You've got to see this video -- Bristol

Yep, that was a doozie. I can't help but wonder how anything can be done that would please everyone. Obviously, we would need a commercial free feed, but who would pay for that? Then there would need to be cameras on every car at the same time so that no action would be missed. Then of course, they would need cameras in the pits, etc.

The big problem with a race at Bristol is that it doesn't take long for one lap to be made and as long as there is going to be commercials, there's going to be many laps not seen.

I also find it funny that ESPN is the reason that NASCAR became so popular back in the late 80's and 90's, yet now they've fallen way behind in coverage compared to the other networks that have been covering the sport. I suppose they will learn from all of this, but one has to wonder if indeed they will. I know that most of the time, those who are in power of the way they do things, only compare themselves to others in the same business, never really looking at those who actually watch their product.

As for the ending statement in the video, I think that the saturation of the sport is more likely the reason for the waning interest.
I'll have to wait until I get home to watch the video. But, as to learning new things I always find it amusing that Vince McMahon's failed XFL gave the idea of the camera over the track and football field. Just goes to show that sometimes people can take a new look at something.
I loved the idea of the XFL. You get paid more ..... to win!!! What an idea. What a concept. You lose .... you don't get paid. How could that idea not work?
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