Tropical Storm (Hurricane) Michael


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
@Johali's turn.


Unfortunately it's gonna hit us too somehow. As much rain as we've had and all the debris still all over, this could be less than optimal here.
@Johali , you got gen gas on hand and the extra beany wienies on the shelf?
Yep. Went out and checked yesterday afternoon, cranked right up and is set on automatic if the power goes out. We have 50 gallons of gas and plenty of food.
You staying or leaving, this looks like a ball buster. Be safe out there and good luck.
We're staying. We have higher ground here than the rest of the Florida Gulf Coast so water isn't our main concern, the wind is. Also It's supposed to make landfall far enough to the east that we shouldn't have any problems. What about you?
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Had a fast-moving t'storm here about 11:30 this morning. By noon, it was about over.
Dropped an inch of rain ---

Keep a sharp weather eye, Johali. Don't need you washing away. Or blowing away, either.
@Johali , just catching up this am, now a Cat 4 and it looks like the really bad side will go east of you but you may get the west eye wall, in our prayers. This is a bad sum bitch.
Yeah It's a bad one but for now the tide surge will be minimal and the wind tolerable. We're inland a little at the office, which is two duplex's on higher ground. We also keep the boat, RV and Ram truck here. We have all of the comforts of home and usually stay here during storms. Stay safe bud.
Everyone in FL stay safe! You haven't seen anything like this one since the mid 50s.
I will only get gusts of wind 30-50mph and a drenching in central Georgia.
Everyone in FL stay safe! You haven't seen anything like this one since the mid 50s.
I will only get gusts of wind 30-50mph and a drenching in central Georgia.
Will do, see posts 14 & 22. :D
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My cousin lives just outside of Pensacola. She lost her husband last year and hasn't taken it well. Her brother, my needed killin' cuz', headed down and secured the house yesterday. Now they're on the way back to Texas.
“To put it into perspective - there have only been 3 Cat 5 hurricanes to hit the US in history...‬”
My brother has a house and a boat on the bay. It just went over his house. He put them up for sale a month or so ago but hasn't sold yet.. My SIL said they got back here in Georgia late last night so they are out of harm's way. They will have damage though.
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