Chicago Bonehead

Then they run it early and people complain about that. This was an event that happened to have a race at it and they needed to get the concerts in before the race because no one is going to attend a concert at 6pm on a Sunday.
Heavens forbid we lose the concerts. Chainsmokers got rained out last year but the event was still run…which contradicts my point here. I think PitBull got rained out before a Daytona 500, but they still managed to run the race. I’m not a concert promoter or race promoter but I think it wouldn’t hurt to look at running these races earlier to avoid the weather and then put whatever else after that. IMO the race itself should be the event, I guess you’d be okay with getting the Chainsmokers in and then having the race postponed, shortened or canceled if weather reared its ugly head. Im of the mind if I wanted to go to a concert to see an artist, I’d go to their concert itself
Heavens forbid we lose the concerts. Chainsmokers got rained out last year but the event was still run…which contradicts my point here. I think PitBull got rained out before a Daytona 500, but they still managed to run the race. I’m not a concert promoter or race promoter but I think it wouldn’t hurt to look at running these races earlier to avoid the weather and then put whatever else after that. IMO the race itself should be the event, I guess you’d be okay with getting the Chainsmokers in and then having the race postponed, shortened or canceled if weather reared its ugly head. Im of the mind if I wanted to go to a concert to see an artist, I’d go to their concert itself
When you figure out how to "avoid the weather" a year in advance you will be a rich man.
The only things I know that are predictable is when there is rain on any track, the me too's will blame Nascar. If the race isn't in the East and in the eastern time zone, the me too's. will blame Nascar. The Chicago race was a perfect storm for those guys lol.
When you figure out how to "avoid the weather" a year in advance you will be a rich man.
You're not going to avoid it, but you CAN give yourself a bigger window to get the race in. You have three things at work here; A track without lights, a track that is extremely susceptible to standing water which must be cleared away, and an event that REALLY needs to be completed on the scheduled day, much more so than ANY other race on the schedule. Why continue to ignore REAL issues and keep trying to force the square peg through the round hole? Maybe NBC would like to reimburse the fans that have bought tickets two years in a row and have yet to see a complete race for no reason other than than NBC's pig headed stupidity.
You're not going to avoid it, but you CAN give yourself a bigger window to get the race in. You have three things at work here; A track without lights, a track that is extremely susceptible to standing water which must be cleared away, and an event that REALLY needs to be completed on the scheduled day, much more so than ANY other race on the schedule. Why continue to ignore REAL issues and keep trying to force the square peg through the round hole? Maybe NBC would like to reimburse the fans that have bought tickets two years in a row and have yet to see a complete race for no reason other than than NBC's pig headed stupidity.
Tell ya what. When the scheduling comes out. Why don't you at that point do your griping about start times and the weather. It would be much more impressive instead of 20 20 hindsight all of the time. People would take you serious then.
Tell ya what. When the scheduling comes out. Why don't you at that point do your griping about start times and the weather. It would be much more impressive instead of 20 20 hindsight all of the time. People would take you serious then.
I've been bitching about late starts ever since the practice began YEARS ago. Sorry you haven't kept up.
A comparison would be like a church that decides to have a picnic a month in advance. They get all of the announcements out, people come, the tables are set and it starts raining. So everybody blames the Church because it rains. How freakin nutz is that? Why they should have had adequate draining, my feet got wet, Moved it up an hour because of the rain (they should have known it was going to rain). Some people are f'n nuts.
A comparison would be like a church that decides to have a picnic a month in advance. They get all of the announcements out, people come, the tables are set and it starts raining. So everybody blames the Church because it rains. How freakin nutz is that? Why they should have had adequate draining, my feet got wet, Moved it up an hour because of the rain (they should have known it was going to rain). Some people are f'n nuts.
No, the analogy would be having the picnic an hour before dark, when you could have had it in the middle of the afternoon. Also you probably have the option to move the picnic inside if you HAVE to. If Chicago had lights, I wouldn't be arguing ANY of this, but since they don't, you have to pull your head out of your butt and realize that yes, it MIGHT rain. Did last year teach them ANYTHING?
No, the analogy would be having the picnic an hour before dark, when you could have had it in the middle of the afternoon. Also you probably have the option to move the picnic inside if you HAVE to. If Chicago had lights, I wouldn't be arguing ANY of this, but since they don't, you have to pull your head out of your butt and realize that yes, it MIGHT rain. Did last year teach them ANYTHING?
LOL. the wet tires came in handy both places eh?
Exact same stuff lmao. OK Andy. Literally rubbed his door
They had a talk, voices were not raised and they were done with it...but drama can always be counted on by certain ones. lol. I posted Suarez apologizing for hitting Elliott too hard, but some will ignore that completely because chaos and drama.
I have no issue with NBC wanting to have the IndyCar and NASCAR races back to back. That is good programming in my opinion. What I don’t understand is why NASCAR wasted an entire hour between the end of the IndyCar race at 3:45 EDT and the scheduled 5:00 EDT (4:00 CDT) start time for the cup race? There was plenty of time for all the other events and non-race activities to happen. If they start the race at 4:00 EDT or even 4:30 EDT, that gives them a larger safety net to get the race in while knowing they have a hard end time and no possibility of coming back to finish the next day. You don’t have to be able to envision the weather in advance to be able to plan for more time to make sure you get the show in.
I have no issue with NBC wanting to have the IndyCar and NASCAR races back to back. That is good programming in my opinion. What I don’t understand is why NASCAR wasted an entire hour between the end of the IndyCar race at 3:45 EDT and the scheduled 5:00 EDT (4:00 CDT) start time for the cup race? There was plenty of time for all the other events and non-race activities to happen. If they start the race at 4:00 EDT or even 4:30 EDT, that gives them a larger safety net to get the race in while knowing they have a hard end time and no possibility of coming back to finish the next day. You don’t have to be able to envision the weather in advance to be able to plan for more time to make sure you get the show in.
Probably because if the Indycar race ran long they had a reasonable time to get the race in.
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Probably because if the Indycar race ran long they had a reasonable time to get the race in.
I’m going to assume you don’t recall what NBC did just 2 weeks ago when the cup debacle at New Hampshire was going on while IndyCar had live racing in a scheduled timeslot that got pushed to Peacock. NBC couldn’t care less about televised coverage of a single lap of that IndyCar race, and they wouldn’t have yesterday either. “Stay with us on Peacock to catch the finish of IndyCar at Mid-Ohio! Now to the Streets of Chicago for the NASCAR Cup Series right here on NBC.”
I’m going to assume you don’t recall what NBC did just 2 weeks ago when the cup debacle at New Hampshire was going on while IndyCar had live racing in a scheduled timeslot that got pushed to Peacock. NBC couldn’t care less about televised coverage of a single lap of that IndyCar race, and they wouldn’t have yesterday either. “Stay with us on Peacock to catch the finish of IndyCar at Mid-Ohio! Now to the Streets of Chicago for the NASCAR Cup Series right here on NBC.”
I’m with ya. NBC hasn’t been shy about throwing IndyCar on USA, CNBC, MSNBC and Peacock in the past so I didn’t buy they cared about IndyCar yesterday. Agree 100% an earlier start time for these races couldn’t hurt as it does give more time in case weather pops up and while obviously none of us can predict the weather or control it I don’t see a downside in allowing yourself more time. Now saying this it’ll probably come down in buckets at Pocono this weekend with a reasonable start time of 1:30 pm so what the hell do I know.
I have no issue with NBC wanting to have the IndyCar and NASCAR races back to back. That is good programming in my opinion. What I don’t understand is why NASCAR wasted an entire hour between the end of the IndyCar race at 3:45 EDT and the scheduled 5:00 EDT (4:00 CDT) start time for the cup race? There was plenty of time for all the other events and non-race activities to happen. If they start the race at 4:00 EDT or even 4:30 EDT, that gives them a larger safety net to get the race in while knowing they have a hard end time and no possibility of coming back to finish the next day. You don’t have to be able to envision the weather in advance to be able to plan for more time to make sure you get the show in.
For sure, it’s rare that IndyCar needs the full 2.5-hour TV window to get the entire race in. In yesterday’s case, they were able to get some good post-race coverage in and cut from Mid-Ohio to Chicago ahead of schedule. I don’t think this was to create a cushion in case the Indy race went long.

Chicago is NBC’s biggest race of the year, and the hour-long scheduled pre-race show and ensuing green flag time (running into primetime) reflect that. The late start time was the case last year too, when they scheduled Senior Tour golf in the early slot. Unfortunately they’ve found out the hard way that you’re playing with fire when you have only a shade longer than a 4-hour window to get the race completed, through weather and all. Assuming this becomes TNT’s tentpole event next year, they’ll have a lot more programming flexibility and hopefully more sense to go with it as well. The ticket holders deserve to see a full race here at some point.
Actually gotta add in Bubba now. He better get suspended for that.

I actually agree with that. On a cooldown lap with the window net down to put a guy into the wall? That could’ve been very very bad as he’s waiving to the crowd. I understand a shot to the rear bumper but he went too far
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I’m going to assume you don’t recall what NBC did just 2 weeks ago when the cup debacle at New Hampshire was going on while IndyCar had live racing in a scheduled timeslot that got pushed to Peacock. NBC couldn’t care less about televised coverage of a single lap of that IndyCar race, and they wouldn’t have yesterday either. “Stay with us on Peacock to catch the finish of IndyCar at Mid-Ohio! Now to the Streets of Chicago for the NASCAR Cup Series right here on NBC.”
Huh? NBC broadcast the Indycar race before Nascar Chicago. NBC sets the broadcast times. You probably need to look at ratings numbers between Nascar and Indycar. BTW Nascar gets it's fair share of station bumping, mostly from stick n ball programming running long.
You're not going to avoid it, but you CAN give yourself a bigger window to get the race in. You have three things at work here; A track without lights, a track that is extremely susceptible to standing water which must be cleared away, and an event that REALLY needs to be completed on the scheduled day, much more so than ANY other race on the schedule. Why continue to ignore REAL issues and keep trying to force the square peg through the round hole? Maybe NBC would like to reimburse the fans that have bought tickets two years in a row and have yet to see a complete race for no reason other than than NBC's pig headed stupidity.
^^^ Is this guy EVER happy?
My bonehead goes to Bubba. It’s not unusual for drivers to be mad at each other but Bubba seems at another level. I think he needs professional help to overcome this rage.
After Bubba got married he seemed to be a bit more mellow and I thought with a baby on the way he'd become even more level headed but now I'm not too sure.
You bitch so much its hard to Keep up
Well, as I have told more than one person, "If you don't like being criticized, stop being so damn stupid!"


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Well, as I have told more than one person, "If you don't like being criticized, stop being so damn stupid!"
Well playa, I don't think NASCAR or NBC need advice from a "former Jackman" who has no actual experience in the NASCAR Cup series. Jacking up a car on pit road with a ten minute time limit in the ASA Series doesn't qualify you as an expert.
Well playa, I don't think NASCAR or NBC need advice from a "former Jackman" who has no actual experience in the NASCAR Cup series. Jacking up a car on pit road with a ten minute time limit in the ASA Series doesn't qualify you as an expert.
There was no 10 minute limit when I was doing it. Hot pit stops just the way God intended, and until 2003 no requirement for helmets and fire suits except for fuelers either.
Bitching after the fact I guess you could call criticism? It accomplishes nothing.
Just because you weren't listening doesn't mean I haven't been saying it for years. If anybody with the IQ of a houseplant was calling the shots, all tracks without lights would have a scheduled start time no later than 2 PM. If the TV networks don't like it, tell THEM to pay for the lighting system.
Just because you weren't listening doesn't mean I haven't been saying it for years. If anybody with the IQ of a houseplant was calling the shots, all tracks without lights would have a scheduled start time no later than 2 PM. If the TV networks don't like it, tell THEM to pay for the lighting system.
That's great in your little fiefdom, but what about the city or TV wanting a later date and in TV's case they are paying the bills.
Ya see how easy it is to blow away the idea when life gets in the way, instead of 20/20 hindsight?
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