston. But that's just me. :D
I smoked Winston and Marlboro for years, but I don't know if that is the reason I think of Winston cigarettes when I hear the word Winston. When I think of any kind of cigarette, however, I think of my father-in-law who is dying from emphysema. I think they should put him in one of those adds where they tell you how cool and fun it is to smoke. I guess it just bugs me a little that my kids will soon miss out on many years they should have had with their grandpa.
Originally posted by redrock@Jun 17 2003, 06:28 PM
I think of Churchill....

What ever happen to the term Grand National Cars?
The classification of Grand National Series was changed to Winston Cup Series in the early seventies. After the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company took over sponsorship of the series. Fans of the series were much slower to adopt the name change. The name Grand National Series went to what is now known as the Busch Series. This change came about when Busch took over full sponsorship of the Grand National Series. Why is no one surprised ??? :D

What is today the weekly paper media "Winston Cup Scene" held the banner "Grand National Scene" was a hold out of sorts until the late eighties.
So another conundrum will come into play. Will the "Winston Cup Scene" now become the Nextel Cup Scene, or will it take the banner of NASCAR Nextel News ??? Will Winston Cup cars be called Nextel Cup cars??
Just more speculation for youse guys and gals. :D

winston cup= racing

to me winston cup is just racing...but if someone just said winston, i would think of the cig brand first...
I still think of the cigs. I remember when they used to hand them out at some of the booths.
Is that showing my age? :)
Winston = tobacco = death.

It's that simple.

I grew up in a generation in which nearly everyone used tobacco, including myself.

Unfiltered Camels from about 12 years old (used to steal my Dad's and check the ashtrays for any long butts) until I suffered a massive heart attack at age 52.
The cause of the heart attack? Smoking.

Since then I've also been diagnosed with emphsema; the medications cause other problems which have forced an early retirement. Walking, or any other physical activity is a chore resulting in having to collapse into a chair and take the time to catch my breath. A flight of stairs? Yeah, sure! Give me a day or two.
I'm on a first name basis with several different doctors and nurses; I actually see most of them more often than I see some of the members of my own family.

Needless to say, I can no longer hold any type of competition license, no pilot's license, not even my commercial driver's license. I'm no longer able to pass the required physical exam.
All of this has made for a huge change of plans as to the retirement my wife and I had been working for and looking forward to.

In recent years I've been to more than a few funerals for both friends and family members who, like myself, grew up believing all the advertisements of big tobacco that smoking was just about the greatest thing since sliced bread, it certainly was not in any way harmful to one's health and that everybody, and I do mean everybody who is anybody, smokes whatever brand the ads were pushing.

Every S.O.B who ever planted, grew, harvested, packaged, advertised or sold any tobacco product should be held accountable for their actions in some way.
And don't any one of you youngsters come back with the old stand-by argument that smoking was a free choice made by each individual. That is pure B.S. Anybody who comes out with that crap doesn't have a clue about the habits of the previous generations and their use of tobacco.

There are still thousands of smokers who are addicted to cigarettes, including some members of my own family. (I did quit when I had the heart attack, but by then the major damage had been done and even though it has been several years now, I still crave a cigarette at times.)

Tobacco, a legal product which kills over forty per-cent of those who use it.

Hopefully a day will come when there are no more tobacco companies and one of the leading causes of death in this country is erradicated.

Lung cancer
Heart disease

If you're a smoker, quit right now! If you're not, for God's sake don't start!
Originally posted by boB@Jun 18 2003, 09:24 AM
Every S.O.B who ever planted, grew, harvested, packaged, advertised or sold any tobacco product should be held accountable for their actions in some way.
And don't any one of you youngsters come back with the old stand-by argument that smoking was a free choice made by each individual. That is pure B.S. Anybody who comes out with that crap doesn't have a clue about the habits of the previous generations and their use of tobacco.

boB, I guess you and I will just have to disagree on this. I do not for one minute believe that when I put that cigarette in my mouth that it was the least bit healthy.
And I don't think that anyone from these tobacco companies physically put that cigarette into your hand and forced you to smoke it. I am a 22 year smoker who has liberated herself from the nasty habit almost 8 months now. It was very difficult to break the habit, but you have to want to quit to be able to, and I finally did. The ironic thing was quitting was not based on my health, it was a financial decision.
Don't they put dealers of other types of addictive drugs in jail?
Don't they arrest and imprison people who manufacture other types of drugs?
And isn't tobacco just about the most addictive drug openly available?
Doesn't tobacco kill more of its users than any other drug currently in popular use?
Haven't the tobacco companies killed enough of their customers yet?

Yep, it was a free choice to start smoking, made at a time when a very large number of people in our society were tobacco users. Unfortunately, once you start smoking, it is not all that easy to quit.
I, along with millions of other people, had been smoking for quite a few years before anyone mentioned that using tobacco was hazardous to one's health.
You started smoking after the dangers of using tobacco were well known and publicized; there are thousands of smokers who became addicted long before the government forced big tobacco to make that knowledge public.
When you have a bit of time, go to the library and look through some of the old magazines, Life, Saturday Evening Post or almost any others from the 1940's, 50's or even the 1960's; notice the advertisements.
Then take the time to look up the costs of tobacco usage over the years, the number of lives cut short, and then tell me that I am wrong in my feelings toward big tobacco.

As far as you quitting majestyx, I'm certainly glad to hear that you have, but after only eight months, do not feel that you are free of the habit at all. As I said, I quit in 1996 after I had a major heart attack, I have all sorts of physical problems that are directly related to my use of tobacco from a very young age, and I still crave cigarettes at times.

If you knew that tobacco was unhealthy before you started using it, and still made the choice, that is your own fault. Unfortunately, there were smokers for years who listened to the lies tossed at us from those who profit greatly from the suffering and death of their customers, and only found out long after we were addicted that tobacco was an addiction and that it would (not could) kill us.

And those same killers are still allowed to continue pocketing the profits from their deadly product?

I'm sorry, but I really have a hard time justifying that in my own mind. Something is terribly wrong with this picture. I wonder if the fact that a bunch of politicians are being bought off by the tobacco companies might enter into this scenerio at all?
Your last paragraph appeals to the cynic in my soul,boB.Like yourself,I started smoking young(Raleighs---you older folks remember them).

Was I old enough then to really understand what I was getting hooked on?mmm?Good question.The year was about '78 or '79...so like Maj,the warnings were pretty public in my era.But public warnings or not,something just seemed so cool about sneaking around with a pack of smokes hid in my sock!Hell,you could buy smokes at any age back then...not like these days,when an i.d and a bank loan are required to purchase a pack.

Also,even though aware of the dangers,I 'chose' to smoke.What is a little danger when you are 15 or so anyway?Sadly,now we all know.You,who have suffered terribly from that old habit,Maj who managed to quit hopefully before too much damage was done,and myself,who has smoked since that long ago day when cigarettes were 'cool'.

And even though I call it a 'choice' and fool myself into pretending I could still quit,a part of myself knows these damn things are killer addictive.Just something that should have never been unleashed on the public in the first place.

REGARDLESS of whether or not 'choice' is involved.So,yeah,I take the blame.My free choice after all.But damn,it would be so much easier to quit if they just didn't make the things.And the fact that some are getting rich off the suffering of others just doesn't sit well with me personally.

So both you folks forgive me.I just had to chime in on this one.A choice it may have been originally but an addiction it is now.Sorry for your medical problems,boB,and hang tough Maj.Leave the smokes alone.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Jun 18 2003, 08:37 AM
I'm sure I'll be one of those who will call NASCAR racing "Winston Cup" until the day I check out.

Nextel Cup just doesn't cut it for me.
I agree with you TRL, I will always think of it as Winston Cup. When I hear Winston my thoughts go to racing.
If they put everyone in jail that grew or sold tobacco. Then should not the same thing happen to anyone that made or sold beer. Many many people die on highways because of drunk drivers. Many lay in hospitals because of alcohol related illnesses. Lock up the Doctors that give people drugs that people get addicted to. Come on lets be fair about it. Oh by the way I will problely call it the winston cup also. :D
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