
you cant whip me thats childs abuse whip that grin off the cat
i painted it i justdidnot paint it like you wanted give me cookies or ill scream
Originally posted by pettyfan4life
you cant whip me thats childs abuse whip that grin off the cat
What cat?

Just don't paint yourself into a corner or it's NO COOKIES!
They can't catch us if we all run if different directions! Let them clean up, I made cheesecake. Too bad their old stomaches can't handle the sugar! There's some Ovaltine in the sippy cups for them. Don't want any drool on the floor they cleaned.
I'll remember that the next time you want a picture of DJ resized for an avatar.:)
Originally posted by sgbg88
I made cheesecake. Too bad their old stomaches can't handle the sugar!
What, Jello Cheesecake? You youngsters just don't know how to cook either, sigh.

Sgbg, the bathrooms are waiting for YOU to clean.

And the following is for pettyfan:p
Hey, now I wasn't talking about you DE. I know your still young at heart!:) Besides Ovaltine is good for people your age:p
You know, this all started with a poll.......us old farts kicked butt and now they are trying to change the subject.:)
us young guns will outshow all of the old timers like they do in nascar lol
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
You know, this all started with a poll.......us old farts kicked butt and now they are trying to change the subject.:)

Too bad one of the young ones "LOST" a few posts. The computer ate them, sigh.
Hey, I think I lost a few too...........they'll get over it.:)
Why buck, I am surprised you could find that pic of me! With your advanced age and all I would have thought you would have gotten confused!
sgbg, mamma kat says, the scrub brush and cleaning supplies are inder the sinks in the bathrooms....get busy!
No cookies yet pettyfan, nascarwoman didn't inspect the paint job yet!

Isn't past your bed time...school tomorrow ya know:)
that kat is gonna give me nightmares nadi am not talking about the grinning one
Well, do I get a second batch of cookies because I'm a veteran contributer now?
Originally posted by pettyfan4life
that kat is gonna give me nightmares nadi am not talking about the grinning one

OK, pettyfan, sleep well and purrrrrrr.
Originally posted by 66mustang
Well, do I get a second batch of cookies because I'm a veteran contributer now?

OK 66, this batch is for YOU. Besides, you cleaned for hours all by yourself:)
Originally posted by pettyfan4life
some of them look like susage or hamburgers

Assorted, fresh baked...Choc chip, macadamia nut, oatmeal, peanutbutter and chok chunk. quit complaining.
Originally posted by kat2220
OK 66, this batch is for YOU. Besides, you cleaned for hours all by yourself:)

Thanks! Boy those look good!
Originally posted by 66mustang
Hey...excuse me...they are mine!:mad:

NO 66, I sent some to pettyfan, different than yours. You got the most because you worked really hard and hardly whined:)
Originally posted by AngelPoet8
i am just here doing psychology homework...fun fun....i have a night class to night fun


Hey Krystle,

There's enough insanity, psychosis and anti-social cookie behavior in this thread to fill your notebook for the entire semester.:) :) :) :D :D :D
Does that mean we are helping Krystal to get an "A" in psych?:)
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