Your next word is ... duck



True story.

My wife's world, and mine, revolves around an 8 year old little girl. Her schoolmate (we'll call her Sue) is staying over for the next couple of days because her mother underwent surgery and is bed-ridden in the hospital.

Cut to the chase. Mom's not home so I have to oversee the girls' homework. Sue is one grade below my daughter, and today, she was having a hard time grasping the rhyming concept. On her homework page, she was asked to come up with new words to rhyme with the one's on her paper. It started off simple enough. "Kid". Hmm, she wondered. How 'bout "did". Yes, I said, you got it. Just remove the first letter of the word, and add a new one to the ending.

We're doing fine, I thought.

Next word, "corn". I said, just pick a new letter from the alphabet and try that word. She picked the letter "p".

(cue crickets)

Needless to say, from then on, I went with a different approach to help her rhyme words.

I don't teach for a living, and let us all give thanks for that.
I should add that, fortunately, with the new word Sue came up with (sounds like corn but starts with a "p"), she had no clue what it meant. I told her it wasn't a word, and she finally settled on "born".

It just didn't dawn on me that removing the first letter of a certain word, like witch, and inserting a new one, like "b", could lead to an awkward situation.

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