Regarding the discussion on the yellow line incident involving Jeff Gordon, the answer is........
There is no answer!
Mainly because of the always present subjective nature of the decisions involving everything that is NASCAR. The deal can be argured either way and at all times NASCAR can come up with a reasonable explanation as to why which way they go this time is correct. The interesting thing is, they can go in a completely different direction and still be right.
Gordon did go below the yellow line on 2 occasions that showed up on the telecast. If there were others we missed them. On both occasions, both left side tires were below the yellow line. In other words you could see the yellow line, then pavement, and then the left side tires. Its not a judgement call, his tires were below the yellow line, period.
Time for the subjective part though, and NASCAR's interpretation of the rule.
Did he improve his position?
Yes, on both counts. But there's plenty of room for discussion and or interpretation.
The first venture below the yellow line appeared to be the result of a bump from Craven. Craven did not force Gordon below the yellow line, but thats where Gordon drove his car after he was bumped. When he first crossed below the yellow line the front of Cravens car was slightly ahead of the front of Gordons car and he was only below the yellow line briefly. But before, during, and after, going below the yellow line, Gordon was in the process of pulling past Cravens car. He had a run and during that run which started out as I mentioned with Cravens car holding a slight advantage over Gordons, he went below the yellow line and continued on to make the pass.
My interpretation on this one, which is worthless by the way, is that its a non-foul. Craven didn't force Gordon below the yellow line and it was clear that Gordon didn't need to go below the yellow line to avoid Craven after the bump. There was still room on the race track. But I still say its a non-foul because Gordon technically didn't benefit from going below the yellow line. He would have made the pass anyway. My argument in Gordons defense would be that he moved left to gather the thing back up after the bump and was not trying to make a pass by going below the yellow line.
The second time below the line was a bit different though. He again was clearly below the yellow line, but this time there was no bumping involved. Blocking, yes, but no bumping. Kenseth had the lead and Gordon moved low to make the pass. Kenseth while still in the lead moved low to block the move, and Gordon while not alongside Kenseth's can continued lower until his tires crossed the yellow line. After crossing the yellow line Gordon was able to put a fender inside Kenseth. At the last second before entering the turn, Kenseth moved up the track, which allowed Gordon room to move up as well. Once into the turn Gordon continued on and made the pass.
Plenty of interpretation room on this one too really. I mean what exactly is the rule? Do you have to complete the pass while you are below the yellow for there to be a foul? That doesn't sound reasonable, but its not my rule, so who knows. The other question is what does improving your position mean? Improving your position by a few inches? A few feet? A car length? What? Can moving to a particular place on the track, while not actually gaining ground on the opposition, be considered improving your position?
To put it another way, if you go below the yellow line, and in the process, force another competitor out of the lane he was racing in so as to avoid an accident and an 18 car pile up, putting yourself in a lane with the trailing competitors all lined up behind you, would that be considered improving your position, although technically you didn't complete a pass while below the yellow line?
Again, plenty of room to argue the deal either way, but my take on it is pretty simple. This particular incident was exactly the reason for the rule to begin with. While he was not as far below the yellow line, and there was not a slower car ahead on the apron to further compound things, this was exactly the same move Gordon put on the #2 car to win the 500. The exact same move that resulted in the rule we have now.
I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories and really have no complaints. There's not room for any. But there's plenty of room for NASCAR to decide such things as they wish. You have to wonder if they really aren't as dumb as they appear at times.