T.Schu,C.Force sitting out 2019?


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
@Nitro Dude Do you know anything on this?

My intel is indicating that Tony could not land a sponsor, and he will be sitting out 2019 until funds are available.

Additionally, they have indicated that Courtney and Graham are hiding from the media in another country and that she is pregnant and will also sit out 2019; her team will go towards Austin Prock in a second TF car.
Woke up to a message saying that T.Schu has a sponsor, but it has not even been leaked much less announced of who it is.
Blake Alexander has last minute aborted vandergriff racing.

The sudden hinting that Tschu has $$ and that Blake is taking his Pronto $$ elsewhere may indicate a split ride at DSR maybe? It's unlikely, but plausible given this knowledge.
I'm sorry Mag but I make it a rule not to discuss any activity about other teams until the info becomes public. Heck I can't even discuss info about our team until the info is made public. But, I can say that I just got my first look at a pic of what our new wrap on the hauler is going to look like and I will say it is off the charts.;) Austin Prock has been dating our team managers daughter since earlier this year. He is a really nice young man and I told them they make a good couple. I'm noticing a pattern with Blake Alexander, he did a last minute departure from Worshams team in the off season a few years ago also. That is a good group of guys on Vandergriff's team...they were right behind us when a girl t-boned our rental car when myself and three other crew guys were on the way to the Sonoma track earlier this year. They jumped out and turned our car back up on it's wheels so that we could get out. Then they went on to win the race that day.:)
how are you doing,are you going to be working at pomona?are you going to the chili bowl?
I'm sorry Mag but I make it a rule not to discuss any activity about other teams until the info becomes public. Heck I can't even discuss info about our team until the info is made public. But, I can say that I just got my first look at a pic of what our new wrap on the hauler is going to look like and I will say it is off the charts.;) Austin Prock has been dating our team managers daughter since earlier this year. He is a really nice young man and I told them they make a good couple. I'm noticing a pattern with Blake Alexander, he did a last minute departure from Worshams team in the off season a few years ago also. That is a good group of guys on Vandergriff's team...they were right behind us when a girl t-boned our rental car when myself and three other crew guys were on the way to the Sonoma track earlier this year. They jumped out and turned our car back up on it's wheels so that we could get out. Then they went on to win the race that day.:)
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how are you doing,are you going to be working at pomona?are you going to the chili bowl?
I'm sorry Mag but I make it a rule not to discuss any activity about other teams until the info becomes public. Heck I can't even discuss info about our team until the info is made public. But, I can say that I just got my first look at a pic of what our new wrap on the hauler is going to look like and I will say it is off the charts.;) Austin Prock has been dating our team managers daughter since earlier this year. He is a really nice young man and I told them they make a good couple. I'm noticing a pattern with Blake Alexander, he did a last minute departure from Worshams team in the off season a few years ago also. That is a good group of guys on Vandergriff's team...they were right behind us when a girl t-boned our rental car when myself and three other crew guys were on the way to the Sonoma track earlier this year. They jumped out and turned our car back up on it's wheels so that we could get out. Then they went on to win the race that day.:)
I'm not going to the Chili Bowl. I'm leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow morning for a week...but I will be at the Pomona race.
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@Nitro Dude Do you know anything on this?

My intel is indicating that Tony could not land a sponsor, and he will be sitting out 2019 until funds are available.

Additionally, they have indicated that Courtney and Graham are hiding from the media in another country and that she is pregnant and will also sit out 2019; her team will go towards Austin Prock in a second TF car.
I remember the Force team seat fitting Brittany in the Funny Car last season.
I remember the Force team seat fitting Brittany in the Funny Car last season.

To my knowledge, that was only to provide the team with a 'Plan C' car if there was ever a need for her to switch down. IE, if she misses the countdown, they can (with sponsor permission) switch her to a FC to serve as a points blocker. I don't think we will see her in a FC though. The Austin Prock running a 2nd TF car sounds entirely plausible though.
I think there is going to be an announcement sometime after Jan1st.
To my knowledge, that was only to provide the team with a 'Plan C' car if there was ever a need for her to switch down. IE, if she misses the countdown, they can (with sponsor permission) switch her to a FC to serve as a points blocker. I don't think we will see her in a FC though. The Austin Prock running a 2nd TF car sounds entirely plausible though.
I just wonder if it's any cheaper to run all FC and shut the TF program down? Sponsor's determine what you can afford. Is her sponsorship solid?
I just wonder if it's any cheaper to run all FC and shut the TF program down? Sponsor's determine what you can afford. Is her sponsorship solid?
FC is far more expensive than TF because of the bodies. TF skin is a couple thousand at best. a FC body is about $85-100,000 worth of carbon fiber. And if anybody happened to lose track the last 2 years, I think Force has lost a dozen of them or so.
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