Who are these guys?


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Lets see who knows their people....

Here are pictures of 3 out of 4 drivers currently in the top 25 in points. Guess who the 3 are and who the 4th is of whom i have no photo on my wall (and desperately wouldnt mind having one of).



darn you TRL...i didnt think anybody would get yeley..i'd like to have a robbie gordon picture, i thought i had one from his IRL days but apparently not.
somethign i just thought of...maybe for a one off effort they should enter Hamlin in a IRL race. That way gibsb can say all 3 of his drivers were in IRL at some point or another. Seems a coincedene that 2 drivers that competed against eachother in IRL wound up on the same stock car team.
This is robby's car isn't it? I says JM on the side for John Menard, but i dont see robby's name on it anywhere


Lets see..i have an unsigned Buddy Lazier poster....signed Jeff Ward poster...The pole day poster with Scott Goodyear and Jeff Ward's signatures (and another that is completely illegible), signed shigeaki Hattori, unsigned brandon erwin, and a book with Jaques Lazier, Jeff ward, and shigeaki Hattori signatures. So 5 unique IRL signatures (thats alot for back in 98 and 2001, back when they let fans have free run of the garage area for autograph sessions)

Total signatures i have in my room- 8 IRL and 8 Drag racing (9 if you count the signed piston and rod assembly)
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